Chapter 15: I'm Like The Buddha's Accomplice

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Max's POV:-

"Alexander Smith," Alex steps too close to my Trolley to shake hands. "My name is Alexander Smith. And dear madam, you and I are going to be very good friends."

I watch how Trolley and Alex look at each other with the same devious smile. "Okay, enough of this," I step in between them, pushing back Alex and again putting my arm around Trolley. "I'll do the proper intro." Alex opens his mouth to stop me, but I push him back further.

"Baby, this is Alex, the asshole," I say to Sam. Her eyes widen when I say, "His pathetic life was dry like a constipated octogenarian's diaper-"

"Dude, what the fuck!"

"-so he stuck to me like an ink stain and declared himself as my best friend." I gave a sunny smile to Alex, who looked like he chewed a bug.

"I wish your dad had flushed you in the drain," he scowls. Trolley snorts a laugh beside me, which made Alex give me a triumphant look that said, 'See, I can make your girl laugh better.' I mouth a Fuck you, to him.

"So Alex, did you like the play?" Trolley asks, breaking our stare-off.

Alex once again smiles at her, "Yes, I very much did. This dumbfuck can surprisingly act well, but the main attraction was, without doubt, your Juliet."

"Tracy," Sam informs.

Without missing a beat, he replies, "Don't care about the name, just tell me her game."

"She's engaged," I say blankly. "Happily engaged."

"How do you know?" Alex retorts. "Did you already give it a try?"

I know he's teasing, but Sam stiffens slightly. Alex notices too, cause he looks at me in alarm. I give him a warning look before replying, "No, I had more pressing matters. Like charming a Thumbelina off stage," I glance at Sam. She punched my arm but looked more at ease. I'll have to ask Trolley what's the matter with Tracy. I thought she liked her.

"Let's go to eat," I put my arm around Sam's shoulder. "I'm famished."

"Is everybody from your school this tall?" Trolley questions quietly when Alex attends a call.

"No. You've met two of my tallest friends. Alex is the tallest; next is Luke. Then comes me."

"You appear taller than Alex sometimes because of your," and she does signals around her shoulder, looking at my chest. "Thank you," I bite back a laugh.

"Trolley, pick the restaurant," Alex encourages.

"Please don't call me Trolley," she groans.

"Sorry. Max always refers to you that way. My bad," Alex chuckles.

"Aww babe, is it because only I'm allowed to call you that special name?" I pinch her cheeks.

"Max, I hate that name! It's bad enough you call me that. I don't want more people knowing," she whispers, embarrassed.

"I think it is cute. Very cute," I affirm, looking at her mouth. She almost smiles. Almost. But of course, the fucker had to open his mouth.

"Sam, don't get fooled by his charming talks," Alex chirps in, putting his hand around my girl who curiously listens to him. "A girl once asked him to take her to Paris, and he replied like fucking Richard Gere, Honeybunch, you are Paris."

"Smooth," Sam glances at me, amused. I was not liking this weird dynamic between her and Alex, so I did the mature thing and wedged myself between them.

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