#1 ~ How You Meet

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#1 ~ How You Meet

Steve -
"Y/N there's a guy that needs serving by the window." Your colleague says. "Ok, thanks" you reply. Only 20 minutes left until the end of your shift! "Can I get you anything Sir?" You ask the guy sat alone at the window table. As he looks up you have to hold in a gasp - he is gorgeous! Well muscled with bright blue eyes and tousled blond hair. "I'll just have a coffee please ma'am." He replies. You bring his coffee back over and he thanks you, just as you turn to go he catches your wrist. "I don't want to put you on the spot, but I have just moved into town and am looking for an apartment. I don't suppose you know any?" He asks politely giving a dazzling smile. "Actually the guy across from my apartment has just moved out! Do you want the address?" I smile, wanting him to accept! "That would be great, thank you ma'am." "Please, call me Y/N!" You say "Then call me Steve."

Tony (before he becomes Iron Man) -
You walk into the reception of Stark Tower. "Hi, I'm Y/N! I am here for an interview for Mr. Stark's personal assistant." You say to the lady behind the desk. "Sure, please follow me." She leads you to an elevator that takes you up to Mr. Stark's office floor. As you step out you are immediately interrogated, by a man you presume to be Stark's bodyguard. Soon, Mr. Stark walks out. "Jeez Happy, let the lady through!" "Sorry." Happy walks away. Stark leads you to his office and begins to interview you. After a while he asks what you think about the weapons that Stark Industries build. You say that you just hope they don't fall into the wrong hands! He says that he thinks you will work well together, and proceeds to hire you!

Thor -
Humming to yourself you begin to walk up the aisle with the pop-tarts on. You notice there is only one pack left and make a quick grab for them, however a much bigger hand grabs for them at the same time! You look up at the man and begin apologise, however you are struck by just how big this man is! His arms are extremely well muscled and his shoulders extremely broad! Not to mention how tall he is, you have to crane your neck back to look up at him, or how handsome he is! He apologises and introduces himself as Thor. You think it is a bit of an unusual name, but introduce yourself anyway. You both say the other can have the pop-tarts and end up agreeing to find someone and ask if they have anymore in the store. They don't. You invite him back to your apartment and share them!

Bruce -
Today is your first day working for SHIELD. They came to your apartment a while ago and offered you the job of working in their labs! They had read your research of renewable energy and wanted an expert in the subject. They took you aboard the hellicarrier and introduced you to Tony Stark, who you were going to be working with. He tried to check you out but you stopped him straight away. Arrogant isn't really your type. About 20 minutes later you hear the lab door open and look up to see a man walk in. He looked really shy and cute! He introduced himself to Tony and then you. "Hi I'm Bruce Banner." He said smiling. Then you realised this was the famous Dr. Banner whose research you loved! You started to talk about it and slowly he fell in love with your incredible knowledge and beautiful personality.

Clint -
During the attack on New York you started to help citizens out of a bus that was over turned. You were just helping a young girl out the window, when you heard a thud on your right. You look over and see an alien! You grab a random metal pipe from the ground. Just as you were about to hit it, it shot you right in the stomach! As you fall to the floor, your vision blurring, you see an arrow bursting through its chest! Before you hit the ground, you feel a strong pair of arms wrap around you. They cradle you to the ground and you look up to see an extremely handsome man, arrows on his back. He asks you where it hurts and you weakly say your stomach. "It was nice meeting you. Thanks for shooting that thing!" And you whisper. "Why are you saying goodbye? You're not going to die!" The man says looking you straight in the eye. Your eyes start to close and you hear the man calling you. When you wake up, there is the same man sat beside your hospital bed.

Loki -
"I request a meeting with the All Father" You ask confidently. "Of course Lady Y/N" The guard leads the way to the throne room. You follow him and enter behind him, bowing in front of the King. He greets you with a hug as he knows you well. You explain that your father is dead and have nowhere to go, that you need his help! He gratuitously offers you a room in the castle. Before you leave you are introduced to his sons Thor and Loki. Thor winks at you, causing you to blush. Loki looks angry but you decide to ignore it. You then get led to the room. After a while there is a knock at the door, a man enters. You recognise him from the throne room, he is Loki. You begin to curtsy, but he stops you. He looks you in the eye and says "I cannot wait to live across from such a beautiful woman." Your heart flutters and you blush and look away.
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Bye -
Mrs Captain Rogers

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