Imagine ~ xxavengersloverxx

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 Imagine ~ xxavengersloverx

You shimmies into your new dress and looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked good and you knew it. The dress was chiffon and had a pattern of different colours. Then you walked over to your vanity table and sat down. You debated for a moment what type of makeup to go for. You went for peachy pink lips and light brown eye shadow. You then put your hair up in an elaborate hair do, with a few twists here and there. You smiled into the mirror and searched for your shoes. You found them and quickly pulled them on - knowing you didn't have a lot of time left. They were a turqoise colour and had a lot of straps looping around your ankle. You grabbed your bag, a matching turqoise clutch, and stepped in front of the mirror. Even you knew you looked hot. A grin formed on your face and you performed a quick spin, watching the way the dress spun out. "Lindsay? Are you ready?" You heard Steve call up the stairs. You shouted down and confirmed that you were. You walked down the stairs and blushed when you saw the way Steve was looking at you. "Wow." Steve's eyes were wide and his mouth was open. You giggled and stepped off the bottom step and lightly closed Steve's mouth shut. He immediately blushed and looked down at the floor. "Shall we go?" Steve looked up again and grinned, nodded and offerreed you his arm. You looped yours through his and the two of you headed throught the front door.

Tonight was yours and Steve's 5 year anniversary. Steve wanted to take you out on a surprise date and refused to tell you where you were going. You were extremely excited and had been questioning him for days - not that you got any answers. "Please tell me!!" You said one last time as you reached the car, Steve just chuckled and shook his head. "No Lindsay, you'll find out when we get there!" You pulled a mock pout and moved out of Steve's way. Unsurprisingly he opened your door for you and waited until you were sat down and comfortable to shut it. He walked round the car and got in the drivers seat. Once the engine was started Steve turned to you and passed you something. It was a piece of black cloth. "A blindfold? Really?" Steve grinned and nodded. You smiled and held it up to your face, pausing before you put it on. "Have you and Thor by any chance been watching more rom-coms again?" Steve looked so cute as he tried to deny your accusation. You giggled and rested your hand on his cheek. "Hey I don't mind, I think it's cute!" He lifted his head and gave you a kiss before wrapping the blindfold over your eyes. You grinned and started to wonder about where you were going. No new ideas came to your mind. After about 15 minutes Steve said that you were nearly there. "Really? Already?" Steve chuckles and replies "Yes, now don't take the blindfold off - I'll do that myself!" You giggled and started twiddling your fingers for something to concentrate on - as you couldn't see anything. A few minutes later you felt the car draw to a stop. "Are we here?" You asked excitedly. "Yeah but Lindsay don't get to excited it isn't that much..." Steve trailed off and you felt for his hand and grasped it, giving it a squeeze. "I'm sure it will be amazing - whatever it is!" You smiled as you reassured him. Steve exited the car and you waited for him to come around to your side of the car and help you out. You heard the door open and felt a nice breeze on your arms before you felt Steve's hand appear on your upper arm. "Right step out carefully and I'll lead you." You slowly climbed out the car and fumbled around for Steve's arm to lead you. "Thanks, right will you tell me where we are now?" You felt Steve begin to lead you forward and you walked carefully with him.

