(B2) C4 Sextorsion's

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Natalia P.O.V

My father is really rude, the fact that he still is playing his little game of hooking me up with his partners. After the kiss, Chris interrupted us and I followed after him to talk about work.

We were in my father's room, alone and the silence that was with us made the position awkward. Though I am going to be professional, for the sake of my father, I want to make him happy before his time comes.

" Sooo.... next week we have to go to Lakeside and talk with the representatives there and speak about the new construction work your father plans" Chris breaks the silence as he sits down in my father's chair and shuffles through the drawers for some paper.

" Looks like you know this place well" I comment suspiciously.

Chris looks up at me and smirks.

" Of course I do. When you left I fantasize fucking you in each of these rooms." I widen my eyes at the comment and looked away.

" Natali I am kidding. Though I have fantasized about you, but not here" He winks.

I clear my throat and walk closer to the desk looking at the projects my dad has worked on.

" I have worked with your father constantly. I helped him after you left, and so I kind know where everything is" He lets out in a low tone.

I turn at him surprised.

He took care of my father when I was at the point of ruining my life.

I shake my head.

" Well let's get to work I need to tell Ana about this, as my personal assistant she will take care of the paperwork" I grab the papers from Chris hands, but he grabs my wrist and sits me on top of him.

" Chr-"

He kisses me, forces my chin towards his face and kisses me, a sloppy and desperate kiss.

I try to get out of his grip but he grips more, his other hand on my waist slowly reaching my thighs forcing my legs to open so he could circle his finger in circles around my clit.

" Stop" I warned him, but he chuckles and continues.

My mouth escapes a moan, and he smirks at the sound and stops.

" Natali, ohhh it's so easy to make you come. I remember those old days when I bended you over my desk and slid your dress up. You'd get wet for me, as I thrust myself into you, as you moaned my name quietly not wanting your father to know" He murmurs in my ear sending goosebumps.

I get off of him and crossed my arms.

" That was in the past Chris. I have a boyfriend" I growled.

" I don't care. Me and you now have a deal, you need to work with me and please me every night like in the old days. Or I will tell your father you really killed Anthony, and Joe too. I wonder what your so called boyfriend would think of you"

If only he knew.

I roll my eyes.

" And report you to the federal because well policemen would be no use since your mother bought the whole San Diego department." He stands up and approaches me.

" You are bluffing. You have no proof" I raised my head confidently.

He slowly takes long steps towards me and smiles.

" Oh I do baby. I have the recording that night when you came drunk and confessed to me everything. And don't even ask to hear it because I have it somewhere safe where no one knows well except for some people incase something happens to me" He kisses my lips, and I stood their shocked and frozen.

" You would be my accomplice don't you think? You didn't tell police anything meaning you helped me" I threatened him.

" No baby. I can easily say that you were harassing me and extorsion me to never tell anyone" He smirks.

" Why are you doing this Chris? Because I left you after what you proposed to me that night afterwards?" I look at him in the eyes.

" Could be?" He shrug his shoulders carelessly.

" It is. You are mad that I never wanted to take the relationship to the next level. I told you we were just friends with benefits and nothing more. I didn't want to be your girlfriend" I hissed.

" Don't you see it." He raises his voice and I flinch at the sudden outburst.

" I was ideal for you Natali. I protected you when you came here asking for help. I listened to you that night you killed Anthony, I didn't care what you did I cared about you. I was sad you killed someone because they weren't worthy of you, when I was good for you. It wasn't just the sex, it was the late night we talked about ourselves, the movies we watched together, the times we partied together. It was the connection me and you had, it was unbreakable" He sighs.

" I proposed to you, to run away me and you together to the Bahamas to London anywhere. I would bring the stars to you, I would do anything because our love was strong you just never opened your eyes to realize it. I told you to become my girl and you laughed at my face, then insulted me. You slapped me and left out of nowhere. You never called me again, or even told me how you were. I freaking lied to the police, I did everything to make sure you wouldn't get caught"

" No, no, no. My mother was the one who protected me and helped close the case without having me connected. And don't act like you were some hero" I snapped.

He pins me to the wall, and chuckles. He kisses my neck, fierce lingering kisses.

" Well you should ask your mother about that. Because last time I checked after you left, I told her everything that happened and told her to buy the judge and the witnesses and the whole police station" He whispers in my ear, then backs away.

" What? No, I told my mother everything when I left. I called her and told her the reason I was leaving, she knew because I told her!!" I yelled.

" Well you ask you mother about that. And if she tells you it was me who helped you be free like a bird, then you owe me a lot. You owe me all the love I missed out when you left me" He fixes his tie then winks at me then leaves the room.

This is fucked up, I need to talk to my mom and ask her if it's true and most importantly find a way to see the recording Chris has of me if it's true.

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