17. Twist in Pain

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Candace P.O.V

I felt glad that Natali came, she could finally realized the monster Joe was.

I had called her these days, and told her the truth about Joe, but she kept denying everything. She is so blinded by Joe, that she doesn't realize she can be his next victim.

Then she left town, probably to get some alone time and think straight. That was a wise decision of her part, she needs to think about her future and get away from Joe. She called me yesterday saying she wanted to meet with me, that she would want to see proof and bam here is the proof she has to see.

" Baby?" she asks confused.

I see Joe flinch, when she approaches him. I guess he is torn that her lover found out who he really is.

" Natali, w-what are you doing here?" He stutters.

She frowns and points at me, then glares back at him.

" She called me, and told me everything. And I came hear to see it myself" She sighs, and walks away from him, and towards me.

She looks around the room, angry.

" Okay, you said you have proof, where the fuck is it?" She yells.

Obviously she is mad, hey I would be mad to, knowing your boyfriend has killed many innocent girls and pretending he has some double life.

I stick the gun behind my back, and try to calm her.

" It's in that door, I can smell the blood just by walking by. Don't worry I called the cops, Joe will rot in jail" I hiss.

She falls to the floor, and begins to cry.

I glance at Joe, who was staring at me with an angry face.

" She is lying baby, I didn't kill her. She is crazy she has been obsessed with me, she came back to ruin my life just because I dumped her. I love you Natali, only you" He kneels down at her and hugs her, and from the looks of it she is hugging him back.

" I-I am sorry Joe, this is all my fault" She sobs, as she clenches tighter to his shirt, pulling him closer.

" Don't worry baby, it's okay it's not your fault..its mine. I killed Sarah, there is a lot of proof and so I deserve everything. I am sorry I wanted to become a better man, but I guess it got the best of me"

I turn my head at him.

What the fuck? What is he planning? Is this some type of strategy? First he blames me and now he accepts it's fault?

Natali stands up and wipes the tears off her face, and walks towards me.

" Okay, well I am going to wait her for the cops" She crosses her arms, and glares at Joe.

" I know, I deserve everything. And I am sorry"

Joe sits down on a table and sighs. He taps his foot impatiently.

" It's okay Natali, you are safe" I hugged her, and comfort her, letting her cry on my shoulder.

But then I felt her hands slid under my back and grabbed the gun. She walks up to Joe and points it at him.

" Hey, don' do that Natali. Let him be punished, let him go to jail for what he did to Beck, Peach, Benji, and Sarah" I slowly walked to her, trying not to trigger her.

Joe has to pay, he can't get away with it.

She turns at me and bursts out laughing.

I jerked back, scared of her sudden emotion.

" Candace you are just to desperate for Joe, that you accused him wrongfully. Want to know who killed Joe, it was me. Me. Me. ME" She sings out loud.

I widen my eyes, and took a step back. I take a step back, and she steps forward. I was cornered by the wall.

" Babe, let go of the gun. Don't hurt Candace" Joe tries to stop her, but she slams her hands on the small kitchen island, laughing like some maniac.

" I killed her, I grabbed on of your knifes and slid her throat, then I stabbed her non-stop until she couldn't breath anymore. I am not lying, these past days, I was at my mothers house because I had to tell her what I did." She breaths and skips around the kitchen and glances at the clock.

" Sorry Candace, but you are next. You see when you told me everything about Joe, I loved it, I loved him  even more. He is just like me, he would do anything for love, unlike you Candace you just some pathetic girl obsessed because they broke your heart. If you think the cops will come and take Joe. You. Are. Wrong." She walks next to and kisses him, but Joe shifts uncomfortably.

" You see, you fell in your own trap. I told my mother to stop all your calls, and so the police will come late, and at 9: 33 they will break in, and I will shoot you self-defense in front of their eyes, and cry because Candace some crazy ex, was going to kill my boyfriend just because of jealousy." She bashes her eyelashes and lets out a girly laugh.

" You are worst than Joe" I shake  my head at her. She pouts.

" No, I am better than Joe, because I loved him from the start, and I won't hurt him or break him liked you did" She flips her hair.

She just shrug her shoulders and suddenly an alarm goes on.

She jumps up excited.

" Its time, okay gotta get my acting skills started" She hums, then suddenly begins to cry.

She held her gun at me, with a smirk.

" No, Natali !!"Joe yells.

 I looked around trying to see if there was a way to escape.

But I heard a gun shot, and I fell to my knees. 

I saw the door flung open, and saw many polices running in.

" Put your hands up" They ordered.

Natali grabs onto Joe's shirt as she cries.

Suddenly everything becomes dark, and I drift away.


hey guys!! What did you guys think about Candace death? Wow, surprising Natali has some acting skills, she totally made me buy it. Poor Joe, he is dating some crazy person like him

Thanks so much and the next chapters will be interesting. This book will have two different endings and comment on which one you liked more.

I am might make a sequel about this book. but don't want to spill all the tea. Enjoy :) 

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