Chapter 7: "Trolley Could You Enunciate Properly?"

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Sam's POV:-

"Choking death grip," I growl, undoing my belt. This morning in a state of hurry, I had fastened my belt too tight. Now, you must be asking, why hurry? Well that's cause I stayed up late studying. Why did I stay up late? Well that's because it's exam time, and I am really nervous.

I drop the belt on the ground, far away from me, and lean against a car to breathe easy. The parking lot was deserted because students had already gone in. My jeans were a little loose, so I'll have to put the belt back on again.

"Eek! Snake!"

I turn around bewildered. Max was looking at my belt on the ground, wide-eyed. And he was clutching the side of the car, ready to climb on the small vehicle with his humongous body. It was a thin black belt, with a silver buckle. I step forward, and pick it up, "It's a belt."

He looks at me confused, then realized what happened and rubs his nose. "Yeah, I knew," he coughs. "I was just... uhem... I was.." He looks away flustered.

"Max, are you scared of snakes?" I ask, unable to stop teasing.

"Everybody is," he snaps. "Don't talk like you lick snakes for breakfast."

"I don't. But considering your... size," I make the biggest circle my small hands could manage. He scowls at me. "You should not be afraid of tiny, thin, snakes," I tut.

"Shut up. They are poisonous and quick," he frowns.

"Still, you're a sissy," I grin. Not that he needs to know, but I once wet my pants when I was six, because I saw a green garden snake.

"I'm not," Max crosses his arms defensively, his muscles flexing unconsciously. 

This is the first time I've properly seen, him since almost two weeks. Ever since that dream, I've been on high alert so I don't run into Max. But I didn't have lookout much, cause he barely attended any classes the last few days. I caught glimpses of him here and there, but he was always in a hurry. Dave told me that soccer tryouts were being held. I'm pretty sure it's because of that. Firstly, cause he looked like a person who's extremely into sports. Secondly, cause I once saw him running around in a soccer jersey.

"I didn't know you were able to shriek like a girl, besides your regular donkey bray," I comment, putting on my belt again. Like a gentleman, Max's eyes never stray away from my face.

"If anyone asks, there were seventy, venomous, rattlesnakes and a black panther."

"Black panther? In a parking lot" I snort, walking away.

"C'mon Sam, don't tell anyone. I'll give you fifty dollars," he tries to tempt me.

"Oh yes, now I'm convinced," I say in a fake-voice.

Max clasps my tiny paws into his giant hands. "Trolley, my reputation is at stake here." My heart races at how, my hand is snuggled between his. He's not even realizing it, but he's squeezing my hands so sweetly, that I feel shivers running down my spine.

I shake away his hand, and step back, "Whatever."

Max gives a dimpled grin, "I always knew, you were lovely person."

"On our first encounter, you called me Luggage Bitch," I scoff in disbelief, walking towards the entrance.

"Been reminiscing our first time, have you?" he asks amused. I roll my eyes. 

"But yeah, I still think you are the luggage bitch," Max shrugs. "Hey!" I snap at him annoyed. "I'm not a luggage bitch!"

"Whatever babe," he smiles goofily. It's such a playful smile, that I want to smile back. But then I remember what we're talking about.

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