Chapter 18: Go, Or I'll Get Into The Covers With You

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Sam's POV:-

"Good morning, Trolley." A soft whisper curls around my ear. I frown and dig deeper into my pillows, rolling the blankets around me. The voice sounded familiar; I vaguely remember it being the last thing I heard before sleeping. And that name.. I know someone who calls me by-

"Oh my God, Max!" I sit up in a jerk, clutching my covers in horror. "What are you doing here!"

Max is crouching beside my bed, very amused. I am extremely aware of the fact that, I don't have my bra on and my tank is really soft.

I am going to kill Becca!

"Hey," he smiles happily at my appalled face, and flops down on the bed across my legs. "Don't hey me," I snap, my voice rough from sleep. Through the covers, I poke his side with my feet. "What are you doing here so early?" I hiss, when he lies down, crossing his hands behind his head.

"I got up too early this morning," he shrugs studying my ceiling. "And I didn't feel like working out. So I thought I'll pick you up and we could have a little date before we board our flight," he glances at me.

I blink surprised, "That's such a good idea. You could've called me earlier, then I would have gotten ready by now."

"And miss a chance to see you drool over your pillow?"

"I do not!" I gasp making him laugh. 

"I also knew, if I called you early in the morning, you would reject me for sure, saying Max it's too early to get up. I want to sleep," he whines in a weird high-pitch sound. 

"Is that supposed to be me," I ask blankly. Although, he wasn't wrong. I would have done that.

"You can always sleep in the flight, Trolley," he props up on his elbow. I pull my covers higher glaring at him. "Your hair looks nice like that," he smirks. I don't understand if he's teasing or appreciating, but nevertheless I pat it down making him frown. I hide my yawn behind my hand. 

"Go get ready," he squeezes my calves through the covers. I groan lazily, begging him for two more minutes of sleep. "Go," Max repeats. "Or I'll get into the covers with you." This line got me up and running into my bathroom.


"Hey babe, do you want muffins for breakfa-"

I turn around startled. Max is frozen at the door, his lips parted. 

So the thing is, I usually have to jump a little to pull up my jeans. And today because of morning date excitement, I might have jumped a little too energetically. My boyfriend, just witnessed that. 

Fuck my life..

Max takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry for barging in, but.." and then he starts laughing so loud that my eyes shut in grimace. His mouth curves upwards, the dimples stretch into lines. His shoulders shake because he can't hold back every laugh that emerges from his throat. My face is getting warm for whole other reasons now. 

"Do you do that everyday?" he gasps, his eyes still glittering with mirth.

"No, absolutely not!" But my reddening face gave away my lie making him laugh more. "Max stop it," I plead, going closer to hit his stomach. He stops the tormenting guffaws, but keeps chuckling now and then. 

"Today is the such a good day," he sighs, looping his fingers in the hooks of the waistband and pulling up my jeans. "Jump again for me, Trolley?"

"Ugh, you are horrible," I scream, slapping away his hand. I push his laughing face out my room, and lock the door. 

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