There's Something Odd about Bakugo

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AN: This chapter contains an excerpt from a book that is not mine. I do not own the words or the characters. The book is titled Sweet Persuasion by Maya Banks

Uraraka stood in the middle of her room, the small glow of the morning sun dancing around her. She let her eyes drift up and down her reflection as she continued to wring her hands in agitation.

"It's not that big of a deal." She said to herself, trying to shake off some of her worries but it wasn't really working.

After her most recent awkward encounter with a certain blonde, she raced back to her room. Now, at a safe distance, Uraraka was attempting to make sense of what was happening between them but she was drawing blanks. She simply could not comprehend how she had ended up in this situation with someone to who she had barely spoken a full sentence not even a month ago. And now?

She didn't even know where to start.

In a desperate need to ignore anything having to do with the loud blonde, Uraraka focused her attention on getting ready for the first day of school. In a small bout of insanity, she decided that she would change her signature look this year. It was time. She was one year older, one year wiser, and she wanted to start looking the part. She wanted to look more mature and maybe, just maybe, a new look would finally get the people around her to stop looking at her like this fragile, little girl.

Uraraka attempted to braid her bangs and pin them back in a similar style to how Hagakure had done her hair for the dance. Of course, hers were nowhere near as defined and put together, but she kind of liked how they looked messy. It made her look less formal and more appropriate for class. Uraraka ditched her signature leggings and opted for wearing the socks that had been issued with her uniform. Due in large part to an intense first year full of training and villain fights, the lower half of her body was significantly more toned than it had been on her first day at U.A. Uraraka would probably never admit this out loud but she was proud of her muscular legs. They served as tangible evidence that she had worked really hard and she'd be lying if she wasn't trying to show them off a little bit.

This decision had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Bakugo seemed to be unable to stare at her legs during the dance.

None whatsoever.

The changes to her appearance were subtle but it was a start

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The changes to her appearance were subtle but it was a start. Uraraka was seventeen now, a woman, for all intents and purposes, and it was about damn time people started treating her like one. She was soon to be a pro-hero and it would be of utmost importance that she be able to instill confidence in those she intended to save. Who would truly trust a little girl to save them? Not many. Uraraka needed people to stop seeing her as the sweet, little, chubby-cheeked girl and start taking her seriously because she wasn't that girl anymore...

Well, she was.

But she also wasn't.

She had grown in more ways than one throughout the last year. Uraraka had long since shaken the trepidation that came with being surrounded by her amazing classmates all with powerful quirks. She needed to become the best she could be so that she could find a good hero office to hire her. Uraraka did not have grandiose aspirations, opting for a more realistic view of what her life would be. She would be more than content if she made enough money to support her family and maybe give her a cozy apartment in the city where she could eat mochi and adopt a cat. Being able to accomplish this by saving people...well she considered herself lucky in more ways than one.

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