What is a "Thing" Anyhow?

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Bakugo slouched next to the classroom door, hands in pockets and a scowl on his face, daring anyone passing by to try him

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Bakugo slouched next to the classroom door, hands in pockets and a scowl on his face, daring anyone passing by to try him. The heroes-in-training had been released for lunch, and Uraraka and Bakugo had already decided to spend it together, so Bakugo waited. They didn't always hang out at lunch, choosing to hang out with their friends instead, but today was a little different. Today was the day second-year internships were to be announced.

Two weeks had passed since their first date, and by now, the entirety of the school knew about them. All he kept hearing down the hallways was how they were a "thing."

What did that even mean?

It seriously pissed him off how everyone had an opinion. How was this anyone else's business?! It wasn't...but that didn't stop the staring, the pointing, or the out front questions - "Why is someone so nice dating someone like him?"

That seemed to be on everyone's mind.

If he was being completely honest, it was also on his mind. It bothered him more than it probably should have. What if Uraraka changed her mind? She was too nice to be with someone like him.


"Uraraka said she'd be out in a minute." Deku's overly-chirpy voice catapulted him back to the present. It was unsettling how "okay" Deku was with all of this. Actually, he was more than okay. Deku seemed genuinely happy about it.

Bakugo wasn't sure why, but it kind of pissed him off.

"No one asked you, dumbass." Bakugo spat, refusing to look at him as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Uraraka-san asked me to tell you," Deku responded, his optimism not at all affected by Bakugo's sour attitude. Bakugo was preparing to say something hostile, but the nerd and his pack had already left.

He knew that Uraraka was still friends with Deku, and he wasn't going to be one of those chumps that told her what to do or who to be friends with...but it did annoy the living shit out of him. Just a little bit. The last person he wanted to be involved in his personal life was that damn green-haired nerd. Less even when that same person just happened to be his girlfriend's former crush.

He hadn't brought that up to Uraraka, though. The first and last time he ever mentioned it was that one time in his room, and he wasn't planning on doing so again. Frankly, he didn't want to know anything about Uraraka and Deku. He wasn't sure how he'd react, and he'd rather not risk a fight.

For better or for worse, things with Deku had been - calm. At the very least, they were neutral, and he really didn't have the time to invest in him. All-Might already had him spending most of his free evenings training with the nerd. Hadn't he already paid his dues? The little free time he did have, he'd much rather spend it with...

"Howdy!" Uraraka's peppy voice and warm smile instantly erased the bad taste the brief interaction with Deku had left in his mouth. It was alarming how her mere presence could affect him to that degree. He wasn't sure how to react.

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