Chapter 4: Kick His Arrogant Ass All The Way To Antarctica

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Sam's POV:-

It's a black shirt morning.

I watch as Max slyly shifts closer to the girl, he was laughing with. It's none of my business, but I felt the urge to warn him that the girl he was talking to, had shaved her ex's head. But then I remember what a jerk he has been, and think, "He could use a shinny bald head."

He says something like "Oh.." with a smirk, putting his hand into his pocket. Sleeves were rolled till elbows. Even in this loose shirt, I could make out the enormous muscles. Usually they are on display, looking spectacular in his t-shirts, that are well fitted on top and pool down at his waist. 

"Hey Sam."

"Hi, Dave," I smile. Dave sat beside me in my first class, and we got off pretty well. He was sweet, polite and I could proudly say, we've become friends. I suck at making friends. In high-school, I just hung out with a bunch of popular girls, who were all cheer-leaders and liked to have me around them as their cute little 'Bff'. But they were in no sense, actual friends.

 All they did was complain and whine about boys and their weight, never bothering to ask me, how I was doing. Me being me, listened to them all and consoled them trying to cheer them up. Yes, I'm a people pleaser.

I hate myself sometimes. 

But being around them had it's own perks. I got to say I'm doing study-nights at home, and sneak off to a party. Boys flirted with me, though I didn't know if it was for me, or to make any of my friend jealous. But again, I'm not complaining. As long as I got to stare at a pretty face, and play word-battle, I'm set.

It did sting, when none of my so-called friends, had the decency to call me before I left for college. But fuck them, I'm at a better place, and I have the opportunity to carve a better life, away from all the twisted shit in my life.

"How have you been?" Dave questions, running a hand through his honey-blonde curls. He was definitely on top of my cute list. A little part of me had developed a crush on him, not that I believed I stood a chance with him.

"Pretty good. I'm finally getting a chance to meet Mr. Benjamin Short, to discuss my paper with him," I say excited.

"That's wonderful. He's a tough guy to meet, considering he's the Head of Department," he points out. I give a nervous nod, feeling like I could pee myself right now. Meeting teachers, be it Head of Department or a simple substitution one, is always intimidating.

"So, I was wondering, if you would like to go for a dinner with me," he asks.

"Yeah sure," I shrug. "We can go after our class."

"I don't think, you're not getting the right picture," he says quickly. I look at him confused. "I meant, like a date," he suggests.

"Oh.." I say in realization. "Oh," I smile. "Yes, I would like that," I admit shyly. He gives me a wide grin, "Great, I'll pick you up at eight?"

I nod, and give him my address before he went for his lecture.

"You should order something with calcium in it."

I turn around to look at Max, who was casually leaning against a wall. "What?"

"Calcium," he confirms. "It's good for your bones, and who knows you might even grow taller." Another involuntary growl escapes my throat. I felt like an animal around this boy, always snapping and growling.

"So where's Mr. Uniball taking you for dinner?"

"Why do you care?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Don't make this about you," he mocks. "I myself, am looking for a date place."

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