Chapter nineteen

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P.O.V changes a lot in this chapter.


"Merry Christmas! I know we don't like each others but merry Christmas!" I said, jumping on sleepy Thomas.

"Let me sleep."

"No! Wake up!"

"It's not Christmas you moron! It's Christmas eve."

"True that. Meh, wake up anyway. It's 1 pm."


"1 pm!" 

"Ok, ok, go away."

*Thomas's P.O.V*

I hated him. But loved him at the same time. Not love, love but friendly love. I hated him because he let me down and didn't keep his promise. But I loved (friendly love) him because even if we were fighting, he was trying to be nice. And now he was on my bed, jumping on me. His green eyes diving into mine, he was smiling. 

"Ok, ok, go away." I said.

"Fine, you grumpy person." Derek said, getting down from my bed.

I yawned and got on my feet. The Taylor's didn't like having a lot of people in their house. The family rarely came visit. Some because of Derek's sexual orientation, which seriously is THE WORST excuses ever. Mrs.Taylor's family was in Quebec and her family didn't want to drive all the way to here. 

I walked down the stairs when someone said my name. I turned around and Derek was behind me. "Sounds weird, but would you let me kiss your cheek? I mean... it's kind of Christmas eve and I just want us to be happy for the holidays."

"Yeah." I said. "I never asked you to stop, by the way." 

Derek pressed his lips on my cheek and hugged me. He hugged me tight and pulled away, confused. He slid his hands on my sides and look at my body. His eye gaze back to mine, his mouth opened to talk but words not coming out. "I am an HORRIBLE friend!" he shouted.

"You just realized?" I said in sarcasm.

"No time for jokes Thomas!" he choked, talking my hand and ran up the stairs with me. He locked us in his bedroom and looked at me. He was against the door and I was in the middle of the room. Now I was the one to be confused. "Take off your shirt." Derek said.

"Waa! No! What the heck!"

"Take off your shirt." He was crying. So I took off my t-shirt and thew it on the ground. My ugly body was now showing. I lost a lot of pounds since I stopped eating. "Thomas, please tell me you haven't starve yourself?"

"I'm not a liar." I said.

"I am an horrible human being!" he shouted, walking up to me. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's not your fault." I said.

"Yes it is! I'm the one that makes you eat. If I'm not there, you starve yourself. Thomas you have an eating dis-"

"Don't say it." 

"You have an eating disorder." he said.

"No I don't!" I said. "I'm just fat."

"Look at you! LOOK AT YOU IN THE MIRROR!" Derek shouted.

"No, you know I hate it."

"Look in the fucking mirror."

I turned around and looked at my skinny-but-not-so-skinny self. "No, I'm fat." I said, taking my shirt on the floor. I walked away.

*Derek's P.O.V*

 Thomas didn't eat for the rest of the day. I was too blind to see that he was starving himself. I was an horrible human being. I wasn't even able to keep promises. 

At dinner, I saw that Thomas forced himself to eat. We were eating pizza since... well... we can't cook a turkey. 

Then we were around the Christmas tree. Penelope was sitting on me and Thomas was next to us. I was the first one to give a present. I gave it to Thomas. He opened it and did a weird face. He was surprised but his hands were shaking. He looked at me and gave me his gift. I opened it and... well it was the same shirt. "Are you kidding me!" I shouted.

"This was NOT planned." Thomas said. 

We had the exact same green sweater. I was shocked!

"You're matching again!" Penelope cheered.

"Aw thank you Thomas." I said, hesitantly hugging him. 

"Yeah, thanks.'' he replied. 

The next morning, the 25th, it was Jaydon and I time. We were going on a date in a restaurant. Jaydon was acting weird. He seemed to have something to say but he wasn't able to spill it out. 

''Jaydon? You ok?'' I asked midway to our supper.

''Yeah, yeah.''

I kept on eating. You might call me immoral to let my best friend down for my date... well go ahead because I am. I should be with Thomas right now. I really should. But there I was, with Jaydon. 

When we finished eating we went for a walk as it wasn't really cold outside. We were walking, hand in hand, until my German boyfriend (that sounds so cool!), turned to me and kissed me. I kissed him back, pulled away and tried to find his eyes in the dark of night. 

''I've... I've got a gift for you.'' he said.

''Me too!'' I smiled. I gave him his present and he gave me mine. I opened it as he opened his. A book, a write book. Not even a book. Just a package of papers attached together. I opened the first page and read 'From Jaydon to Derek, our winter love story'. I looked up at him. ''What!''

''I wrote my thoughts and stuff we did together.'' he said. ''It's our story.''

''NO WAY! My present is horrible! I'm so sorry!'' I said. 

''No, no, I love it, trust me.''

''Thank you! It's so beautiful!'' I kissed him and he kissed me back. 

His hands were in mine, facing me. Jaydon took a deep breath and opened his mouth to talk. 

The sentence he said hit me in the face like a puck coming right at me. We both had tears rolling down our cheeks. It felt like a... a (lack of vocabulary, sorry) a BAM, in my face. What he just said was... I never thought he would say that. 

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