Their meeting

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Ciao! How are you guys ? I hope everyone is doing well, thanks to the people supporting and commenting.

I know some parts of the story are confusing and that this chapter is shorter than usual but I hope overall you're liking it (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

Well then I'll leave you to the chapter,
enjoy & stay healthy


3rd POV

"Athy's name is Athanasia!"

Hades chuckled at Athanasia's answer and patted her head while standing up.

"That face.... I've seen it before"

Hades chuckled again with a dark glint in his eyes.

"Same eyes and gold hair, of course, you have seen her she's your child, your majesty, I tough you didn't have children? Oh and princess nice to meet you"

With a courtesy bow, Hades flashed a gentle smile at Athanasia before looking at Claude who had a dark smile while looking at Athanasia.

"My child yes, and your face is the same as that wench who dared to name you Athanasia"

Hades stood on the side near Felix and watched the I two coldly, the rest of the interaction passed like in the memories of the manhwa. Athanasia bags of jewelry fell then the same dialogue, Claude then passed Athanasia to Felix.

"I should have some with my guest"

"Then Claude I shall excuse myself while you spend time with the princess"

Before Claude could respond Hades walked away to his chamber so he could teleport to his castle.

'There's no need to interrupt their family bonding with my presence after all'

Hades POV

I closed the door behind me putting a spell that'd alert me if someone knocked, and teleported to the throne room. I sat on the throne and closed my eyes for a couple of minutes to rest them and think about the chaotic events that happened in these two days.

'So now canon started and Athanasia is 5 that confirms that I'm in the manhwa and not the original novel, Claude and Athanasia are acting the same way so it's not an Alternate Universe and my presence didn't seem to change something. Well it's just the start so I can't confirm that'

With a sight I opened my eyes, should I change Canon? Well yes of course but the relationship between Athanasia and Claude? He acted like an a*hole at the start but later on, with family bonding, he becomes a better father and person in general. Still, I don't think he deserves to get forgiven for what he had and will do but-

"Your Majesty you returned!"

Trip opened the door and bowed in front of me then stood up and looked at me with a serious aura indicating that something must have happened.

"Trip, You seem gloomy did something good happen while I was away ?"

"Yes your majesty, we are starting a war with the beast-man empire, they proposed that we should give them half of our resources in exchange for their ore, and on top of that they proposed for you to marry their crown prince, and with these unacceptable proposes we were deciding to declared war but of course, the decision is of your majesty. Overall it's going to be our total victory but there will be losses. The beast-man specializes in utilizing mana to upgrade their body and they are also characterized by animal instincts that'll help them"

"I see you did good, but you know I don't like fighting with innocent people so I want you to investigate if this decision is made by the greed of the emperor or if there are other motives. Our alliance with them was created long ago so I think the sudden change of the king is strange. I'll give you two days, if by then you can't find any useful information then you have the permission to start the war"

"Yes your majesty, I shall start doing my task right now then"

With that Trip left and I teleported back to Obelia. It was already late noon and there was a good view so I walked outside to the garden where I met Athanasia and sat next to a three with my back leaning on it I closed my eyes and relaxed before going to eat dinner.

Claude POV

I had completely forgotten of the existence of that child... Athanasia, in a couple of years I wouldn't even recognize her.

"Felix tell the servants to bring me to drink"

"yes your majesty but I must recommend not to drink too much as tonight you have to eat dinner with prince Hades"

you're right I guess he'll help me getting distracted from... call him in half an hour and invite him to dinner and ask him if he got any preferences in drinking"

"Yes your majesty the I shall go"

I walked away from Felix and went to my office, sitting in front of the desk I took an old small broken portrait with only a woman with white hair, and the rest of the small portrait burned.


Head-canon : I have no will to do anything anymore hehe<3

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