Weak or Powerful

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Heyooo! Hope everything is fine and everything is going well.

I somehow chose to return to this ff so hopefully the quality isn't less.

And oh should I edit some old chapters?

(New character ⬆️) @myunzzol on Twitter

Enjoy and have a nice day/night


3rd POV

The Beast Empire is widely known for many things, ranging from its diverse array of plants to its unique spices. However, if you were to ask a noble about this empire, they would undoubtedly tell you that it is the liveliest place with the finest alcohol.

They hosted numerous dances and parties, although those were mostly enjoyed by the nobles and wealthy individuals. Unfortunately, the general population wasn't faring well. In fact, one could argue that it was a genuinely impoverished country.

This dire situation for the common people had persisted since the current king ascended to the throne. He significantly increased taxes, which led to a riot. However, the majority, including nobles and the poor, had no choice but to comply with his orders, as the powerful held the ultimate authority in the county.

Consequently, the country became divided, with distinct poor districts and a flourishing city center. Despite this separation, the common people were unable to do much to challenge their leader.

Hades' Point of View (POV):

After passing through the gate, we ventured further into the city. Looking out of the window, I observed the merchants, the bustling crowds, and the various market stalls.

I couldn't help but notice the complete absence of guards and the chaotic streets. However, my attention was drawn to the multiple dark alleys, brimming with homeless people, all of whom were being ignored by everyone else.

Letting out a sigh, I leaned on one hand, taking in the scenes unfolding in what appeared to be the city's outskirts. Twenty minutes later, we left behind the impoverished part of the city and entered the inner walls. Here, life thrived, and opulence reigned. This section of the capital was mainly occupied by nobles, carriages, and high-end establishments.

"Huh, even this place has changed?" Lucas remarked, his tired eyes peering through a hand he placed over his mouth.

Curiously raising an eyebrow, I conveyed my desire for more information. In response, Lucas smirked, crossing his legs and leaning comfortably against the carriage window.

"Well, you see, in ancient times, this little place was nothing more than a barren desert. Although it's still not comparable to your empire or the Obelian one, it has come a long way. It used to be inhabited by barbaric tribes surviving through theft and mercenary work."

As Lucas explained, I began to assemble a complete picture of how this place had evolved. From a small desert village, it had progressed into a fairly advanced kingdom. However, they still held onto archaic notions of survival of the fittest.

"If luck is on our side, I have some excellent ideas to improve the lives of the people and help this place thrive. It would have been quite fascinating to explore the desert or other hot regions if our mission wasn't to prevent a war."

Lucas merely hummed in response, his intrigued smile reflecting his curiosity as I presented a map of the area.

"We will be staying at the house of a merchant I have connections with and trust. He will provide us with further insight into the current situation here. With any luck, within a week or so, we should be able to complete our task."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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