Imagine ~ Holliebee12

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Imagine ~ Holliebee12

"Hey Clara, I'm just popping out! I'll be back soon!" Bucky called up the stairs to you. "Wait!!!" You yelled, running down the stairs. "I'm so bored! Take me with you! Where are you going?" You said quickly. Bucky chuckled at your reaction "I'm just going out to do some little things, there's no point you coming along." You pouted sadly and sighed "Please! Bucky I am so bored and cause you love you me you want to take me!" Again Bucky just laughed and ruffled your hair. "Yes I do love you but no go do something else!" You frowned now, getting a but concerned. "Why don't you want me to come along? What are you doing that I can see?" The playful attitude was gone now. "Nothing! I just think you would benefit more from staying home and doing some flying training or something." You were annoyed now "Fine! I won't come with you!" You said grumpily then turned around and started walking back up the stairs, very conscious of trying not to sound like you're storming off. "Oh come on Clara, don't be like that! I didn't mean to upset you!" Once you reached the top of the stairs you turned around and said to him "Well it's too late!" You paused and sighed "Look, just go out and do what you want! We can talk about this later, I just overreacted." He smiled from the bottom of the stairs and came running up. He wrapped his metal around your waist and gave you a hug. "I love you." Then he gave you a quick peck on the nose and dashed back down the stairs "Love you too!" You called as he shut the door behind him. Then you ran out to the garden and jumped up into the air, unleashing your angel wings; and flying off around the city.

Letting out another sign behind the door, Bucky carried on to his car. He got into his car and drove to Steve's house. "No turning back now Buck." He said quietly to himself outside of Steve's door. Then he knocked on the door and waited for it to open. "Bucky!" Steve said once he opened the door. Giving him a hug he said "What're you doing here? Not that I mind!" Bucky smiled at Steve's reassurances. "Oh I just came to hang out, hope you don't mind me just turning up like this!" Steve grinned and said "Not a problem! Come in!" Then the two of them went and watched some films while talking about the good old times. Hours later Bucky noticed the time. "Oh I really should be getting back to Clara soon!" He said. "How is my sister?" Steve asked. "Yeah she's fine, I think she's out practicing her flying at the moment." Steve grinned and chuckled "When isn't she?" Both of them laughed for a moment before Bucky grew a bit more serious. "Steve, I need to ask you something." Steve sat up straight and nodded "What's up?" Bucky took a deep breath "You know that me and Clara have been together since 1936 and our relationship is so great, Clara helped me remember myself and I'm so glad that she ended up freezing with you otherwise we would have lost her. Although it may be old fashioned, we are all old fashioned and I feel like there's at least one tradition I need to maintain. As your father is... no longer with us, you are Clara's only male relative. What I am trying to say is - will you give me your blessing to ask Clara to marry me?" There was a silence when Steve just grinned at Bucky and Bucky waited for Steve's response nervously. The silence continued "Steve?" Bucky said waving a hand in his face. "Right, yes of course! I can't think of someone more perfect for Clara than you!" The he stood up hugged Bucky tightly, Bucky sighing in relief. "I'm so glad you agreed!" He said happily. Steve grinned "Of course I said yes! You're going to be my brother-in-law!" Bucky grinned as well. "That's if she says yes." Bucky added realising he still had to ask you. He then left Steve's apartment and headed into town. He bought a few things he needed for his proposal and the went home to you.

Once he arrived home you were having lunch. "Hey sweetie! You're back soon!" You said when Bucky entered your house. He grinned and walked over to you "Yeah it was quicker than I expected." He then made himself a sandwich and joined you. You chatted for a bit and then played a game on the Xbox, like the kids you were. Afterwards it was about 4:30 and Bucky turned to you after turning the Xbox off. He glanced at his watch and said "I'll be back in a moment then he dashed up the stairs and left you in the living room. You shrugged to yourself and went to the kitchen to grab a drink before Bucky came running back downstairs. "What do you want-" you were cut off by Bucky shushing you. "You've got about 2 and a half hours to get ready. Now go upstairs to our bedroom and I'll be waiting." Ignoring your onslaught of questions, Bucky stepped forward and placed a blindfold over your eyes.

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