Chapter sixteen

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*Thomas's P.O.V*

It was dark. I walked pass where I use to call home. I stopped and stared at the house. The black curtains of my "prison" seemed untouched. It was a small house. There were 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. I only remember my 'dad' sitting on the couch with a sea of empty bottle of beer. 'Mother' was usually on the phone with someone. I remember the house being really unclean. 

"Don't touch the remote." the man who was suppose to be my father would say, squeezing my little hand.
"Don't eat my sandwich." he would say, hitting me in the face. 
"Don't cry! Be a man!" he would say, kicking my leg.
"We're paying for your school and hockey. Now shut up." he once said.
"Be good to your father." the bitch would say. Stupid bitch.
"I don't know what's keeping me from kicking you out."

I never told anyone. Anyway, I was turning 18 soon. No need to call them 'parents' anymore. 

I whipped a tear and ran back home. My new home. My favorite place on Earth. The Taylor's house.

Actually, my favorite place was next to Derek... but... yeah.

I ran home. I opened the door. Mrs. Taylor was there, on the couch with her husband. She immediately got up and walked to me.

"Where were you?" she asked.


"Never do that again." 

"I'm sorry."

"Let's have a talk."

Shit. "No." I snapped.

"Sit down." Mr. Taylor said.

I sat on the couch, facing my parent's best friend... friend? I don't know anymore.

"Is Derek here?" I asked.

"No, don't worry."

I stayed silent. 

"So, why did you ran away?"

"I went for a walk." I said. 

"It took all day!" the man said.

"Sorry... I just... I needed some air..."

"What's going on with Derek?" 

"Everything's fine, mom." Mom. I called her mom. I placed my hands on my face, covering my eyes. "I-I'm sorry, Mrs.Taylor."

"I don't mind." she said, sitting next to me. She hugged me and I cried on her shoulder. "Now, look at me and tell me what's wrong." 

"I-I... imagine someone you really like okay?"


"That person made a promise a while ago. Like... I'll never let you down. And... when you need that person... he just... doesn't come and break his promise."

"I see..."

"Yeah... well that's the problem with Derek." I said, getting up. "Is Derek coming tonight?"

"He's with Jaydon."

"Okay, so he won't come." I said, walking up the stairs. I opened the bedroom door and let my body fall onto the bed. 

In the morning, when I woke up, I looked around. I sighted. Derek wasn't home. I slowly got up and opened the drawers, looking through the clothes. I tried to remember which were mines. Derek and I share t-shirt all the time. I must be wearing one of his right now... or maybe not. It's red, must me mine. Derek doesn't wear red.  

I took what I thought was mine and got to the guest bedroom.  My new bedroom. I took my laptop and laid on the bed... something was missing. The smell of Derek. I took one of his hoodie and put it on. I knew this was Derek's hoodie because he would only allow me to wear it once or twice. It was his favourite.  It was grey and lime green. A little bit too big for me. I browsed through the web for the rest of the day. 

"Thomas?" someone said, entering the door. "What are you doing here?" 

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked Derek.

"Are you wearing my hoodie? Thomas, you know I don't want you to wear it!"

"Why?" I said, not lifting my head up.

"Because it's mine."

"And what about the pants you're wearing right now, uh?"

"It's... it's not the same."

"Ah yes, of course!"

"Thomas, stop being a sassy little sarcastic shit."

"Look who's talking."

"Give me back my hoodie."

"Why? We always share clothes." I paused. "Oh! I get it now. You want to give it to your boyfriend. Fine." I said, taking the sweatshirt off. I threw it at him. Derek walked away and came back with a black pair of jeans in his arms. He tossed it on the bed and walked away. "Say hello to your boyfriend from me!" I shouted. 

"You're so jealous Thomas." Derek said, walking back to the door.

"Why are you saying that?"

"Because it's true."

 "I'm not jealous! I'm mad because you can't keep a promise!"

"Don't start with this again!"

"Hey! I'm just trying to get you down from your little cloud right now."

"What if I want to stay in my cloud?"


"Thomas, you're pathetic." he left. I angrily threw a pillow at him, but he was already gone. I groaned and closed my laptop. I closed my eyes. Something laid next to me. I opened my eyes. Penelope. She wrapped her arms around me.

"Did you and Derek broke up?" she asked.

"We weren't dating." I coldly said.

"Still, you broke up didn't you?"

"Yeah... kind of." 

"Were you in love with him?"

"What's going on here?" a voice asked. Cherie. Why was she here?


"Don't you remember? Derek's parents invited my parents for diner."

Ah, yes. Cherie and her parents were leaving for California in two days. So like every year, my parents... I mean, Derek's parents, invited them for dinner before they leave. 

"Seriously? Well then. Take a seat." I said, gesturing the bed. 

"So, what were you talking about?"

"Him and my brother broke up. They were in a huge fight. Thomas is jealous because De doesn't love him anymore."

"I'm not even gay!"

"Sometimes, straight people fall for gay people... don't they?" Penelope said.

"I don't know... I'm not in love with Deky-waaaah-Derek."

Both of the girls  giggled. "You called him Deky! You love him!" the ten year old laughed. 

"Penelope, I am NOT in love with Derek."

"Why are you blushing?" Cherie chuckled. 

My cheeks were red. Ah shit. "Leave me alone." 

"Fine, fine." she said, getting up. Both of the girls  were about to leave, when Cherie turned around with a smile. "By the way, you're wearing his shirt."

"Derek never wear red."

"I know. It's the only red t-shirt he own. I gave it to him on his birthday."

I will never be in love with Derek. Nu-uh.

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