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Hades POV 

waking up from my two hours of sleep was very exhausting, not a new thing for me but the lack of a 'relaxing' ambient, meaning I quite miss my people even if I don't have work here, my emotions are getting all over me. I don't even know how I didn't kill Claude at the risk of my life. Groaning I changed with the first thing I found, not getting help from the servants that highly requested to assist me, most likely because they were scared of getting punished by Claude when they certainly report my actions to him. Walking out of the door I passed through the corridor getting the usual bows from the servants that passed hastily going to do their work or just standing there.

I felt cold despite the warm weather of this place, and just in time to see Claude looking at Athanasia while she was talking about her 'dream' with him. I groaned once again a slight pain passed my head and I felt my magic fluctuating slightly in an aggressive way, unluckily just as Athanasia stopped talking and got her cake Claude turned in my direction, I nodded my head slightly and took place in the empty seat between the two. Athanasia gave me a wide smile her lips slightly covered with cake as for Claude he nodded to me as well in a lazy manner keeping his sleepy eyes fixed on me, a servant put a cup of tea in front of me and I looked at the steam floating from it.

"Hades! good morning I dreamed of you too tonight !"

"Oh really princess? But as I was coming I heard as you were talking with his majesty that you only dreamed of him, Felix, and your maid.."

Silence descended on the table, I took a sip of tea, and I don't like it at all, how can someone say that a flower is good to drink? I put the cup a little distance and turned around only to meet once again Claude's gaze.

'Ah, how much I would like to see a desperate look on his face, I want to see him on his knees, begging for the most precious thing he has- no I want him to have nothing I want to see how he'd react to being in a position he never thought of... or shall I steal Athanasia from him when he'll starts to feel affection to her Ah, the face he'd make then would be delightful to see-'

"es.... Hades! Are you all right? your face is red"

"....yes princess I'm all right what were you saying?"

'red? why I am red?'

"Papa made me taste this tea it's really good! what do you think about it?"

"It's not of my taste actually, let's just say I prefer earl gray type of tea than sweet ones"

"Oh! I want to taste that too!"

3rd POV

Athanasia and Hades continued with small talks about their food preferences while Claude looked at them on the side, as for Felix, Hades noted he was far. The weather was hot, the sun radiating on the palace, but with the shade of the three and the nice breeze, no one of the three felt uncomfortable. Giggles and chuckles could be heard by the servants who observed the three from afar but were ready in case they get called. On the side near the servants stood Lily and beside her the red-haired knight Felix.

"I'm glad prince Hades is present with princess Athanasia, I really wouldn't be at ease letting the princess alone with his majesty," said Lily a hand on her cheek as she looked at the table, Felix near her nodded.

"They look like a family, pity the prince has to go away, his Majesty seems calmer since he got here...."

just like that time passed and the small tea party concluded, and everyone went their separate ways.

Hades walked towards Felix, his stay in Obelia was ending and a small fight to relax his nerves would be perfect if not for-

" Felix is the appointed knight for the princess but you can duel with me Hades"Simultaneously Hades frowned, smirked for a faint second, but nevertheless accepted Claude's offer.

Hade's POV

Should I show him a taste of what is coming for him, at least next time he won't underestimate me and hopefully it shall be in war.

The two of us got to the training ground interrupting the guards of the palace that were training. They bowed and dispersed on all the sides of the place. I reached for one of the wooden swords on the side and threw 'unrespectfully' one to Claude, which he of course caught and tested with a few swings.

None of us changed, we were in the comfortable clothes used for the picnic, which gave Claude a slight advantage. 'not that it changes anything of course' He has the advantage of more real-life experiences but the disadvantage of not having practiced or trained lately because of his character at the lack of wars or battles. We got in position Claude with the tip of the sword pointing to the ground. I handled the sword with one hand, pointing his head, we were distant and waited for the other to start.

I approached first with a quick slash to his chest, easily blocked with a slight movement of his sword, pity I put power in that slash so his sword trembled slightly and moved to his face giving me free access to his chest once again, once again I tried to hit him in the heart but he evaded jumping slightly behind and lunged the sword towards my head, I moved it to not get head but I got a slight scratch on my cheek making some blood seep out, I saw slight hesitation at that moment and I took this opportunity to disarm him, his sword flew to the side and mine was pointed to his head.

Quickly imperial guards surrounded me with their real swords pointed at me in a circle. I threw my wood sword away and walked through the guards, I looked at the floor to hide my smirk and with a bow I excused myself.

"Thank you your majesty for giving me this opportunity to duel with you I enjoyed it and I hope we'll do it once again when we'll meet in the future"I walked to my room satisfied as hell, 'next time, yes next time I'll end it once in for all....'

3rd POV

The day passed and morning came, Hades stood in front of the carriage, behind him Athanasia Claude Felix and other servants.

" thank you for having me here in Obelia, you're welcome every day to visit Olympus"

"bye bye Hades... Athy is going to miss you"

Athanasia bowed her head to hide her teary eyes while Felix had a sad smile and Claude looked at Hades with his lazy glare.

Hades got into the carriage chuckling, the carriage started, and just as he distanced himself from the royal palace he teleported to his office in Olympus.

"Finally home..."


Onestly I quite hate this chapter, I think it's so confusing, and everything happens  so casually.

disappointed of this chapter and of how much it took to public it :/

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