Chapter eleven

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''Deky, it's me, Thomas!''

''Who are you?''


''Why are you calling me like that?''

''Deky! It's me, your best friend!''

''I never saw you. You can't be my best friend.''

''But... but Derek!''

''Stop talking to me!'' I slid down the wall and cried. I felt someone punching me.

My eyes flew open. The sun was bright and the alarm clock was screaming. I closed it and looked beside me. No one. I spent the night alone. I got dressed and went downstairs. Derek was there, eating a bowl of cereals. My stomach was still grumbling. I drank orange juice and said that I was going to eat later... which was a lie.

''Thomas, are you ok?'' Derek's mom asked. ''You look tired.''

''No, no, I'm fine.'' lie. I was so tired. I kept waking up during the night because of nightmares.

''I'm sorry, Thomas-dear. I fell asleep on the couch.'' Derek apologized.

''It's ok.'' lie. It was the first time in about 7 years or more we hadn't sleep together.

My best friend got up and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, from behind. He kissed my cheek and mumbled an ''I'm sorry.''

*Derek's P.O.V*

Yesterday, after my tutoring session with Jeremy, I went to a café. It was 6 pm. I sat at a table and waited. I waited for someone. Jaydon. Like every week, we would meet at café and read. Just read. No talking, not even a glance (ok, maybe one or two). I would then come home two hours later. 

My ginger guy came and sat on the chair in front of me. He gave me a quick smile and took a book out of his bag. Paper Town. Good choice. Mine was The maze runner.  We read. It was the only way we could see each others, since for no reason, Jeremy didn't want us to hang out. It was the main reason why I couldn't go to his house. Was he scared that I would fall in love with his brother? I mean, yes he was cute and all, but I didn't really knew him. 

We read in silence for 2 hours. It was the third time we met here. I quite enjoyed our little time. They were like little dates. Friendly dates. I looked up from my book and caught his eyes. He blushed and looked away. His hands, gripping to his book. I chuckled. ''What's funny?'' the ginger asked.

''You.'' I simply said. ''Ok, I gotta go. It was fun.'' I said, putting my book down. 

''Yeah.'' Jaydon said, copying me. He looked at me in the eyes but glanced away as soon as he did. I took his hand which was resting on the table. 

''Seriously, it was fun.'' I smiled. Jaydon's pale face turned red. He slid his hand to him, letting mine go. I got up, gave him a smirk and left. It was 8 o'clock and I was walking home alone. When I walked in my house, I took my plate left on the table and put it in the microwave. I then ate in front of the TV. I fell asleep, something I would have never done without Thomas. But today, I was too lazy to go upstairs, and my best friend was probably already sleeping.

If we weren't cuddling, Thomas and I would just be sleeping next to each others. I really liked to sleep with someone. It made me feel safe. If I had trouble sleeping even with music, Thomas would play in with my hair. I would create a little story to make him fall asleep. Like I already said, we share a bed since 

*Flashback music*

 ''Derek? Are you sleeping?'' 9 year old Thomas asked.

''No.'' my 8 year old self answered.

''I can't sleep.''



I thought about what my parents usually did when had nightmares. ''Come.'' I said, sliding to the left. Thomas got up and laid next to me. ''If you have nightmares, I'll protect you.'' I said. 

''Thanks Derek.'' 

*End of flashback.*

I felt asleep.

I realized I spent the night alone when I woke up. I stretched and looked at my phone. Well, it was 6:27 am. I got up and walked to the kitchen, where my my mom and little sister were. Penelope looked shocked. ''Didn't you sleep with your boyfriend?'' she asked. I sighted and scratched my eyes.

''Thomas-dear is not my boyfriend, Penelope.''

''Still, you didn't sleep with him.''

''Yeah, big deal.'' I said, sitting at the table.

''What wrong?'' mom asked.

''Nothing.'' I grouched.

''You're never angry in the morning. Did you and Thomas had a fight?''

''No, Thomas and I are fine.'' I snapped. I took the cereal box and poured some in a bowl, along with milk. I started eating. Mom looked at me with curiosity in her eyes. ''What?'' I said, my mouth full of cereals. I dropped the spoon in my bowl and looked at her. ''Mother, I am fine! Thomas and I are still best friends and nothing happened between us.'' 

''Are you guilty of anything?'' she asked.

''Guilty of what?'' I asked.

''I don't know. You tell me.''

''I have nothing to say.'' Thomas walked in. He looked tired. His face was pale and his hair was a mess. He sat down and drank orange juice. Mom asked him a couple of questions, which he replied with nonchalance. 

''I'm sorry, Thomas-dear. I fell asleep on the couch.'' I apologized. Mom was right, I was guilty. Guilty of being too lazy and letting Thomas alone for a night. You might think I'm overreacting, but no. Thomas needed me and he often told me. I ignored him yesterday and felt terrible for it.  He probably had nightmares and I wasn't there for him. I got up and walked to him and wrapped my arms around his  shoulders, from behind. I kissed his cheek and mumbled an ''I'm sorry.'' He didn't replied. Thomas looked at me with no expression. 

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