Chapter four

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I woke up, Thomas in my arms. I looked around the room. The sun was shining today. I looked down at my sleeping friend and smiled. Such a cutie. He looked younger when he was sleeping. ''Stop staring at me.'' he grouched, his eyes closed.

''I'm not staring at you.'' I said.

''Technically, when you look at someone for a long time, is staring.'' he said.

''Come on, Thomas-dear. Wake up!'' I said. I jumped on the bed and he sighted.

''I hate you.'' he mumbled.

''No, you love me.'' I said. ''Now wake up. Or else I'll make out with you.''

''Ah, shush, you'd do it even if I was awake.''

''And you wouldn't care.''

''Well I'd be bothered that my first kiss and first make out would with you.'' he said, sitting on the bed.

I looked at him. ''Was I your first kiss?'' I asked, putting my hand on my chest to express how shocked I was.

''Well, yeah. When would I ever had the time to kiss someone?'' he asked, getting up. Messy hair. Cute.

''I don't know, I just didn't notice.'' I said. ''I'm so sorry.'' I apologized.

''Why would you?'' he asked.

''Your first kiss was with a boy.'' I said.

''Yeah, so? It was... ok, I supposed.''

''Thomas Anderson, are you saying my kisses are only okay? Bitch, they're fabulous.'' I said, following him.

''Dude, have you kissed yourself? No. Then you can't say anything.''

''Mister grumpy cat is back!''

''I'm not grumpy, I'm just human.'' he said. Thomas turned around and almost stepped on me. We were dangerously close to each others, his nose, brushing against mine.

''Mmmm, you're really close to me and you're blushing. You're adorable.'' I said. "Give me a good reason to stop myself from wanting to kiss you."

''Oh, shut up. Your syntax is horrible." I got my hands to his sides and ran down my fingers on it. Thomas squirmed and let out a feminine scream. ''Deky, don't tickle me!'' he cried.

''Aw, no Deky, don't tickle me!'' I repeated. ''Is my little Thomas-dear ticklish?'' I asked.


''Say that I'm the best kisser.'' I said.

''You're- you're the best kiss-kisser!'' he cried.

''Now, say you love me.'' I kept on tickling him. He fell onto the ground and I ran my fingers under his armpits.


''Say you love me!''


''Aw, I love you too.'' I said, kissing his red cheek. Thomas breathed heavily and whipped a tear away from his eyes. Too much laughter.

What was nice about my parents is that they didn't mind my friendship with Thomas. They didn't care if we sleep in the same bed or laugh at 7 in the morning. They didn't mind all the 'I love you' and the 'Wanna bang?' that we said jokingly.

My sister, she shipped us. I'm sure that if she knew what an OTP was, we'd be her OTP. Thomek or Demas, I'm not quite sure.

Later on, Thomas and I got in a bus and went at the Eichelberger's house. The bus stopped and we got out. ''If he does anything to you, call me ok?'' Thomas said.

''Yes mama.'' I replied.

''I'm serious, Derek. Be careful.''

''You know you can't hold my hand forever, right?''

''I know, but I just... I don't want you in any trouble.''

"You're cute." I said. "In all kinds of way. You're cute and adorable. And now you're blushing, which makes you even cuter.'' I smiled.

''I'm not cute, I'm 17!''

''Wow, what an excuse. It's like if a whale would say: I'm not a fish, I'm a whale.''

''Fish don't talk you dork.''

''Well they do in Finding Nemo.'' I pouted. We arrived in front of a HUGE mansion. I looked at Thomas and smiled. ''Everything'll be fine.'' I said. I kissed his red cheek and walked to the front door. I rang the doorbell and a woman came.

''Well hello there, you must be Derek.'' the woman said.

''See, he was with his boyfriend.'' someone complained. Jeremy.

''He's my best friend, thank you very much.'' I faced the woman who just opened the door and smiled.''Hi Mrs Eicheberger. Nice to meet you.'' I removed my coat and Jeremy's mother took it.

''What if he rapes me while I'm trying to study?'' Jeremy said.

''Jeremy, quit being an idiot. All your other tutor quit because of you. Be happy that Derek said yes.'' his mother said.''Now, now, go work.''

''He doesn't even go to private school!'' the rich-as-fuck-ginger kid said.

''He's still better then you in French. Now go work.''

I followed Jeremy up the stairs. He grouched and opened his bedroom door. There was an GIANT map, covering the whole wall. The bed sheets were black and so were the curtains. The cloudless sky made the inside light unnecessary. ''Why are you homophobic? Did anybody from the LGBT hurt you?'' I asked.

''The what?'' he asked, sitting on a chair.

''The LGBT. Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans. You're mom was right, you are an idiot.'' I said. ''So, what do you have to do?'' I asked. Jeremy looked through his papers while I observed the walls of the bedroom. I winced. ''Toronto's Maple Leaves? You've got to be kidding me.''

''What's your favorite team then?'' he asked, not looking away from his paper.

''Montreal Canadien. THE best team.''

''You know, I'm not that bad in French. I do know a sentence. Tu être un moron.'' he said. What an horrible French.

''You just said: You be a moron. It's you are a moron. Tu es un moron. Which in your case, is pretty accurate.'' I said as Jeremy frowned.

Music started to scream. Simple Plan. God damn I loved Simple Plan. The music came from the room next door. Jeremy knocked on the wall and screamed. ''JAYDON! SHUT THE FUCK UP!''.

Which got replied with: ''I can't hear you!''

''Ignore it. It's just my brother.'' Jeremy said. I looked through his French assignment and tapped my feet to the beat of the music. I hummed the lyrics until I got caught off by Jeremy. ''Will you concentrate?'' he snapped.

''I am. I just quite enjoy the song.'' I said with a smile.

''You're not here to enjoy music. You're here to help me with my french.''

''Je fais ce que je veux. T'es pas mon patron monsieur je-suis-le-plus-riche-et-je-fais-chier.'' I said. It meant: I do whatever I want. You're not the boss of me, mister I'm-rich-as-fuck-and-I-annoy-everybody.

Someone laughed. The laughed came from the hallway. ''Go away, Jaydon!'' Jeremy said. ''What did you say?''

''Nothing, I just said that you were annoying.''

This was gonna be fun.

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