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Hey lil readers ! Bored here.

I'm thinking of starting to update 1 chapter a week regularly but seeing that summer is quite close when school stops I'm starting to update 1/2 chapers a week. oh and sorry for the short chapters.

(Hopefully they don't give us a lot of homework (T_T) )

Enjoy & stay healtyyyyy


Narrator POV

Hades ordered Virus to call the messenger and Trip to the throne room while he went with Michael directly. Michael settled on the throne with a serious aura while Hades stood near him and changed his eyes to a black color, so the messenger couldn't suspect anything. Before the other three arrived, Hades decided to explain quickly his plan.

"Michael the plan is simple , the Obelian Empire want to make a peace alliance so they'll ask for a representative to go with them . Simply you'll appoint me ok ?"

"But I'll miss my cute son~, and I don't want to do paperwork!" said the fake king pouting while making puppy eyes . Hades just sighed and smiled slightly at the childlike man.

"Don't worry I'll return at night from time to time I'll also make you some sweets if you do paperwork deal?"

"Yes Hades homemade sweets!"

The door then opened, the two composed themselves and Michael had a serious and cold aura . From the door entered Trip and Virus who stood one on the left and the other at the right of the throne while Felix the appointed messenger bowed at the king feeling a little nervous from the cold aura that resembled that of Claude.

'This is surprising I guess that Claude didn't meet Athanasia yet to appoint Felix as her guard . Still he is the most trusted knight of Claude so it's understandable'

"Glory to the land of the gods and head of the divine lands, I am Felix Robane head of the royal guard of the Obelian Empire. I came as representative as order of his majesty Claude de Alger Obelia to form a peace agreement and invite the Olympus representative for a cultural exchange "

Felix lifted his head only for his eyes to be met with dark black eyes , he was shocked, he never saw a person as beautiful as this boy he seemed like an angel on earth and his beauty couldn't be compared to anyone. But because his eyes were stuck on Hades the other people in the room got quite pissed and had the same tough .

'How dare he look at master/my son!'

"*cough* Obelian Mongrel why should we accept your proposal , there is actually nothing we could get of it and if we went to war the one at loss would be by high chance the Obelian Empire "

Felix started to become more and more nervous it's like in front of him there was a second Claude !!

"It might be like you have said but in case of war you will also have some loss as we are quite equal so by making an alliance both empires are going to profit from it"

Michael scowled a little but put a smirk in his face . "Mongrel I'll send a representative but I'll remind you , till I want to our two Empires still aren't forming an alliance." Michael turned towards Hades smiled gently for a fraction of seconds and returned to his arrogant facade.

"Here Hades my son will go with you , I hope you'll treat him well if not..." Michael turned his attention towards Felix again and put some killing intent on him " I'll destroy your Empire without leaving a trace of his existence"

"Y-yes Your majesty. Well then y-your Highness we w-will depart as soon as possible "

"I'll get ready . We will meet in your carriage"

Felix nodded and went out leaving the group behind .

"Pffff- hahahahaha did you guys see his face he was scared to death hahahahh-Ow Virus!" Trip started laughing but Virus hit him in the head with a karate chop making the other stop laughing.

"Trip you are in the presence of Hades-sama"

"Don't worry Virus it's ok after all this years it's normal we are like a family "

"Hades-sama you are too kind"

"Well not really-" Hades was interrupted by Michael hugging him from behind surprising Hades by speaking in his ear with his deep and hoarse voice making his ears red with embarrassment.

"Right my adorable son is so kind~"

"S-stop that ! I have to go prepare now!"

With that Hades escaped to his room leaving a chuckling Michael and a smiling Virus . When he entered his room Hades decided to put all the things that he needed in a space ring so he didn't have to go with a lot of bags .

"Little angel are you going away~" said Lucas while flying around the room

"Oh Lucas I'm glad to see you, yes I'm going to the Obelian Empire to meet someone "

Lucas smiled while blushing a little when he heard that Hades was happy to see him . But pretended that it was nothing .

"Hmp! so do you want me to come with you so you won't miss me?"

"I mean I'm pretty sure you haven't found the world tree so I don't want to distract you with your research. Now I have to go stay well and take care of yourself for me ok?"

At first Lucas was annoyed that Hades didn't want to accompany him but he felt again a strange feeling in his heart when he saw that Hades genuinely was worried so he blushed again and mumbled something before teleporting away . Hades watched the wizard go away with a small smile and walked to the carriage. Arriving Felix held out his hand to help Hades in the carriage. Hades accepted his hand and gave Felix a grateful smile before turning to his indifferent face and looking outside the window for all the travel while Felix that thought the boy was going to be as arrogant as his 'father' having incredible beauty and power was quite surprised seeing that the boy thanked him in his own way .


Headcanon : after meeting Michael, Felix thought if Claude has a hidden twin as they were too much similar from what he had seen but dismissed the thought, one Claude was enough for the world.

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