Boat ride

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welcome welcome to this new chapter hehehehehhe

enjoy & stay healty


Hades POV

I stood up walking through a corridor that brings to the throne room of the palace, passing maids and servants I looked around drowning myself in the thought of how my life went till now and what is going to happen.

I didn't write line for line the story of Who made me a princess, because compared to other stories the plot was simple and not too much complicated with various causal links that at the end of the day just create plot holes, who made me a princess is a story of supposed cuteness, drama and slightly romantic. Looking at it from a different perspective the story is about an adult acting like a child, and hiding behind the others practically a white lotus, a psychopath with issues that didn't learn from the errors of the others, and an evil soul trying to get the control over the throne.

"Hades, I was on my way to the lake, join me"

"Of course Claude"

I walked beside Claude, Felix nowhere to be seen at the moment, I was getting partially annoyed with the situation, as much as I don't want to stay with Claude and hate his guts, I don't know if I want to help or just return home, I have no idea if in case the plot change something is going to happen because I don't know if this world is under the. watch of some God or under the control of fate.

I sighed and meanwhile, we got to the lake, Athanasia, Felix, and Lily were already there. We got closer and Claude looked at Athanasia thinking.

"You got chubbier since the last time we met"

"hehe, papa's pretty too"

"... come follow me, Hades and I were on the way to the lake get ready to join us"

Athanasia looked at me with stars filling her eyes and a big smile that would make everyone sway from cuteness.

'she's really scared to die huh'

I gave her a polite smile in return to assure her that she was safe with me on board and we walked to the boat with me sitting next to Athanasia despite Claude's hesitant look at the departure. The boat started moving and I dozed off once again while looking at the blue water and the things inside.

3rd POV

While Hades was looking at the lake, he was being observed by the two people together with him on the boat. One with an intense gaze like he was analyzing something of his interest, the other mesmerized by everything his long hair slightly curly that descend covering his nape even if in a knot because of how long they are, sparkly dark eyes that resemble a black Onyx and how the black robe that had a Japanese style with gray patterns seemed to perfectly fit his person'

'Pretty... I wonder if Hades is someone that existed in Lovely princess, he would have definitely saved Athanasia!'

Athanasia turned from Hades and took a look at Claude who was also observing Hades a hand on his cheek used as support while the other stretched on the seat next to him, blond golden hair swaying slightly by the movements of the boat and relaxed jeweled blue eyes concentrating on the boy in front of him, he's wearing an exotic white robe with golden decors, opened revealing his long neck and toned abs and pecs.

'What are those clothes supposed to be from Greece., Egypt? he looks good in it still he seems like a sunbathing puma, scary!'

Athanasia distracted herself from Claude trying not to think that the man was capable of killing her in every instant and looked at the lake. Her attention was attracted by some transparent lotuses, and she reached to get one falling into the water.

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