Chapter five

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''I'm home!'' I screamed as I walked in my house. I took of my red coat and threw it in the wardrobe. ''Isn't there a welcoming committee for my fabulous entrance?'' I asked, closing the door behind me. Nothing happened. ''Thomas-dear? Where are you darling?'' I walked forward and threw my bag on the sofa. ''Dad, mom?'' I kept on walking. ''Penelope?'' I walked to the kitchen. ''Anybody?'' I got to the stairs. ''Was there a murder?'' I walked up the stairs. ''Are you still there Mr Killer?'' I slowly walked to my bedroom. ''Is there any blood? I don't want to be stuck with the cleaning!'' I opened the door. ''Mister Killer? Are you cute? We could have a threesome with- OH MY FUCKING GOD! JESUS ON A BOAT!'' I screamed, jumping back. ''Thomas, you fucking incompetent twat-goose-ugly-fluffy-thing!'' I shouted, hitting my best friend on the arm. Thomas rolled on the floor, laughing his head off.

''You-you're fa-ah-ah-ah-ah-ce!'' He laughed. ''I should have recorded that!''

''Thomas! It's not funny!''

''Your face was priceless.'' Basically, Thomas was hiding in my closet. He jumped right in front of my face and scared the shit out of me.

My best friend got up and walked to me as I pouted. He opened his arms and hugged me, still laughing. ''Your parents and sister are at the mall.'' he said, his head on my chest. I buried my face on his shoulder as he chuckled. He pulled away. ''Would you really have a threesome with a killer?'' he asked.

''If he was cute.'' I said with a smirk.

''And would be the third guy?'' he asked.

''Your dead body.''

''EW DUDE!'' he said, playfully hitting my arm with his fist.

I chuckled. ''Oh yeah I'm sorry. You're already taken by Steeve.'' I said.

''The...what? Steeve?''

''You guys are such a couple. I ship you two. Sthomas. Or maybe Thovee. Which one you prefer?'' I asked.

''Urg, Derek.''

''Thovee is much cuter. I'll go write a fan fiction on tumblr.'' I said, walking toward Thomas's laptop. ''Oh! And I could even do a crossover with Deker!'' I said.


''Yeah. Mr Killer and my outrageous self.'' I said, pulling the computer closer to me. Thomas sighted and took his laptop.

''Homework, now.'' he commanded.

''Ok, mom.'' I said.

On the next day, I woke up next to my sleeping best friend. I hit my alarm clock so it could stop screaming. I got out of bed and moved Thoma's shoulder. ''Thomas, wake up.'' I said. He grouched and opened his eyes. I walked to the clean pile of blue t-shirts and threw one at him. Our school had a kind-of uniform. We had to wear the official blue shirt but we could have any black pants. I tossed a pair of black jeans to my friend and removed my shirt. I put on my t-shirt and looked over at my shirtless Thomas. He didn't have a lot of muscles. Only abs. My friend put the blue shirt over his head and put on the jeans. Once we were dressed, we walked downstairs to eat. When we finished, we walked to school. Our high school was 3 streets away from my house. It was unnecessary for my parents to drive us there.

We walked in the hallways, heading to our lockers. Once we got there, I opened my locker, took off my coat and tuque.Thomas threw his bag on the floor and copied me. Something ran to him and jumped on his back. Thomas's face hit his locker as he let a ''Jesus!'' from the surprise.

''Hey, Thomas.'' said a feminine voice. Of course, Cherie. Her arms and legs wrapped around Thomas's body and her head on his shoulder.

''Cherie!'' Thomas frowned.

''Good morning.'' the small girl said with a smile.

''Morning, Cherie blossom.'' I said.

''Aw, come here.'' she said. I came next to her and she placed a kiss on my cheek.

''Girl, you should kiss Thomas's cheek too or else he'll be jealous.'' I chuckled.

''You're right! There.'' Cherie said, pressing her lips on my friend's red cheeks. ''Here you go, no jealousy.'' I could see from Thomas's expression that he wanted to kill me. On the other side, he was really grateful. ''Now take me to class.'' the teenage girl said.

''You have two legs, you can walk on your own.'' Thomas said.

''Please.'' Cherie pouted. ''Please, Thomas.''


''Come on you guys.'' I said, picking up my best friend's stuff, along with mine. We walked to class together, Cherie still up on Thomas's back. Once we got to class. Thomas let Cherie down on her feet.

''Thanks.'' she smiled, getting on her tip toes to kiss his cheek again. Thomas and I sat in the back of the class, like always. The bell rang and the teacher, miss O'Hara, started to talk. She took the attendance and gave us documents. She told us to work on the exercices and that we had the whole period to finish the whole package. Math. I hated math. The only class I really liked was French because I was good. Otherwise, I hated every other class.

Teacher usually loved me. Of course! How could someone hate a boy like moi? Ok, ok, now you're probably thinking ''He's such a stereotype. Like, he's gay and sassy.'' Well, let me tell you, I am not a stereotype (fingers snaps three times). I do have a lot of admiration toward myself, but, unlike the gay stereotypes, I play sports and I hate shopping. I don't give a damn about my hair and my clothes. I hate skinny and v-neck t-shirt. Although, the two pairs of jeans I own are skinny. Anyway, I hate Broadway music and theatre and stuff. I'm really into punk rock. Like, if punk rock was a person, it'll be part of my threesome... which would become a foursome.

The only teacher that hated me was madame Beaulieux, the French teacher. She didn't like me because I was better then her. Yes, even if her last name gave out the hint that she was from Quebec, she was an English speaker. She learned French in high school and decided to teach it. Even if she was the one teaching it, I was still better. Always 100% in every tests and I would even correct her mistakes. So, madame Beaulieux, didn't like me at all. Could you believe that I have a better accent then her? I have a French Canadian accent!

''Derek, could you concentrate on the exercises.'' miss Harper said. I nodded and looked down at my paper.

The day went pretty fast. When Thomas and I got home, mom was already there. I opened the front door with energy. ''Thomas and Derek has arrived.'' I said.

''Do you really have to do that much noise when you walk in your house?'' my best friend asked.

''Yes, so people can know that my wonderful self is here.''

''Hey boys. Comment a été votre journée?'' mom asked. She basically asked us how did our day go.

''Bien.'' which meant good.

''Et toi, Thomas?'' (and you, Thomas?)

''Très bien.''(really good.)

''Great, your French is getting better.'' Thomas smiled and we walked up the stairs. ''Oh and Derek, Jeremy's mother called, she asked if you could help on Tuesday night.''

''Of course I can.'' I said.

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