Beast Empire

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     Hi lovely readers
I wanted to ask you people crazy!?
  how are you reading this ff like it not half decent
But anyways thank yous for being here

Oh and is the fact that there isn't for now a lot of plot concerning Athy and Claude annoying?

Enjoy and stay healthy~


Hades POV

I woke up light hitting my face, making me scruch. Slightly opening my eyes and looking at where I was I slowly recalled what occurred yesterday.

I flushed feeling my ears and face heat up. Fu-

"Good morning Angel feeling any better, oh and the red in your face suits you~"

Apearimg in front of my face turned up was a floating Lucas.

"Good morning to you too"

I said as I slightly covered my face with my cold hand to calm the heat and relaxed. So know that he can read my memories then he knew that this world is...

"Right, it was a surprise that this world came up from a novel, manhwa or whatever, nonethless it's understandable maybe some seer from your world wrote what would have happened originnally, but I'm still unsure how you and the Obelian princess came to this world with memory intact, if I'd have to make a guess I would say that your spirits travelled here, how is the biggest question, curious truly"

"uh, that's the only thing you have to say about this aren't you going to talk with Anastasia or whatever?"

A slight discomfort overwhelmed me but I didn't gave it attention, it might be that the same thing that arose in Obelia is manifesting right now.

I saw a slight smirk coming across Lucas's face which faded right away, what does it mean?

"Nah, I'd rather stay with you, you seem more intresting, maybe when you'll visit them again I'll accompany you Angel~"

"*sigh* why would I go there again it was already a hassle going once and for now my time is limited"

Lucas shrugged and kept bugging me about my knowledge and past world as we made our way through the castle hallways going for the dining room where no one was present.

As we sat down the others came in together an eerie atmosphere coming from them... Must be from yesterday. I cleared my through to get attention on me and clear the awkward circumstance caused initially by me.

"I'm sorry for the trouble that I've caused all these years, I hope you guys can support my dumb actions  once again by letting me go to the Beast-man region"

As I finished talking silence fell again and when I was going to ask if there were any dilemmas Michael jumped on me making the chair under me tremble but not fall while he pulled my cheek.

"Ah what are we going to do with this troublesome kid who thinks he's an adult! Just because we let you be doesn't mean we aren't worried about you!"

He let my cheek go and stood to my side tall and mighty an exasperated smile on his face and eyes pointing at me. I heard the sound of chairs moving and Trip and Virus walked next to him like they were making a kinght oath.

"Hades-sama we are grateful for everything that you did, since you took us we only lived a good life and got to see that the choise we made the day we met was the best one in our lives. You've been and is an extraordinary leader, emperor, and  person, powerful and caring for his people so please take more care of your health!"

"Yes Hades-sama is the best person we could have hoped to meet so please as your best knight let me come with you to the beast-man Kingdom! I know that I've always been too bold but please accept my request or at least take someone with you for your protection!"

'They... care for me..'

A small smile appeared on my lips and I couldn't stop smiling, these guys..

"Thank you for your good words everyone I'll make sure to be more cautious Virus and I'll take Lucas with me Trip so once again I'll be letting Olympus in your hands Michael please take care of it and yourselvs of course"

"Yes your highness!"

"Everything for my son and sweets!"

Laugh echoed in the room as we looked at each other and then breakfast continued peacefully. After that I went to my room readying the things that could be needed for my travel, Lucas on the side with a smug smile as he knew I needed his help but I let him be.

After a quick detour to my office we went outside and bid goodbye to the others that would be staying in the castle. Riding the carriage Lucas sat next to me even thought there was more than enough space and slept carefree.

We decided after organizing the plan that we wouldn't teleport there, firt off because it would be souspicious and they probably have an anti-magic barrier and secondly because it would be too risky and without entering the main gate, the guards couldn't signal my presence to the king and that would only alarm everyone.

The plan was simple but quite efficace, but in case we had other plans. The main plan consisted in me and Lucas going under the guise of noble and his aide from Olympus we would disguise with magic and show ourselves as traitors, which hopefully will make us get inside their lines and get informations, it would be quite difficult in a short period but with the two of us, magic, and some credible lies there's a chance that things would get solved easly.

On the other hand if our cover blow up we'd simply spy on them fron the outside, we'd see if they have any weak link, which we'll convice to get information for us.

I'm still finalizing these two plans and have others in mind in case something gets wrong or I find an easyer solution to not make me and Lucas in a situation that could provoke harm or risk.

The carriage trembled slightly at the change of the path as we started getting closer to the gate. Two guards each side and the only carriage ahead of us moved inside.

"There wasn't any declaration that this carriage would get here, reveal yourself and your intentions for entering the city"

Lucas who was sleeping grumbled a little at the noise, but still kept his eyes closed tighly. I moved the curtain and faced the armor covered guard with my new appearence. Golden short curly hair and green eyes.

"Apologize good sir we're from the Blue steel family, a noble blacksmith house we came to the city for the ball that is prepared for tomorrow and are going to stay for business is that a problem?"

I smiled as I sneakly showed only him a pouch full of golden coins to which he extended his hand and hid the bag in his armor. With a light bow he let us pass.

"Sorry your lordship for not recognizing you please have a good stay~"

'tch corrupted guards huh'

Just as the curtains fell my smile faded and I slightly frowned to which Lucas poked me and I slightly slapped his hand.

Shall we destroy this Kingdom too?


Head-canon : Lucas dreamt of Hades past which caused him to grumble, if he had been with his angel he wouldn't let that happen!


Father forgive me for you know that I am always sinnin'
I take no interest partyin' with liquor fuckin' up my system
Excuse my language, that's the hangup on how shitty I been feelin'
I'm sorry I feel no attraction, I know that it's been a minute
'Cause I've been so alone for so long, oh, oh, oh

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