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helloooooo guys Bored here. I decided to publish the second chapter.

if you recognize the two in the image then... let's be friends!!!

now I'll let you to the story

enjoyyyyyyy and stay healtyyyyyyyyy.


3rd POV

It was early in the morning, and you could see a little boy waking up near a river surrounded by mana beasts looking at him curious by his pure Mana.

"Uhm the sun still didn't rise well"

Hades washed quickly, luckily Nhil taught him the basics of sewing so he didn't live naked for 10 years, still, he wasn't wearing something appropriate to walk among the people so he searched for some leftover silk that he had used to create some comfortable furniture during the years, thanks to his magic he could craft some clothes.

Hades changed his aspect with plain black hair and eyes, wearing the shirt he created together with some white shorts and sandals made from the skin of a magical beast he had killed long ago, and started his search for a village. Three hours later he found a village, breathing a sigh he walked into the village, there were a lot of people and a lot of little shops selling food, meat, small and cheap jewelry, and more.

' From what Nhil told me Magic is prevalent among the people of the Obelian Empire. While every human possesses magic, only select individuals are capable of wielding it. These individuals typically become warlocks and sorcerers, and the Obelian Empire established several laws to govern the use of magic. All magicians within the empire are required by law to register themselves, regardless of whether or not they work for royalty. Registering allows magicians to access official resources, such as high-class grimoires that contain classified information regarding magic, but I'll refrain from registering or showing that I can use magic, Nhil already provided me with knowledge known by no one and I'm planning on going away from Obelia so there's no use in making myself noted because of my ability at a young age'

While in thought Hades stopped at a big building with the writing 'Mercenaries guild' the sign with two swords and a shield indicating that it's the place he is searching for, once he entered Hades saw a lot of big men drinking or chatting, he walked directly to the counter luckily there wasn't a row, so he directly went to the woman behind the counter who looked at him like he was an insect, Hades just ignored her and put the bear skin on the counter that was taller than him. The woman looked surprised with her mouth open.

" B-brat where did you get this ?!"

All the attention was on them and that's a thing Hades wanted to avoid, so he glared coldly at the woman making here and everyone that was looking at the scene shiver.

" Listen if you want everything to go well give me my money and don't try to cheat me, or you'll die "

The woman nodded fiercely with a scared and pale face she took the skin and walked to a room behind the counter, a couple of minutes and she returned running she put on the counter a sack of money and began to apologize not daring to look at Hades in the eyes even if he was a 10-year-old boy. Hades just ignored her took his money and walked away. He then went to buy some clothes, since he received quite a lot of money and they were all golden coins meaning that he needed some change to buy cheap things. He went to buy a couple of simple but at the same time elegant and comfortable clothes and two black capes, he then went to an armory, he was ignored by the shopkeeper, but he didn't mind, he bought a simple long sword and two small blades looking in the shop he found a nice black metal that he brought to try to make a gun. Walking out he sensed that he was followed by two people, but he didn't sense killing intent nevertheless he noted that their sneaking skills aren't bad, so he went to a small, closed street to see what they wanted.

"Pss Virus what do we do now?" Said one of the two murmuring behind the wall.

" We have to approach him and then steal quickly his money, he's just a rich kid anyway and he doesn't have any knights with him "

'So, they wanted the money let's see their ability I have other plans for the two'

The two boys started running toward him, he easily evaded them, they started the attack again one of them used water magic creating a little ball of water while the other did the same thing but with fire, Hades smirked, they were quite talented they looked like they were 12 years old so using magic at this age and more importantly without a tutor is quite impressive. Hades created ice on their legs stopping them. They were surprised and were a little scared of the gaze of the kid they tried to attack.

" W-wait we are sorry-"

" Please let us go we will not do it again!"

Hades just smiled a little and turned to his cold face again, he pitied these kids they were abandoned and only had each other also seeing their talent and skill he could make good use of them.

" How about this, Let's make a deal "

" What type of deal?"

" And what do we win?"

"I'm not going to call the guards, and I'll feed you and you in change will become my servants"

The twins looked at each other, it wasn't actually a bad deal if they had something to eat they could survive and they didn't want to stay in prison for the rest of their life. They nodded to each other's and bowed down to Hades that had an indifferent look but was quite satisfied.

"We give our loyalty and life to you Master"

" Just call me Hades "

" Yes, Hades-sama !!" Said the two still bowing while smiling to their hearts content, Hades just ignored that and walked toward the market with the two following.

" Where are we headed Hades-sama?" Hades realized that he didn't know the names of the twins when he wanted to address them, turning around he saw that there wasn't a lot of difference between the two, no actually there was none but somehow Hades could recognize them.

"what're your names?"

" I'm Virus "

" I'm Trip," said the two smiling, Hades started to walk again in the crowded street heading toward the shop where he brought his clothes.

" I'm going to buy you some clothes I can't have my servants look bad "

The twins beamed more walking closer to Hades as much as possible. Entering the shop, the first thing that caught Hade's eyes was a man, he had dark black hair like those of Hades and his eyes were also dark, but Hades saw clearly the crystal dark eyes and immediately recognized the man.

Anastacius de Alger Obelia


For new and old readers,

I changed Hade's age to make it more normal he now is 10 years old disguised


The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.....

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