16 .WTF

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What the fuck!

I am pacing around my room, trying to add any pieces together. 

Sarah is dead. Dead. And I didn't kill her.

I let out a small laugh.

Finally a first time not being the bad guy, but it makes me wonder who did this. Was it Candace? She came back to ruin my life, and our future Natali. But Candace wouldn't be capable of doing this, or would she? She came back not to ruin me, but to make me fall in a trap. She killed Sarah to blame it on me, and get revenge. Classic Candace. 


She didn't do it, because first she would of already called the police and tell them my location. And second, I just checked my phone, and she far away from this place. 

Who ever did this, did a sloppy work and now I have to clean up the mess . I closed the door, and sat down on the couch. 

Why is everything becoming a mess? I need you right now Natali, and you aren't even here. I stand up and slam my hands on the counter. 

Breath Joe, breath. I can hear my mothers voice, telling me right now.

Everything is just not okay, usually I be a step  ahead. Candace is beating my game, and you love went with your parents without me, which ouch it hurts.

I hear my phone ring, and I picked up immediately without looking at the screen.

" Hello" I greeted.

" I know where Sarah is at, and I'm just telling you this, you are going to pay you hear me Joe. Don't fucking move, or do anything stupid because the police is on it's way" I immediately recognized the voice, it was Candace.

How the fuck she has my number?  So this bitch actually killed her, I mean that's how she knows where I am.

" Look Candace, don't know what your talking about. I am at work, and Sarah I have released her, so I don't know why she haven't been speaking to you. Bye"  I hang up and clench my fists.

What the fuck will I do now?

Some part of me feels relieved that Sarah is out of our lives, you wouldn't have to fear or get jealous of another girl. But now that she is out of our lives, like dead shit, no because now I might go to jail for something I didn't do.

I called Natali to hear her one last time, just incase my plans don't work out.

" Hey babe, how are you. I miss you, and it's just one day" I say in a sad tone.

" Don't worry, I'm here now. Actually I am already here, so see you soon babe. Sorry but little busy. Love you baby" She hangs up.

I take a step back.

Wow. Nice conversation. Something was off, she came back to early and she sounded in a hurry like something was wrong.

Does Candace have her? I'm just hallucinating, Candace is not a monster, well neither am I, all the things I have done were for love.

I hurry out of the room, and cared less how I left it, but when I stepped out the room I bumped into Candace who has a huge grin on her face.

" Poor Joe, you did it again didn't you. I knew this moment would come, but this time your not getting away. I have so much proof, your ass will be sentenced for life" She clicks her tongue.

" It's not what it looks, I didn't kill her. I just fucking came in here and she is dead. What the fuck did you do Candace" I closed the door and grab her wrists.

" Let go of me" She hisses.

" Tell me what did you do? Your trying to play with me, your a monster you killed your friend, because you are obsessed with me. It's okay you feel heartbroken, but you shouldn't have done that" I try and confuse her.

She rolls her eyes and tries to get out of my grip, I let her go but stand in front of the door making sure she can't escape.

" You want to pin this on me, it won't work because I didn't kill her you fucking lying maniac" She pulls a gun out and points it to me. I take a step back from her, trying to be cautious.

Damn, she is crazier than I thought.

" Put that gun down Candace" I say in a low voice.

" No" She calls the police, and informs them about Sarah.

I hear the door clicking and saw Natali crying.

" Baby?" She asks confused.

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