Chapter fourteen

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*Thomas's P.O.V*

"Where are you going?'' I asked, looking at the ceiling.


"Didn't you see him Friday and yesterday?" I asked, looking his way.

"Yes, but... he still needs me." my best friend said walking away.

"Derek!" I shouted.

"What?" he asked, walking down the stairs.

"Aren't you forgetting anything?" I asked with a small smile, hoping he'd come back.

"Um... nope." he said. "Bye!"

"What about my kiss!" I shouted as I heard the front door closing. I sighted and took Derek's pillow. Oh Derek, what is Eichelberger doing to you? I looked at the calender on the wall. It was the 17th of December. Almost winter break and almost my birthday. The 31st of January. I will turn 18. My stomach grumbled but I didn't pay attention. I was hungry, but always told myself I wasn't. My phone rang.

*Derek's P.O.V*

I rang the doorbell. A boy with red hair and brown eyes came and opened the door. He had a smile on his face. I didn't have the time to say something as Jaydon's lips met mine. We pulled away and I smiled. "Hi." I chuckled.

"Hey." he said, looking down at his feet. I lift his head up with my index.

"Stop looking at your feet. I want to see your eyes." I said.

"Jaydon, close the door!" a man said from afar

"Ya" he replied. Could I call Jaydon my boyfriend?

"Derek, Jeremy's not home. I didn't know-"

"Mama." Jaydon said, cutting her off. Jaydon took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers. Mrs. Eichelberger smiled. She understood quite fast. 

We went in Jaydon's bedroom. He closed his door and stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you." he simply said.  

"I love you too." I chuckled. "So, what do you want to do? Go outside?" I asked.

"Well,  we could read."

"I don't have my book." I said.

"Open my closet." he said. So I did. I opened the closet door. There were so many books. "Read this one." Jaydon said, taking a book and giving it to me. I read the title 'Two Boys Kissing'. "It's really good." he continued. "I'm starting Jane Eyre."

Jaydon jumped on his bed and I came next to him. We both laid in front if each other, our stomach pressed on the mattress. Whenever we'd finish reading a chapter, we'd kiss. We held hands and sometime forgot about our books and looked in each others eyes with a smile on our face. His fingers intertwined with mine made me feel safe and in love. Little butterflies every time his hand would brush against mine. I never really knew I was in love with him. It just kind of happen. Yes, I thought he was cute, but never told myself 'Gosh, I love him'. But, now, I liked his hair, his eyes, his smile, his accent when he was speaking, his hands, his laugh, the way he moved his lips while reading, the way he flipped his hair, the way he was saying 'I love you', the way he looked at his feet, how exited he was when we'd talk about books, his obsession over Harry Potter and just the was he was. 

I was reading a cute book while holding the hand of a cute boy. What could be more perfect? Ah yes, a cute kiss.  Ok, NOW, what could be more perfect? 

After an hour of intense reading, kissing and hand holding, Jaydon got up and went to his radio. He chose a song and pressed play. A grin appeared on my face when 'Take My Hand' from Simple Plan started playing. I jumped on my feet and started singing. Jaydon was smiling, looking at me. Once the song finished, a slower song played. I didn't know the title. "All about us by He is We feat. Owl City" Jaydon told me as he placed his arms on my shoulder. I listened to the lyrics and closed my eyes. I felt a small kiss on my lips, which made me smile. For the first time, I felt love. Real love.

The room's hush, hush and now's are moment.

Take it in feel and hold it.

Eyes on you, eyes on me.

We're doing it right.

When the chorus of the song came, Jaydon mumbled the lyrics. My hands on his waist and my nose pressed on his. 

"What do you love about me?" I asked.

Jaydon thought and spoke. "I love everything about you."

"When did you fell in love?"

"Love at first sight."

"What am I to you?"

Jaydon thought again. "Am I allow to say the b word?"

"As you wish."

"Then you're my bitch." he said with a smile. I laughed. His accent made the word sound so... so... (yep I have a lot of vocabulary) so perfect. "Ok, no you're my boyfriend." he said. "But if you want to be my bitch, you can be too."

"I wouldn't mind." I replied.

"Are you finish with your questions?"

"One more." I replied.


"Can this be our song?" I said, talking about 'All about us'. 

"Definitely." he said, pressing his lips on mine. 

So we kept on listening the same song in repeat. I began to know the lyrics, but forgot them as soon as my eyes met Jaydon's brown eyes. We were both standing, holding each others close enough that I could almost feel his heart beating. I knew mine was beating like a mini drum. I looked out the window. It was dark outside. I took out my phone and looked at the time. It was 6pm. Jaydon stole my phone and snapped a couple of pictures as I tried to get it back. I jumped on him and he fell backward.  My legs were around his waist, pressing him on the floor. He stopped kissed my cheek, mumbling "I love you". He gave me my phone and I looked at the pictures. 20.

"Aw, look at this one." I said, showing a photo of him kissing my cheek.

"It's cute. Just like you." 

"Awwww, you're cute." I said. 

We were now on the floor, listening for the last time our song. We looked at each others with a big smile on our face. "I want to keep you forever." I said. He replied with a sweet  and delicate kiss. I never knew when I fell in love with him. but apparently, I did. 


Ok, so I was looking for a song to listen and I found ''All about us'' by He Is We ft.Owl City . I fell in love with the song and played it 10 times in a row while writing the book reading part. After writing the whole chapter, I realized how the lyrics and what I just wrote were fitting together and asdfghjkl;. So yeah. There is a link on the side if you want to listen to the song :) 

*Also, I want to say that the book "Two Boys Kissing" is really good. 

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