Unexpected meeting

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Heyo lil reader!!

First of all I hope you're fine and healthy! Finally the principal arc started snd Hades met his real father ! how it went ? Read the chapter!

Stay healthy & enjoyyyy


Narrator POV

It took an entire day to get to the Obelian Empire and Hades was exhausted , he didn't get to sleep for a long time because he had paperwork and had to do his training . So when Felix and Hades arrived it was evening . Felix then accompanied Hades to his room and seeing that the boy was tired he didn't show him the castle but took him to the big Roman style hot tub so he could relax . Hades took this chance to relax a little from his royal duties and decided to relax in his stay at Obelia . First he went to his room to see what it looked like , it was smaller than his room in Olympus but still big enough . It has a big bed with red curtains two big windows that illuminated the room , a large golden candlestick, a big red sofa , two black couches decorated with gold and a gold wooden table and a door connected to a big bathroom. Hades not wanting to waste time went to the Roman hot spring and relaxed but because he was tired, so he let his guard down as no one would try to kill him and fell asleep.

Claude POV

I was in my office doing paperwork and suddenly Felix came in.

"What is it ?"

"S-sorry your majesty but the prince of Olympus has arrived "

"Hm so they sent their prince what's his name ?"

"Hades your majesty"

"I'm going to prepare I'll meet him later"

"Yes your majesty I'll call him when you are ready"

I went outside the office and went to the hot springs to relax a little before meeting the prince . I entered the room removed my clothes and soaked myself in the hot water , the room was foggy so I couldn't see well ,I closed my eyes to enjoy this little moment only for me to see a clear white thing in the water .'is it an assassination attempt ?' I closed the distance slowly staying in guard ready to use magic but when I was close enough to my surprise I was met with a sleeping white haired boy that seemed awfully familiar in someway. He was sleeping and from his face he seemed tired ,it shouldn't be an assassin , that stupid knight didn't tell me about the aspect of the prince so it's a high chance that this boy is him . The Worst possibility I'll just kill him for trespassing if he is not the prince or... I'll just keep him with me .

Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked at me , we kept eye contact for a while and nothing happened.

Hades POV

I felt a presence next to me so I opened my eyes ready to attack but I froze when my eyes met with cyan crystal ones. I just kept looking at him, trying not to lower my attention to a different part . For a while there was an awkward silence so I tried to interrupt it someway .

"Glory to the sun of the Obelian Empire, it's nice to meet you Your majesty Claude "

"...yes Prince Hades"

I stood up with my soaked towel covering my lower body and went toward the exit .

"If you excuse me now I hope we'll meet later"

I then escaped towards the door but heard a low "...wait" I didn't want to so I faked ignorance and went to my room .

An hour later I was invited to have some tea with Claude so I put some exotic clothes they are white and golden like Claude but the design is different . Exotic clothes were my favorite as Olympus became quite hot I created this brand-new type of clothes. They are comfortable elegant and easy to move with,in fact most of the time me and Michael put only those . Felix then knocked at my door to accompany me , just as he saw me he blushed and turned his attention somewhere else. While we were walking in the castle I saw a lot of maids and butlers blushing and talking about how hot and beautiful I was . I didn't really like all this attention so I just faked a smile and waved to them to not appear rude or mean and followed Felix .

We then arrived to a garden and I saw Claude sitting near a table under a big tree shadow . I nodded slightly and sat down in the chair in front of him . He continued to stare at me intensely but I couldn't figure out what he was thinking looking at his indifferent face , so I just looked at the table where there were a lot of cakes sweets and tea . I neither like tea nor sweets ,hopefully he doesn't force me to eat them saying that he'll kill the chefs.

"I'll introduce myself again my name is Hades and I'm the adopted prince of the Olympus Empire "

I looked at Claude to see his reaction and saw that his eyes widened a little before returning to his cold manner .

"What about your real family?"

'Might as well give him some hints'

"My mother.... probably died , I never saw her and I don't know who she is while my father didn't want me and wanted to kill me but I somehow survived"

Claude didn't comment and just kept looking at me , I saw a flash of pity in his eyes that made me want to laugh but I stopped myself and kept my calm.

"Your majesty doesn't have to worry about it now I have my new father and brothers"


"Yes they aren't blood related but we lived together for quite a while so they are like a family for me"

"it seems like you have a great relationship with them ."

"Yes your majesty "

"Call me Claude"

"... ok Claude"

Strange why is he getting this confident with me , does he somehow sees himself in me what a joke . I looked at his face and saw him smirk slightly before returning once again to his Stoic face and started drinking his tea.

'Claude de Alger Obelia It'll be hard for me to accept you'


Headcanon : Claude felt that Hades is familiar but didn't recognize him. He also liked his voice and wanted to hear his name getting called by the voice that he thought is 'charming'

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