3.The Great Gatsby

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Well, as you know you, I am already here waiting for you to arrive at the library. I hope you didn't change your plans, because I already have in mind, the ways I'm going to get to know you.

I see you walking by and I see you nervous, is that a smile I see. You look happy, I can't tell if its because we are going to spend time together, or because you just really want to go to the beach.

"Hiii, Joe!!!" You run up towards me a gave me a hug. All I could think of, was to smell your hair and give you a kiss, but I have to act professional.

" Hey Natali, looks like your ready, you even brought a bag and backpack!" I say excited.

I hear her laugh, and now I feel like I already won her love, but just to make sure, I have to win her tonight.

" Yeah, I brought my clothes and some sunscreen, and then a recorder and some notebook and pens."

Well we began walking to the coffee shop, and I see you look uncomfortable, everyone staring you down because you are taking a long time to order. 

Just keep taking your time, let me just say what a lovely shirt you have on Natali, its a pink tanktop, and from the looks it you don't have a bra on. Lovely, now you got my sweet attention.

You keep looking at the menu, and she you start biting your lips. Damn Natali, your really turning me on right now, how I just want to take you in the bathroom, and bit that bottom lip. I start imagining the things I would do to you when..

"Joe.Hey .. Joe"

You elbow me, and I look at you confused.

"Sorry I was distracted."

" Could you order me some a mocha please?" I hear her say shyly.

I look at her and smile. 

Yes love, I will do whatever you want me to. Why are you shy? You don't like the way the cashier is looking at you, well neither do I.

" Could you get me a caramel frappe, and a mocha". I see the way he is looking at you. You surely got his attention, with your nipples showing, he is all over you. 

I grab my jacket and cover you, you look at me confused, and I stare back at the cashier, showing him that I win. He looks at me with a rude face, but then smiled.

" That will be 6.59 cents" 

I gave him 7 and poured the rest of the change into his 'tip' box.

" Why did you umm give  me your jacket?" Natali asked.

" Because I saw him staring somewhere and I decided to cover you" I try to hide the fact, that I stared at her tits, but all she did was an 'ohh'

While we waited, we sat down and began talking.

" So Joe, are you currently in any college or university, or you just work at that library?" She immedialty asked.

Let me just say, you kind of hurt me when you said 'that library', but I'm glad you asked.

" No, I graduate and decided not to further my education, because well I don't know what I want you know. It's like I'm afraid, of trying something in the new world, and end up not being good" I try to hide the guilt I feel of the words I said.

" Ohh, I'm sorry. Well as I told you before, I'm in this program  in Ashford University, its in San Diego. And the reason I'm not in San Diego, is because my family lives there and I want to be away from them, so decided this side of L.A"

"Thats great, family sometimes give a hard times"

Thanks Natali, now I know what school you go to, I'll go visit you one day.

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