You again

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Heyooo lil readers!

Another update for you lesssgooooo. Anyway today we are meeting another important character, who are they? read the chap to know!

Enjoy and stay healtyyyyyy


Narrator POV

Two people were sitting under the big shadow of a tree, one sipping tea and the other drinking water. While a red head was in position slightly nervous of the atmosphere between the other two .

"What about your- you, Claude ?" Said the white haired prince, concentrating his eyes on the golden haired man.

"I mean do you have kids or a wife ?" Hades smiled a little acting innocent like he didn't know anything about it and was just curious while behind the red head guard Felix started to sweating nervously thinking about the worst outcome.

"I don't have kids nor wives"responded calmly the Stoic emperor without hesitation.

"Hm strange I actually heard that his majesty had a place made only for the harem , it's quite surprising that there is no one"

Claude stayed silent, a fast thought about Diana passed his mind making him frown a little, he kept his Stoic cold face and tried to change subject not wanting to remember about the past.

"Why aren't you eating, should I kill the chefs for not making food of your taste ?"

"No quite the opposite these sweets are enjoyable, but sadly I don't have a sweet tooth I prefer things with little sugar"

A couple of hours passed with Hades and Claude speaking about work and Imperial affairs, even though the two of them hate work they found it quite enjoyable especially Claude that for the first time didn't have the instincts to kill the boy but was quite curious about him wanting to know more especially to why he seemed familiar. The three then separated, it was seven in the night and Hades wanted to explore the city . Putting commoner clothes he teleported himself in the middle of the city in a point with a lot of people to not seem strange . It was a beautiful view, not like the one of the Olympus Empire of course but still it seemed like there was a festival or something with stalls here and there , a lot of people passing in the streets , kids playing merchants screaming about their products, it was really lively even in the middle of the night. Hades then explored a little walking between the stalls to see if there's something interesting, carving for some meat with a snap of fingers he changed in some elegant clothes and went to a high tier restaurant. Arriving at the restaurant he was welcomed by a couple of butlers and maids. Mesmerized by Hades look it took them a little to return working professionally and one of the butlers accompanied Hades to a table.

"Welcome sir what can I get you ?"

"I'll have the specialty of the restaurant "

"It'll be ready in half an hour "

The butler went away leaving Hades in daze while looking at the window with the view of the illuminated and lively streets .

"It's a beautiful sight isn't it?" An unknown person said from behind Hades who unconsciously answered.

"Yes it's lovely " Hades turned his attention to the man who answered to see who it was.

'Anastacius. Why can't I have a moment of peace between the two brothers '

Anastacius just chuckled and sat in front of Hades with a smirk on his face making the boy wanting to kick him out but kept his calm not wanting to make a scene in a prestigious restaurant.

"It's been a long time since we met, and you really changed that's quite surprising~"

"Really dead man I didn't think you would recognize me I should have changed my appearance completely to not meet you"

Anastacius felt intrigued by the boy , never once in his life he met such a peculiar person that seemed to know everything about him and to be honest he felt attracted to the white haired boy that he met five years ago , from then he had been thinking about him every now and then , a 10 years old boy that seemed to know him better than himself is now in front of him with the  body of a 20 years old not .

"Well I have quite a good memory~"

Hades just sighed, getting a little annoyed at the unwanted attention. Gods ! He came here to pass his supposed holidays in peace to relax not to attract the two Emperors!.

"Hades was it ?... how have you been ?" Anastacius question seemed of sincere intention sensing that Hades just sighed at the antics of the past Emperor but he was quite bored so he chose to speak with him to distract himself a little.

"You know usual things.. Escaping from your father , creating an Empire , becoming one of the most adored Emperors , making peace... "

Anastacius put his hand on his chin and smirking he listened to the boy speaking about his little adventure and his hardships . After ordering for himself a little later their food came Hades ordered Fish with vegetables while  Anastacius choose some beef with potatoes and Whiskey .

"Hades are you the son of Claude ?" Said the duke while cutting his food while looking at the prince .

"Who knows , for now that's for me to know and maybe for you to discover" Hades was just eating not paying attention to Anastacius. It's been years since he had a decent food without the risk of being poisoned.

The two ate in silence , it wasn't awkward, Hades was a little smiley and a happy aura was around him , while the dark-haired man just watched amused the boy , he didn't want to skip every single moment with the little emperor.

"How about you try this Whiskey , it's quite an old one they have in the restaurant, but its flavor is light and not too much bitter"  Hades was quite curious about Whiskey , he never had alcohol in this life but in the past he used to drink quite a lot to distract himself from his life . Nodding, Hades took Anastacius glass and took a sip.

"Oh~ an indirect kiss" a couple of minutes later Anastacius started teasing but Hades was in no position to answer back . He leaned on his seat and strangely he started feeling hot .

'This stupid Whiskey is not light at all! And this body doesn't have an alcohol resistance that was a stupid move from me...'

Hades face became redder and feeling hot he opened his tie revealing his white pale and smooth neck . His breath became slow and deep and his sight became a little blurry with teary eyes . Anastacius seeing the scene in front of him was quite surprised 'So it's the first time he drink...'  and most of all he got quite aroused but he held himself back from attacking the boy and leaving his marks on the pale neck. Anastacius stood up putting some money on the table he took the boy in bridal style not leaving Hades time to react , he took a carriage to his mansion and when he arrived he walked towards the master room , putting the boy on the bed he set near him and caressed his head, the moonlight entered from the windows illuminating Hades pale figure and showing clearly his red cheeks. A deep chuckle escaped from Anastacius looking at The Sleeping Beauty in his bed .

"My little angel , for being this pure you really attract the attention of everyone around you"


Headcanon : Anastacius owns the restaurant where he had dinner with Hades, he casually saw him while  he was going away so he decided to make a detour. Anastacius doesn't believe in romance but somehow he found himself intrigued with Hades character.

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