Chapter 8: I Could See Paris Over His Big Head

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Sam's POV:-

"What is he doing here?" I wonder to myself. 

"He's a complete asshole. Him and his friends. I hope he embarrasses himself," Dave says resentfully. I shift uncomfortably, not liking this bitter side of him. Someone was explaining the drafts to Max, telling him from where to begin.

Five minutes in, I knew he was the Romeo. The audience were spellbound. Hell, the judges were spellbound.  Max had a deep voice, that resonated within the walls, engulfing you like rich velvet. None of the other boys matched his baritone or physique. He was tall, broad shouldered, with a slim waist, possessing the elegance and grace of a true royalty, but the correct amount of underlying mischief that would suit Romeo's character. Admittedly he was a little too gigantic for the role, but I really don't think anyone would protest.

My mouth fell open, when I saw the passion with which he delivered the lines. The overhead lights were dim, casting shadows across his sharp facial features, casting him a divine look. I heard a girl behind me pant so fucking gorgeous

After finishing, Max does a cheeky bow and walks off stage. Even his stride was arrogant and powerful, like he knew what effect he has on everybody. I watch sourly as he winks at the stage assistant. Sighing, I turn my attention to Dave. He looked broken. Poor boy probably realized, that the part was never going to be his.

"Hey, wanna get some pancakes?" I ask warmly. He gives me a grateful smile, and nods.


Dave was not completely out. He landed the role of Tybalt, Juliet's cousin. I was just happy that now, I have a friend to work with. A girl, named Tracy was Juliet. She was in the final year, a very pretty girl, with slender body and angelic face. All boys immediately developed a teenage crush on her, even Dave. I don't blame him, cause even I had quietly swooned when I first saw her. A big diamond rock sparkled on her ring finger. When the play practice was not going on, she would talk about her fiancé. 

Max was his usual self. His first reaction on seeing me on set was, "I don't think, there were micro-sized people in late 1500s." I had scowled at him and called him some childish names. Weirdly he looked relieved. Like 'thank God she's talking to me', which is extremely weird cause he himself didn't want to be my friend.

He had his daily doses of entertainment from my work. Time to time he would, hide my things. Yesterday, he kept my bag over one of the Greek pillars. I had to try three different chairs, before I could retrieve it. Once he hid my notebook that contained all my editing. Teacher thought I was slacking, and she made me stay back and write it all again. That evening was spent in me moping around, scratching out lines, secretly gawking at Max's arms who was also held back by the teacher for extra rehearsal, and playing Candy Crush on my phone.

I have so far hit him with a wooden sword, tried to razor shave his head and attempted to drown him in the fake water fountain. 

Dave and Max really didn't get along. They actually loathed each others presence on the stage, making the play more realistic. I kept an eye on the swords, not trusting either of the boys to switch it with a real one and finish off each other permanently. Thankfully Dave's part wasn't too much, so they weren't around each other all the time.

"I swear to God, I'll be dead by the time this play is over," I groan slumping into Becca's bed. 

"What happened?" she asks.

"Max lifted me, without my permission, and put me on top off Juliet's cupboard. I had to draw a really graphic image of his murder, to get him to set me down," I scowl. She laughs.

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