Chapter 9: Who're You Calling Anal?

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Sam's POV:-

To my surprise, Max says, "Well, some things are meant to be hidden." And then he puts his hands around my waist, pulling me closer. My body reacts shockingly at the sudden contact. His hand burns through my shirt, and I curl my toes in my shoes, to relieve some pressure. My side is getting singed from his warm body. I force myself to look confident, and smile.

Natalia laughs brightly. "It's lovely to meet you," she smiles at me. She was wearing a denim skirt, with yellow tank and a matching denim jacket. Hoop earrings, cat eyes, messy bun, deep pink lipstick and nail polish. She's really a head-turner.

Am I turning into a lesbian? First Tracy, now Lia?

"It's great to meet you too, Natalia," I return a nervous smile. "Call me Lia," she twinkles. I feel an immediate liking towards her dimpled smile. I wonder if it's because, I like Max's dimple.

"Ahem," Max gives a fake cough. "Where's my 'It's heavenly to finally see you big brother' ?" he raises an eyebrow at Lia, loosening his hand around me.

"My eyes, are blessed to rest upon you," she does a mock bow. Max firmly taps the top of her head, before scooping her into a hug. "I missed you, you freak," Lia mumbles rubbing Max's shoulder. Max has a fond smile, as he lets go of her. 

"Did you bring my extremely obsessive, and anal best friend ?" he asks, looking behind Lia. 

"Who're you calling anal?" a voice speaks from behind us. I never registered the new company, who was standing quietly behind us. The boy was taller than Max. Jesus, how tall do guys grow? I feel like a racoon next to a giraffe.

Max laughs loudly and grabs the guy in a bear hug, startling him a little. He lightly pats his back, smiling softly. "It's good to see you man," the guy says pleased. I never expected Max, who looks all tough and scary for most parts of the day, to be the hugging kind of person. 

"Luke, Max has a girlfriend," Lia sings from beside me. The boy raises his eyebrow by the tiniest fraction, and I want to say he looks surprised? It's hard to understand his poker face. He's really cute though. Brunette, with green eyes that are shielded by glasses. He's in simple navy jeans, a faded grey t-shirt with white horizontal stripes and white shoes. Not broad-shouldered like Max, but you can tell that he works out by looking at his biceps. He glances at me, looking at Max for confirmation.

Max sighs, "Trolley meet Luke. Luke, Sam. Sam, Luke." I give a weak wave, unsure what to say. How do I escape this situation? 

Luke nods at me, eyeing me curiously. "Trolley?" he looked amused. 

"Yeah, same question," Lia cheekily raises her hand. Before Max could open his big mouth, and tell everyone how I injured him, I speak up, "It's a stupid name, that he gave me." I say he, like someone would say nails scratching on blackboard.

 "I think it's cute," Max frowns. "It. Is. So. Not," I fume. Max returns my glare, stubborn with his statement.

"Wow," Lia coughs, to hide a laugh. Max turns his attention to Lia, "I thought you were coming next week?"

"Change of plans," she shrugs. Max was about to say something, but his eye catches something across the street.

"Luke, that's Travis," he says suddenly. Luke lifts his head and looks at the guy in boredom, "Travis, as in the guy who..." 

"Yeah," Max says grimly.

"C'mon Max. He looks like street cat, in tiger skin," Luke sighs, making Max laughs loudly. "Let's go give him a greeting," Max's eyes glint wickedly. Luke shrugs bored, looking as calm as ever. Like Max was not talking about, beating some guy up. Like Max was asking him to buy butter and eggs, for his triple fudge cake.

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