Chapter 19: I'm Sure The Caterpillar Will Be Busy Boinking His Lady Friend

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Sorry guys I took so long to update. My empty life was suddenly full of shit, and I had to put on my big girl pants and deal accordingly. Hope you all still remember me. Please read this update. Thank you. I love you. Umwaah.

Max's POV:-

"I just don't understand why pale skinned, leech-mouthed, vampires?" my shoulders rise in annoyance. "Is this obsession with vampires the reason why all girls are so blood sucking?"

"No, we just get bored of salads, so we prey on jock brain," Trolley replies blankly.

"I'm not a joc-"

"C'mon Max, by now you should have owned it," she snorts, moving pillows around her.

"Don't forget you are dating this jock," I scowl in the phone, partly irritated because her video kept getting disturbed due to her fluffy bed. 

"Yes, that is because I couldn't find a vampire," she sighs and rolls over her back, disarranging her entire phone. 

"Trolley, I can't see you," I complain. 

She lazily picks up the phone, and holds it above so I could see her. I mentally groan, because I wanted to get in that bed with her. She would be my personal, bedtime, soft toy. I wonder how Trolley feels about leather..

Yesterday, Sam went to the salon with her mom to get a haircut. Now her long hair, is a little shorter than before and falls around her in jagged steps. Neatly trimmed bangs covered her forehead. She looked very cute. My only problem was that, I wanted to see it in person. Last night she couldn't stop chattering about her haircut, and kept showing it to me from different angles making me more miserable. Maybe it wasn't the hair, maybe it was her flushed face and bright eyes. I don't understand, but all I know is that a stupid video call is not enough.

Right now, she's laid back on her bed adjusting her bangs. "My Twilight obsession phase was over pretty early," she continues, playing with strands of her hair. I knew she wasn't looking at me but was focused on her own video. I was also focused on her video. Who's looking at me?


She looks at me startled. I smile innocently, "You were saying?"

"Attention whore," she mutters under her breath, making me want to strangle her through the screen. "I was saying," she huffs out dramatically, rolling around again to lie on her tummy. This time her brown hair tumbles over her shoulder and pool on the bed. One thick lock slyly falls right in the middle of her chest, blocking my view to her pretty cleavage. 

Stupid, fucking, hair...

C'mon Max, be a gentleman, my sub-conscious begs me.

This gentleman stuff will kill me from desperation. I blink and focus on what she's saying. 

"It's not the vampire's gorgeous looks," Trolley keeps explaining, oblivious to how alluring she's looking. "I mean, yes, oh my God, they are hot," she gushes, pressing a palm to her chest. "But it's the concept of love that lasts forever, that swoons most girls. The thought of someone loving you, even after death, for eternity, is quite a catch," she laughs dryly, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear revealing small, golden, hoop earrings.

"Aww, Trolley," I coo. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll find some pathetic bloke to love your undersized carcass after death."

"I knew, I shouldn't have bothered explaining to you," she tries to frown, but looks away to chuckle silently. Fuck.

It's things like these, that make me feel things. I miss having her beside me. Her soft flush, her playful pout that I am allowed to kiss away, her soothing lavender perfume.  When Trolley laughs, she either grabs my hand or squeezes my thigh. So damn adorable..

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