Little princess

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Hey lil readers

I hope everyone is fine and that everything is ok,

I've been absent for a while so yeah, I'm hesitant on continuing this story but I'll see what I can do.

Anyway enjoy reading this chapter and stay healthy


Narrator POV

The sun was shining in the middle of the sky, blue clear sky without a hint of clouds birds singing and a Slight breeze of wind was present making a perfect day not too hot nor cold, someone could describe it as the perfect day but for Hades... Hell could be the only word to describe it.

He woke up, scared, shocked and petrified. Holding his head he hid between his legs, slight tears falling from his dark eyes, he didn't feel them as he was lost in his nightmare. It had been weeks, no years, since he had dreams or nightmares, but fate has been too kind lately. He dreamed of his mother, his past mother. A kind beautiful woman that seemed younger than her actual age, she was always abused by her husband, but her weak complex couldn't let her do a lot of things, there was no way she could go against her husband, but as her little baby was born she did whatever she could to protect him. When he started becoming conscious, he had to see his mother getting hit, screamed at and used like a slave for his sake, and that made him feel weak. At an early age he witnessed his mother getting killed by his own father, the sound of a gunshot ringing in his ears, the bullet passed in his mother head, blood and pieces of brain everywhere that made him freeze. Just to make it worse he had to clean it up himself by order of the father as he feared having the same end of the mother if disobeying, the most horrible thing is that his father faced no consequence as he was a high ranking General in the army.

The scene repeated on loop again and again the corpse of his mother looking at him directly in the eyes as blood continued to seep out of her head, he had forgotten, he had to forget, but it just came back like a storm haunting him for what it seemed like an eternity. Hades was trembling he felt cold with open eyes he could see his nightmare in repeating, and while he wanted to scream he couldn't, just mumbling on repeat how he was useless and sorry he was.

Without noticing the door of the room opened slowly, it was Anastacius that seeing the boy situation felt his heart for some unknown reason tightening, his eyes narrowed wondering what could have made Hades that way, so he could eliminate it. He walked closer and with the most gentle tone he tried calling him.

"Hades... Please look at me"

The boy slowly raised his head, a voice familiar to him, was that his hope to escape from his nightmare?. Anastacius looked at the dazed expression of the boy and the tears filling on his cheeks, his eyebrows wrinkled, he put slowly a hand on Hades cheek to not scare him and removed his tears. He felt a hand on his clothes tightening, so he hugged the boy that was trembling, At that moment it seemed the only way to calm him and make him at easy, not being in this situation he didn't know what to do so he relied on his instinct and heart and did his best to reassure him.

"don't worry I'm here, I'm with you Hades"

The two stayed like that for a while till Hades breathed normally and calmed down remembering that it was all in the past. He separated from Anastacius and stood up.

"Uh um thanks I have to go now"

Not waiting for a response, Hades teleported to his room and his thoughts flew back to Anastacius, making him turn into a blushing mess until he heard someone knocking at his door.

"Excuse me Prince Hades, His Highness is waiting for you to have breakfast"

Hades calmed down and looked at the door recognizing that it was Felix, he changed his clothes with a snap of his fingers and went to the bathroom to wash his face and then opened the door greeting Felix with a small smile and returning to his indifferent face. The two walked for a couple of minutes in a comfortable silence till they got to the lunchroom. Hades saw Claude sitting as the head of the table looking in his direction with his head on his hand, with eyes slightly closed tiredly but with a flash of expectation that went unnoticed to Hades. He walked and sat in front of him giving him a nod and the usual greeting, Claude just looked at him as if he wanted to say something which got Hades impatient.

"Your ma- *sigh* Claude, is there something you want to inform me ?"

"Yesterday you... never mind, I wanted to inform you that I'm going to take you around the castle"

'So he isn't going to tell me, and he's not even asking my opi-'

"That's if you'd like it of course"

Hades eyes widened slightly, did Claude the highly arrogant, selfish and proud emperor just asked for his opinion? Well yes but why?. The only conclusion that Hades could come up with was the fact that He was an important figure and a possible Allie for the Obelian empire, so Claude treated him respectfully, so he looked up and nodded and turned his attention to the food that he didn't touch, he drank some tea and didn't touch the food after all he couldn't eat with the image of his nightmare still lingering in his mind.

After a while the maids came to take away the food meanwhile Claude and Hades got up, the two walking slightly near each other with Hades maintaining distance and walking behind to Claude slight dismay and Felix following the two from far behind. While Claude was explaining here and there and talking about empire affair and how everything was going, with Hades asking some questions in regards, the three people arrived to a big garden.

It was really magnificent with bushed of beautiful roses of all colors big trees and a lot of flowers, Hades walked close to a dying rose that attracted his attention and knelt down to get closer, it was already dark nearly black making people think that it was dead, but Hades could see the small quantity of mana lingering on it trying to hang on his life Hades smiled and cured the flower making it turn into a big red rose.

'You really did a good job, little flower'

He got up and turned around to walk back near Claude, only to see him looking intently at him. Hades made a fake cough and turned around, only to be met with the sight of a little girl with golden blonde hair and crystal blue eyes munching on one of the golden statues.

"Oh my, this girl really resembles your majesty"

Hades walked toward Athanasia who was shocked by the sight of other people especially Claude, he crouched blocking her line of sight with Claude and put on a reassuring smile.

"Hello there, I'm Hades, how about you?"


Head-canon : when Athanasia saw Hades she thought that she was seeing an angel after dying on the spot because she made eye contact with Claude.

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