Somebody is Watching

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Uraraka looked at the image her mom had sent her earlier that morning on her phone for what felt like the five millionth time that afternoon

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Uraraka looked at the image her mom had sent her earlier that morning on her phone for what felt like the five millionth time that afternoon. Ever since her mom discovered Pinterest, she had picked up the habit of sending her motivational messages daily. It may be a little cheesy, but Uraraka secretly loved it. Most of the time, the messages came with wishes for her to have a good morning and an even greater day.

Uraraka had tried to keep most of her stress away from her parents. One of her main motivators for becoming a hero was so that they could finally live a life where they didn't have to stretch dollars and pinch pennies. The last thing she wanted was to add to her parents' worry.

She had called them the afternoon after accepting the internship with Mirko, and although they were proud of her, Uraraka could tell they were worried.

"Be careful, Ochako." Her dad had said, sounding much more serious than Uraraka could remember him sounding. She couldn't see her mom over the phone, but she could feel her worry just as well.

"I'll be okay, Dad." She had said in earnest, "I promise."

She was sure her words did little to assuage their fears, but unfortunately, there was not much else that could be said. Uraraka was going to become a Pro-Hero, which meant she would constantly have too many dangers, both big and small, and everything in between. It was a fact of the profession.

Her parents didn't like it but respected her choice and remained a beacon of support.

She appreciated them so much.

Especially on days like today. She had woken up late after her little late-night rendezvous with Bakugo in the showers. Uraraka's felt the familiar heat pool in between her legs, just remembering it. Despite a very, very , good night, her morning left a lot to be desired. Waking up late wouldn't have been that big of an issue, especially considering today was Saturday, and all she had was her work-study, but somehow her morning went from not-so-great to absolute shit in the manner of minutes.

Her mom had called her that morning as Uraraka was racing to get dressed so she didn't miss the train to her internship. She told her there had been a freak accident at one of the construction sites. It had been late at night, and her Dad had checked all the active sites to ensure everything was locked and secure. At the last site, one of the machines turned on and almost ran him over, forcing him to jump to the side and land against the rubble. He was bruised and scratched and had a broken clavicle, but he was otherwise fine, or so her mom had said.

"How does a machine just turn on?" Uraraka questioned, exasperated by her mom's calm demeanor. Some of her knew they didn't want to worry her but too little, too late.

"We aren't sure, my love. The officers are investigating." Her mom had said quietly. The hospital sounds in the background made this whole conversation much more real. Something in her mother's voice made Uraraka think there was a lot more to this "accident" than she was telling, but she didn't want to push her mother anymore at the moment.

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