Chapter 13: I Find You Very A-Dough-Rable

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Max's POV:-

"I'm in the corner... The other corner, you fucking moron," I snap irritated.

"My bad," Luke mutters, and then continues to almost drowns himself.

"Luke, we made this kingdom! What is the matter with you?" Ian cries horrified. Ian, is another best friend of mine from school. We three were playing Minecraft.

"Nothing," Luke replies. "I lost my controller, so I have to use the keyboard. Give me a sec."

"Yeah whatever," I dismiss. "But Luke, tell me, what do you think?"

"How bout a pizza hut?" Ian chips in.

"Dude, this is not another one of my girls," I explain patiently. "I like this one. I want to show her, I'm serious."

So, I finally asked Trolley, out on a proper date. She was advising me over something about, herbal serums for cerebral development, when I asked her if she would give me a detailed regimen over dinner. It took her a second to understand what I was implying, but oh boy, did I love the blush that colored her face.

"How about somewhere near a chapel?" Ian suggests casually. "That way after dinner, you both can get married."

"Ian, I'll fly over there, and punch you. I'm not even joking," I angrily press the buttons. There are chances, that I'm feeling nervous about this whole thing. 

"Take her to a restaurant Max," Luke finally responds. "Just a simple one, so she doesn't feel too swamped on the first date. She's not the person to get impressed by fancy places, or cars. So just keep it simple, and be a gentleman. Has always worked for me."

"Yeah, cause you are, in reality, a gentleman," Ian snorts.

"I'm also a gentleman," I frown. Ian laughs so loud, that I had to take off my headphone.

"Luke, I can bet a thousand bucks, that during his date, Max will be wondering what's the color of his lady's nipples?" Ian cackles.

Hmm, Sam's nipples.

I start feeling hot, and something stirs in my pants.

Not now Maxie.

"Fuck guys, I'm going to screw this," I groan dismayed. There are more laughs from Ian. Bastard, was really enjoying this.

"Max relax," Luke speaks up. "She already knows, you are an asshole. So seeing you, trying to be nice, will be enough for her."  I feel oddly reassured, and my confidence leveling up.

Tonight, it will be boyfriend Max. Trolley wouldn't recognize the new, upgraded, ultra-charming Max. Prince of Yorkshire, ain't got nothing compared to the Gentleman Max. Nobody got anything, compared to Gentleman Max.

"Got it. Ciao boys. Your pal has a girl to charm," I smirk determined.

"Max wait," Ian says hurriedly. "Bash your bishop, before the date." Luke laughs loudly, vigorously voicing his agreement.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Oh, trust me bro," Ian grimly replies. "We all do stupid things, when we're horny."

"Whatever," I switch everything off, and go into the bathroom.


I message Sam telling her, I was waiting in the foyer. All my previous confidence was melting away. I shuffle around restless, cause I really did not want to mess this up. And I don't think, Trolley will be too keen in giving me second chance. With a deep breath, I focus on the first main task. Compliment her dress.

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