Chapter thirteen

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Um... I don't speak German. So if you find any mistakes, I'm sorry. Also, there's a tiny bit of French, but not much.


I stood in the shower, letting the hot water sliding down my body. Luckily, I didn't have any scars on my face. Only bruises on my sides. I can't tell Thomas. If I do, he won't let me leave the house. I just had to lie: I hurt myself when I fell on the ice. I then thought about Jaydon. I touched my lips and giggled. That kiss felt amazing. It made me smile.

''I'm singing in the shower! LA DA DEE LA DA DA LA DA DA AH!" I screamed. ''This shower is sooooooo boring.'' I said, looking down at my feet. ''Meh, whatever. LA LA DEE LA LA DA LA LA DA AH!" I stopped. ''Oh my gosh!" I shouted. ''I'm thinking about him and it's making me happy... so I'm singing. I'm in the shower... and the song IS ABOUT being happy and singing in the shower because you're thinking about someone! INCEPTION!" I said out loud.

The only thing on my mind was that kiss. Did he enjoy it? Is he gay? Why did he kissed back? Are we going to kiss again? Urg! So many question! Why did I have to be gay? Not that I hate it, trust me, I love being gay but heteros just have to bother about the 'are we dating' part. I have to think about 'Is he gay' and the 'are we dating' part. 

I heard knocking on the door. ''Derek! Don't take all the hot water.'' Thomas complained from the other side of the door.

''Don't worry, if it's too cold I'll join you. It's gonna get hot.'' I said.

''Stop joking.''

''I'm in here since, like, 7 minutes.'' I pouted.


''Yes, that's me.''

''Come on!''

''If you're too impatient, just come. There's enough place for you.'' I said.

''Don't even dream about it.''

''Oh, you never know what happens in my dream.''

''What, you dream of me?''

''With no shirt.'' I said.

''Mmmm, you must love dreaming.''

''Favorite thing to do.'' We stopped talking for a moment. ''Alright.'' I sighted. I closed the water and took a towel. I wrapped it around my hips and opened the door of the bathroom. I was face to face with Thomas. I looked down at him with a smile. ''Well, hi there.'' I said. I placed a kiss on his forehead and walked to my bedroom. I laid on the bed, not bothering about getting the bed wet from my hair.

I almost fell asleep, but then I realized I was half naked. I put on my underwear and slid under the bed sheets. Thomas came not long after. He laid next to me and I faced him.

"Goodnight.'' I said.


I kissed Thomas's cheek and hugged him.

On the next day, after my hockey practice, my team mates were getting out of the shower and I was trying to focus on something else. Someone's hands slid on my sides. I turned around and it was Thomas. ''I didn't see those yesterday.'' he said, touching my bruises. I winced because of the pain and sighted.

''I must have fell or something.'' I said.

My phone buzzed in my gym bag. I took it. Jaydon texted me, asking if I wanted to come over. His family wasn't home so we could have a chat. I replied that I had to head home before, but I would come. I lied to my family, saying that I was going to see Jeremy.

And there I was. Jaydon opened the front door. We were in his bedroom and I didn't know what to do. Should I talk about the kiss? Avoid the kiss? Kiss him? Be friendly? Be flirty? Talk to him? Sit with him? Apparently, he didn't know what to do either since we were both facing each others silently.

'' Jaydon, are you in Narnia?'' I asked to break the ice.


I chuckled. ''The closet. Are you in the closet?''

The red hair guy sighted. ''No, I'm not in Narnia.''

''But the kiss and holding hands! It was full of love! I was in love, you were in love! Everybody was-''

''My family knows.'' he said. I then understood.

I stayed silent. ''Why didn't you tell me?'' I asked, crossing my arms.

''Well, I'm not going to say 'Hi, Derek! I'm Jaydon the homosexual!' you know.''

''But... you could have told me! I'm gay, you're gay, we kissed and everything was magical! I mean... there's something going on here.'' I said.

''Yeah, I know...''

''But if your family knows-'' I froze there. The correct sentence would have been: But if your family knows, it means that your brother knows and is still an asshole.

''Yeah, they know.''

I looked down at my feet. ''If you're gay and I'm gay... and you're really cute and you have ginger hair... we could, like, date or something.'' Yup, I don't know how to ask someone out.

''Yes, we could.''

There was a long silence. ''So what now?'' I asked.

''We could kiss. We do that great.'' Jaydon said placing his arms on my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. Our nose touched and I felt little butterflies in my stomach. ''We could." I replied. I placed my hands on his waist and closed the gap between our lips. The house was silent and we could only hear the sound of our kiss. My eyes closed and my mind focusing on the boy I loved.

''Oh my fucking god!'' a voice shouted from behind. We pulled away and looked at the boy, standing in the doorframe. Jeremy. ''Faggot! I told you to stay away from here!''

''I told him to come.'' Jaydon said.

Jeremy didn't replied and Jaydon pecked my lips. ''You people are gross.'' Jeremy said.

I pecked Jaydon's lips back.''So... are we a thing?'' I asked.

''You met like a month ago!'' Jeremy complained.

''I guess we could be a thing.'' Jaydon replied, looking at his feet. I placed my fingers under his chin and lifted his head up.

''Hey, don't look at your feet.'' I said. ''I want to see your eyes'' I continued, looking at him in the eyes.

"Mama!, Papa! Jaydon und Derek sind als gay.'' Jeremy cried. I only understood Mom, dad, Jaydon, Derek and gay. Probably because those were the only things he said in English.

''Mom and dad aren't even here, you depp" Jaydon replied, rolling his eyes.

"Don't call me a depp you schwuchtl."

"Hey, chui toujours la pis je comprends rien..." I said. Which means: Hey, I'm still there and I don't understand (what's happening). Jeremy grouched and left us alone.

Jaydon took my hands and looked at me. "Je t'aime." he said, his cheeks heating up. He knew French! I wanted to jump and scream.

''You know French?''

''A little bit."

"Ich liebe dich." I said. I love you in German. Jaydon pressed his lips on mine.

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