Chapter 22: Kissing Burns 2 Calories Per Minute

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Sam's POV:-

"Good day, sir," I greet the watchman at boy's hostel with a polite smile. His face clouds with judgement, and he gives a suspicious nod. I bite my cheek and walk inside the grounds of boy's hostel.

Max had called me to his hostel. I remember the way and his room number from the time I had borrowed a shirt. He didn't say anything about coming to his room, but he always picked me up so I thought I'll be the courteous one today and meet him at his doorsteps. Treat my man like the king he is.

On my way over, I had stopped at the florist and bought one long stemmed rose. Blood red, with dewy petals and sweet scent. I snort when I imagine Max's reaction if I present it to him in my mouth. 

It was a nice Friday evening and Max was free from his tedious football sessions. He took football very seriously. Turns out he had a very specific plan for his future. He intended to graduate, then get drafted for NFL. His plans were more solid compared to my squishy unstable future, where I had no vision or goals. I had no idea what I wanted to do. Well, I like the stream that I chose but after that I am blank.

Upon entering the hostel, I wish I had thought it through. There were more guys in the corridor than I could have expected. Half naked, perched on the railings, joking among themselves. I hide the rose inside my jacket. Some ignore me, but the rest watch me as if they had never seen a girl before. The ones who didn't notice me were nudged in their stomach. I felt like tugging down my dress to cover my knees. At the end of the corridor I spot a familiar lean figure.

"Wil!" I say in relief. 

The tall guy smiles at me. He was standing and talking to three other guys and a girl who I thought was a guy because of her short hair. I wish I was the type of girl who had enough confidence to talk to four guys, and sit on a railing with them. 

"Hey, Sammy. Wassup?"

"I'm looking for Max," I answer, trying to hide my nervousness. Last time these corridors were empty. Now that they are bustling with life, I didn't understand where to turn.

"Oh, so he doesn't hate you now," Wil teases. I wince. He laughs. "Go up the stairs, and turn right. It's the room with the black door," Wil instructs. "Want me to accompany you?"

"No, I'll be okay," I say, more to myself. "Bye, and thanks."

Max has a terrifying scowl when he opens the door. It softens into faint surprise on seeing me. I notice the phone in his hand. He opens the door wider for me before scowling again and walking into his room.

"No, mom. That is not how it's done. The man is nuts if he is asking that much money for a minor repair. Would you please go to Hank? He will fix the car and he knows...." 

I get in, and close the door. The room is as dirty as ever. I smother a shiver when I see the glint of a beer bottle under Noah's bed. The empty bottle was lying on a sock. Noah's laptop was open on his bed but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Okay. Call me if anything else happens," Max mutters and hangs up. I offer him the rose. He takes it and looks at me in question. 

"What? Who gave this to you?" his face immediately darkens.

"Nobody," I frown. "I got it for you." His brows lift high.

"You don't like flowers?"

"No... No, I mean, yes. Yes, I like them," he answers absently, rubbing a petal between his thumb and index finger. "It's just... unexpected," he says amused, still looking a little baffled. I return a pleased grin.

"Sorry, I'm not ready yet," he says moving things off his bed to make space. He puts the rose on his shelf. "My mom called, and I lost track of time. Give me two minutes." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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