For me

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Hi there dear readers
this chapter strangely enough
contains serious Topics
for those who are struggling
if you need help or a hand ask for it
there is always someone available
and open-armed
don't surrender to your thoughts
and get anything out of your chest
I hope everyone is safe
-from your Lazy author <3

Third person POV

"sight, I see nothing changed since I went away I'm glad," said Hades as he got on his knee to pat two children's heads as they were running and playing in the town.

Olympia was nominated as the safest place in the world, the police could be found everywhere and each one of them was ready to sacrifice his life to protect the citizens. 

Hades walked around the capital center and observed the beautiful panorama, smiling merchants, soldiers walking in pairs talking with each other quite carefree but alert women walking around the market to buy food or look around without having to worry about anything and families touring around. 

In his past life, Hades would have liked- no loved to live in a society like this, but unluckily on the news every day, something horrible would be reported.  Somehow he's glad he got where he is today, at first it was for hate, but now he wouldn't dare put at risk his people's lives and happiness.

"So report to me Trip, what are the real circumstances inside the beast empire ?"

" I got some insider intel and it says that the beast-man empire has a backer, unfortunately, I didn't get any information about who it could have been" 

"I see, if they are confident enough to fight with us head on then their supporter isn't a simple one. *chuckles* interesting should I infiltrate to investigate myself?"


"Shush you're making too much ruckus, don't you see that we already have too much attention on us? don't worry I'm not planning on doing something rash.... yet" said Hades with a final smirk as he teleported both him and Trip to the castle, in front of them was the dining room entrance wide open, inside already sitting were Virus and Michael, Lucas nowhere to be seen.

As Hades and Trip took their places the maids started bringing food inside, and all of them trained assassins that made a magic vow of loyalty to never betray the Emperor, of course, if it occurred then they would be dead on the place.

Hades sighed once again at the absence of a certain magician, he wanted to ask him about the weird feeling he got when he was residing in Obelia, but perhaps it was for the better that he wasn't present he didn't want to think about the fact that he is now in the universe of a novel.

" I'm sure Trip filled you with what I told him, but there's a change of plans, I'm going to have to personally seek who are the new beast-man associates, of course I'm not planning to go alone, and neither with one of the presents, in case the situation is dangerous and we are at a point of a disadvantage I think we would have to ask aid from the Obelian empire to avoid heavy casualties, worst case scenario I'm going to accept their inquiries, but you know I don't think they could stop my death parade"

Silence echoed in the room and only the sound of platters and rattling silverwares could be heard.

"No objection then... I have no appetite so I'll retire to my office unless it's urgent don't call for me"

Hades stood up and heard in distance a couple of 'yes' he went hastily to his office, the room where he first met Lucas.

Hades PoV

Settling in the armchair I observed the blue starry sky from the floor-to-ceiling window, the big white moon in the middle of the sky illuminated the dark room.

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