Imagine ~ Nicky66

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Imagine ~ Nicky66

You wake up and go to the bathroom to get ready. As you look in the mirror you spot yesterday's makeup smeared over your face and your hair a mess. "That's what happens when you don't clean your face at night!" You moan to yourself. As you wipe your face you see a few spots have appeared. "Ughhh!" You run a brush through your hair and pin back the white highlight at the front of your head. You leave your room and stomp down the stairs, into the kitchen. Tony, Steve and Clint are in there. "Woah! The kraken has awoken, with a couple of sea creatures on her face!" Tony says as you walk in. You look down, your face going red. "Hey Tony, there's no need to be rude!" Steve says angrily. You look up and smile at him, his face softening from anger as he catches your eye. "Fine! Come on Clint let's leave the lovebirds together." Clint and Tony chuckle as they leave you with Steve in the kitchen. "Don't listen to him, you look beautiful Nicole." Your face turns an even darker shade of red. Steve clears his throat acting embarrassed, realising what he'd said. "I'm going to go and um talk to Bruce." he mumbles stumbling out the kitchen. You giggle and have some breakfast, not being interrupted at all.
Later on Fury called and told you of a mission that needed two of you to attend. You and Steve were elected together. You both went to suit up, your mind swirling with thoughts about Steve. You had had feelings for him for a while, but never voiced them. Tony had been making many jokes about the two of you being love, and it annoyed you that your love was so obvious. It hadn't even entered your mind that Steve might feel the same way. You pull on your suit. It was a dark gray with a small white snowflake as the zip down the middle of the front. The snowflake was to symbolise your powers. You were the only mutant on the Avengers and your power was ice. You could freeze water, shoot icicles from your hands and create ice blocks; which were useful for trapping enemy to kill them. "Nicole!! Are you ready? We need to go!" You heard Steve call you. You ran out of your room and straight into Steve. "Ooof!" You make an odd noise as you hit the ground. "Oh Nicole! Sorry! Let me help you up." You took Steve's outstretched hand and he pulled you up. "It's ok. I should have been looking where I was going." Steve chuckled and led you to the plane that Fury had waiting outside the helicarrier.
When you arrived at the enemy base, you both crept to the entrance you were using. You had reached the room, with all the computers in, undetected. Just as Steve was about to plug the USB into the main computer, the door was blown off its hinges. Steve grabbed you round the waist and pulled you to the side of the room as someone entered. "Haha! Think you can hide from me? You stupid humans always do!" You and Steve stand, realising you couldn't hide. As you and Steve were mission partners, like Natasha and Clint, you had a set plan for most situations. Steve would distract the person, you would freeze their feet to the ground and then both of you would start to either kill or interrogate them. "Oh, and you're not human then I suppose?" Steve said, slightly cockily. "I am more than a human, I am a mutant." Steve just took this information in a stride and carried on distracting him. However, the information made you freeze. You hadn't met many other mutants, and you couldn't tell what his power was, which worried you. You snapped your attention back and began drawing on your power. You shot out ice towards the man's legs, but before it could form an ice block, it all turned to water and evaporated! The man started laughing maniacally. "You think your puny ice powers are any match for my fire?" He then proceeded to shoot a fireball at you; you only just jumped out of the way in time. "Nicole! Are you okay?!" Steve yelled, he couldn't see you as the fireball had set fire to the room and caused a wall of fire to erupt between you. "Yeah, yeah I'm fi..." You were cut off and a hand closed around your throat and lifted you off the ground, to pinned you to the wall. Air was immediately cut off and you could feel yourself beginning to choke. "NICOLE?!?" Steve screamed throughout the room, but you couldn't answer. "Awww, is lover boy getting scared Nicole?" The man said sarcastically. He turned his head to the side to listen to Steve shouting for you to answer him. You used his distraction to your advantage and kneed him in the stomach. He dropped you to the floor and you immediately gasped for breath, trying to shout back to Steve but finding you couldn't talk properly. You rolled over to see the man advancing on you, and you crawled backwards, too weak to stand yet. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." he said menacingly. You glanced behind yourself to see he had created another fire wall. The room was filled with blinding smoke. He had you trapped. He conjured up a fire ball between his hands, and lined it up with your head. "You know it is entertaining killing a mutant with ice powers, it is a good show!" He chuckled again before steadying himself and preparing to throw the ball. You close your eyes, refusing to seem scared at the last minute. But you never felt the searing hot pain of fire, so you slowly opened you eyes, struggling to see past the smoke. You knelt up, coughing wildly as you did so - the smoke was starting to fill your lungs. "Steve? Where are you?" You attempt to shout, it comes out as a whisper. A figure appears through the smoke and you back away from it, preparing to defend yourself. But you don't have to, it's Steve. He sees you on the floor and runs to your side. "Oh my god Nicole! Are you okay?" You wheeze in response and he helps you to stand. "We need to get out, the smoke is starting to kill us." You nod and he leads you to a window. Before you can protest Steve swings you up into his arms and jumps out. As he is a super soldier he lands fine, protecting you at the same time. Once oxygen fills your lungs again you cough, trying to get purer air into your lungs. "Nicole... I thought I'd lost you." You look up to see a red eyed Steve who was wiping away a couple of tears. "Never." You manage to say normally. "He almost killed me by strangling me, but I kneed him in the stomach so he dropped me. Then he was going to shoot me with fire, but I guess that's where you came in. Is he alive?" Steve looked furious at the mention of what the man had done to you. "He might be currently but he won't live long after I got at him." You felt your heart flutter at the thought of what Steve had done, he had risked his life by staying in the room and attacking that man, just to save you. "Thank you, for staying, you could have run away but you stayed and saved me." Steve looked shocked at what you said. "I couldn't have run away." He stated. "Yes you could have, you were risking your own life, and many people would have run away." Steve looked a bit upset that you thought he could have abandoned you "But the people who would run away aren't like me, they don't..." He abruptly turned around, cutting off the rest of his sentence. "Don't what?" you asked softly. He didn't reply. You walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. You gently pulled him around to face you. "They don't what, Steve?" Suddenly his lips were on yours, fierce and passionate yet loving and caring at the same time. You felt fireworks explode at the touch of his lips, and it was everything you had ever dreamed of. He pulled back and looked you in the eyes "They don't love you." You gasped and kissed him again before pulling back and saying "I love you too." Steve smiled and spun you around in a circle, before asking you to be his girlfriend. You happily agreed and went back to the helicarrier to tell Fury you had failed the mission. Neither of you cared what punishment he would dish out, as now you were together. You could face anything together.
Hope you liked it!! Thanks for giving me my first request!!

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Bye -
Mrs Captain Rogers

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