Chapter twenty five

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Hi, my name is Thomas.

When I was a young boy, my father was an asshole and my mom a bitch. 

The only good thing they did was to pay for hockey lessons. It was a way for them to get rid of me for a couple of hours. 

When I was 7 years old, I was alone on the bench in the changing room. I was sobbing because my dad had hit me in the morning and it was still hurting. There was this 6 year old brown hair boy looking at me with his green eyes. He was in my team, but we never really talked. This boy walked to me and asked me if I was ok. I shook my head and he sat next to me. He started to talk about his helmet that was too big for his head and how he liked this morning's episode of Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtle. I didn't care about that tv show, but it made me smile to see that someone was talking to me.

This boy became my best friend. 

When this boy finally got a boyfriend and I got scare that we'd lose our friendship. 

This boy's name is Derek Taylor and if anything happens to him, I swear to God, if someone causes him trouble, they'll hear about me.



This is the end of the story. I know it was suppose to be boyxboy, but Thomas needed to have a more important place in this. 

There will be a sequel if you get this story to have 100 votes. And even with that, I'm not even sure if I'll write one.

Although, you can give me ideas for a sequel. What would you like? Jaydon and Derek? Thomas? 10 years later? Juste tell me in the comments below. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the story and have a nice day :)

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