Chapter 11: Can I Look In Your Pants?

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Sam's POV:-

"Sam, wait here," Dave presses my shoulder. "The elevator is under repair, and I live on the fourth floor. I'll be, not more than just ten minutes."

"No worries," I smile, silently wishing I could run my hand through his hair. He picked me up for the party, but half way there he found out, he forgot his phone. I cross my arms, and look around if there's any place to sit. The sofa kept near the hostel warden's desk looked miserably damaged. Standing, it is.

"Hey Sam."

I turn around to see Noah. "Oh hey Noah!" I beam at him. I liked this boy. He was like a llama, cute and fuzzy.

"What're doing here?" he rocks on his heels. "Just waiting for Dav- I meant Daniel," I cough hastily. I remember Max telling me, how he and Dave once had a fight.

"You don't have to lie," he chuckles. "I know, you are friends with Dave. It's cool, as long as you don't become a fraud like him." I step back surprised, at the sudden hostile tone. He quickly smiles again to show me, he's not mad at me.

"You look pretty," he compliments. I blush and say thank you. I was wearing a skin colored, mini pencil skirt and, a dark blue, chiffon, sleeveless blouse. My hair was in a high ponytail. An outfit, designed, and appreciated, by Becca.

"Wil's calling you. Go," Max thumps Noah's back, appearing from mid-air. I cross my arms, and turn to face the other way, when Noah leaves. Max comes to stand in front of me, and I turn again crossly. Max doesn't give up.

"C'mon Trolley. Are you still mad at me, for punching that toe shaped berry?" he puts out a hand, to stop me from turning again. 

"You should not have done it," I bite, arms akimbo. "Sow-wee," Max sings playfully, happily checking me out.

"Hey!" I snap my fingers, in front of his face, making him look at me distractedly. "Max, violence is not an answer. I don't know what fight you had with Dave, or what world crushing problems you develop, but punching someone is never the answer. He could have been seriously hurt, you could have broken your knuckles. Plus you are setting a really bad example for others around you, when you yourself encourage this sort of- Max?"


"Max!" I clap my hands, making him snap out of his daze.

"Sorry, I can see your bra through this shirt. And it's really distracting," he frowns. Blood rushes to my face, and I cross my arms over my chest. "You pig! Do the decent thing and not look!"

"I'm sorry. I really couldn't help it," he blinks, and then starts laughing.

"Max it is, really offensive! And, its disrespectful to girls," I scold.

"Well, I only had this problem with you," he gives a fake-smile, and runs towards his friends who were calling him.

"You are a huge pig Maximus Anderson! I hope you rot in hell!" I scream at his back. He has enough gall to turn around, and give me a wink. The nerve of this boy, baffles me!


My head is pounding from the obnoxious music. It's not even dancing beats, but just insanely pointless rap music. Since I stepped into this party, I've heard bitch wanna fuck on me, at least 30 times. There are so many people here, that if I turn my head too fast, my ponytail might slap 6 different people.

In highschool I attended parties, to rebel against my parents. Now, I don't feel that urge, and yet here I am. My reason for this torture, has politely excused himself to go get some drinks. Wise enough, I had asked Dave for a canned drink, not wanting to get drunk in this wild atmosphere. But I guess, I'm the only sourpuss here, cause people around me seem to have a good time.

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