5 years later

9.9K 459 235

before we start.

👁👄👁 1K readers I- thanks my lil readers I'm happy that some of you are voting this story ,I didn't think someone would enjoy my story!

Interesting plot is starting in next chap.

Enjoy and stay healthyyyy.


Hades POV

Another five years passed and from then everything went as planned and even better . I conquered countries and Empires, even so I eliminated the most important figures so it wouldn't be a bloody battle , thanks to that the people love and respect me , there has never been a rebellion and every noble I appointed was a trusted person. Now the Olympus Empire is as big and even more powerful than the Obelian Empire . I have a large army and every soldier is well-trained thanks to Trip and I also found a good blacksmith so I created a large amount of all types of weapons and bullets for the soldiers with little quantity of mana , for now my country is the only one with the knowledge of how they are made and I don't plan even selling such information. On the other hand Virus helped me with the imperial affairs as my right hand, creating alliances and with commercial exchange .

As for Lucas , he started searching for the world tree but he often came back to stick around always attacked to me annoying me , but with the years I got used to it and find it a rather cute way to search for attention.

Lastly about the Obelian Empire , I don't have big info but I'm pretty sure that now Athanasia is 5 years old so she is going to meet Claude. Now that I think about it I'm 20 years old, I'm a little shorter than Lucas and have long hair, I don't really have time to cut them so I let them grow. The twins became taller than me, they didn't let their hair grow but they let a bang each one facing a different direction. While Lucas is still well Lucas adult version with long black hair and ruby eyes .

"My little angel I came back did you miss me ?"

"Yeah sure who wouldn't miss the Obelian wizard"

"Heh so you're still sulking about the fact that I'm on Obelia side , well maybe if you beg me~"

"Dream on"

"You're just jealous that I'm more handsome!"

*Obelian Empire*

Claude POV ( didn't expect this nurufufu!)

I'm sitting in the throne room surrounded by stupid nobles and advisers.

" Your majesty! You have to do something about the Olympus Empire !"

" Yes your majesty they are stealing all our money !"

" They are dangerous your majesty! "

"Yes they obtained power that equals that of the Obelian Empire in only seven years!"

"I also heard that they have a powerful wizard by their side !"

I was enraged, these filthy people have been talking about the Olympus Empire since the start of the conference . All they are afraid of is losing their money and food ! It seems like I have to make some order here , how dare they raise their voices at me.

"Shut up"

"But your majes-" I cut of his head , he was annoying and responded against my order . Some maids came in to clear the mess as for the other pigs , they are shivering afraid to being next killed .

"Now does anyone know some weak points of the Olympus Empire?"

"Your majesty as far as we know , they grew up in a small amount of time and conquered all the surrounding villages, kingdoms and Empires "

" So there should be people that want to go against their Emperor or some traitors"

"Unfortunately your majesty we have no data of that but we know that there wasn't any rebellion and the most of the nobles or people that could form a rebellion in the future was eliminated "

"I see , how about their army ?"

"As far as we know your majesty, the army hasn't lost even once , with little to no casualties, but we know that they have some strange weapons that no one outside the Olympus Empire knows about "

" Who is the Emperor of the Olympus Empire?"

"We don't know you Majesty "

'Interesting a person came out of nowhere and built and Empires that equals mine that grew in power and money for centuries, I shall meet this person'

"Felix" The red-headed knight appeared immediately kneeling in front of me.

"Yes your majesty?"

"I want you to invite the representative of the Olympus Empire for an alliance pact , return in three days with them"

"Your order shall be obtained your majesty "

I stood up and walked out of the conference room , going to my office to do paperwork

'Let's see what surprises you have for me Olympus empire'

Hades POV

"Hades-chaaaaaaannnnnn my cute son where are you ?"

I forgot to mention but the supposed sick old man previously chief of the village, was everything but an old man . After the deal I cured him with magic and he was quite the handsome man with blond hair and reddish eyes but since then he pretend that I'm his adopted son.

"Could you lower your voice old man"

"Awww come on my cute son I told you to call me daddy~"

"S-shut up and go to work"

"Heh how cute you are when you blush!"

"Stop teasing me or I'll have to punish you"

"Ah yes I love when my son hurt me~"

"No sweets for a month"


I just smiled , this man is more childish than me and he should be 39 years old even so he is lazy and make me do all the work but when he have to he get serious he becomes quite scary. I like this environment it gives me a relaxed and happy aura something I have longed for a long time since my previous life.

"My little darling how about we go eat some sweets and leave paperwork for later~"

"It's me doing paperwork here not you"

Suddenly someone knocked in the door of my office.

"Come in"

"Your majesty I have news for you "

"Tell me Virus what happened"

"A messenger from the Obelian Empire came here , he said that he had to talk to the king "

"I see let him in the conference room , Michael you'll be the fake king "

"Everything for my adorable son ! But why thought?"

"I have an idea to why they came here and I don't want to reveal my identity for now . Don't worry you'll understand when you'll meet the messenger"


Headcanon: Michael ( the 'old' man ) love the Twins and especially Hades , he really is sad about the past of the twins and the fact that kids their age had to grow up quickly mentally so he does his best to take care of them. He is really curious about Hades and his past but he prefers waiting for Hades to tell him about it personally without the need of asking.

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