You could smell something familiar and started puzzling over what it was. "Surely you can work out where we are?" "I recognize the smell but I'm not entirely sure." You replied as you felt the surface under foot change. It was soft and squidchy yet slightly unstable. You fell forwards but Steve caught you before you hit the ground. "Ooh be careful Lindsay I don't want you falling over." You giggled as you tried to stand up properly. However as you regained your balance you managed to stumble into Steve as you thought he was stood further away than he was. "Oh sorry." You heard Steve chuckled and you felt his arm at the bottom of your back. Suddenly your feet were swept out from under you and your world was tilted of centre. "Steve?! What happened?" You squeal. "Don't worry I've just picked you up!" You blushed at your reaction and laughed loudly. You felt Steve shift you in his arms before walking forwards. After a little walk Steve came to a stop. "Right take off your blindfold but promise me you'll look at me first." You nodded "I promise" You reached behind your head and untied the blindfold before pulling it off and looking into Steve's eyes. "Hey" you whispered. "Hey" Steve replied softly. You leant your head towards his and kissed him gently. You noticed the light you could see each other in was a soft golden glow and there was a very loud sushing noise. You recognized it as waves. "Oh my god! We're at the beach!" You said excitedly and whipped your head round to the front. There, right in front of you was a candle lit dinner for two. There was a few big lanterns dotted about on the floor along with a circle of large candles. In the middle of the circle was a square table with a white and red tablecloth and two dark brown chairs. Your eyes widened, as you felt Steve place you down on the ground. After a few moments silence you heard Steve clear his throat. "So do you... um... do you like it?" You didn't reply immediately as you were still taking everything in. "No, I don't like it" you said tearing up. You heard Steve's breath catch as he heard what you said. You spun round and placed your small hands on the joint of his neck and shoulders as you smiled "I love it." The relief was evident on his face as a tear dropped from your eye. "Don't ever scare me like that again Lindsay" he said jokingly before he noticed your tears "Hey, hey what's wrong?" as he said that his face dropped in concern. "Nothing, really! They're happy tears" You said grinning. Steve grinned back at you and turned you round gently before taking your hand and leading you towrds the table.

Once the two of you had sat down conversation never stopped once. That was a great part of your relationship - conversation always flowed freely. After you had finished dessert Steve seemed to stop talking as much. "Steve?" he looked up "Yeah?" You cocked your head to the side. "What's wrong? Something's on your mind, isn't it?" He didn't say anything. "You can tell me" You reassured him, a frown marking your face in worry. "Nothing's wrong. Honestly, in fact it couldn't be greater." He grins causing you to as well. "Then what's distracting you? This is meant to be about our 5 years together." A little frustration was entering your mind as you had been looking forward to this night for weeks and now Steve wasn't even concentrating. He sighed before leaning forwards and stroking your cheek.

"Back in the 1940s I never had much luck with women. Then I lost Bucky... and I... I never thought I could get over it. And then I... well I suppose I died. When I woke up I knew nothing of this world and I didn't understand anybody in it. After New York I had so many girls throwing themselves at me - because I was Captain America - but never did I ever touch any of them." He paused taking a breath and thinking about what he'd just said. You put a reassuring hand on his, before he carried on. "Then I met you. You were the first girl I'd met that didn't realise who I was straight away. I was just another guy in New York but you took an interest in me. We started dating and sometime later you realised that I was Captain America. We talked about it and realised you liked me for me not for the Captain side of me. You helped me to understand all of today's technology - most of which still confuses me - and I fell in love with you. After a while I realised that you were the only person who made me forget about Bucky and the fact that I had missed 70 years. I felt normal with you - but ever so blessed that you'd picked me over everyone else. Eventually I told you about everything that happened to me in the past and you understood it all. You helped me on the days that were hard and you never let me down. I’ve never loved someone as much as you, and now I can’t imagine my life without you. We have so many memories together and I want to continue creating memories with you for the rest of our lives. I want to grow old with you - and I mean actually old rather than just having missed 70 years. What I'm trying to say is that I could never be able to find someone more perfect than you and that is the reason I need to ask this very important question." Steve got out of his chair and knelt down in the sand. You gasped and your hands flew to your mouth in shock as even more tears fell than the ones from his speech. He opened a small black box revealing a beautiful ring. "Linsday, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

"Yes." You whispered and threw yourself at Steve as he stood up. You hugged him tightly before pulling back and kissing him passionately. "Hold on - you need to put the ring on!" You giggled and pulled back and held out your left hand. Steve slipped the ring on kissed your fingers. "I love you." You said softly and Steve grinned before kissing you. "I love you more, Mrs Rogers" He said before kissing you again. The two of you walked hand in hand back to the car where the two of you went back home in a journey filled with stolen kisses at red lights.
I hope you liked it!! Thanks for the request!!

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Bye -
Mrs Captain Rogers

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