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Sky's pov

*What am I touching and why is it so warm Sage?* I questioned.
*Its the best thing in the world Sky! Open your eyes I wanna see what we look like in his arms!* she squealed.
I slowly opened my eyes and earned some sort of delight filled squeak from Sage. I was laying down with my head against Max's chest. As I suddenly got the urge to pee and began squirming his arms encircling my waist and back tightened at my movement. I started poke his chest. "Hey Max. Wakey wakey." I whispered. He mumbled something incoherent and nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. "Max wake up I have to pee." I said trying to pull away. "Noo." he grumbled. "Fine you've left me no choice. MAX IF YOU DONT LWT ME GO RIGHT NOW IM GOING TO PEE EVERYWHERE AND YOU WILL CLEAN IT UP!" I shouted in his ear. He jumped at the loudness of my voice and immediately cupped his ears. I took my chance and dove over him and the bed and made my bee-line for the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I shut the shades locked the door and finally released my pent up bodily fluids. The counter was white marble and directly across from the shower/bath which was right next to the toilet. "Hey Max, you don't happen to know where Jay is do you?" I asked walking towards the door. "Yeah he's always in the kitchen, why?" He questioned looking up from a game on his phone. "He has my duffel bag with
My clothes." I shrugged and walked out the door. The halls were beige coloring and wooden floors with half oval lights in the ceiling. *Hey Jay. Where are you?" I sent through the link walking into the living room. *Next to you." was all I heard before someone tackled me to the ground. Grunting we both stood and faced each other. "Oh I'm so very very sorry Luna please do not tell Alpha Max." a young boy in bright clothing begged holding my hand. "Why would I tell Max? We only bumped into each other and fell. What's your name?" I question leaning down to fix his shirt. "Eli. What's yours Luna?" He asked with a smile. "Sky. So how about you show me where the kitchen is and I'll give you cookies and ice cream?" I said bribing the young boy. "Oh yes Luna of course!" He screeched grabbing my hand and pulling me off in another direction. We walked through a door way to see the cook's I suppose trying to keep the food away from Jay. "okay Eli I'm gunna get something from my bestie Jay over there and then I'll have someone get cookies and ice cream for the two of us deal?" I asked crouching down to his height. "I'll wait for you here Luna! Oh and don't worry I won't tell my mama who gave it to me!" He whispered cupping his hands around my ear. "Okay good! It'll be our little secret pinky promise?" I asked holding out my pinky. "Pinky promise!" He giggled linking his pinky with mine. I stood and walked to the counter Jay was with his head face down on the table top. "Hey so where's my clothes and where can I et cookies and ice cream at?" I asked flicking his head. "Your man has your clothes in his room and he has servants that will get it for you. Your royalty now Sky!" He whisper shouted while throwing his hands around in a crazy matter. "Okay okay thanks Jay." I giggled walking back to the door. "Come on Eli we've got some sugar to consume!" I sing-songed walking back towards the stairs. Eli grabbed my hand as we made our way up the stair and too the end of the hall where Max's room was. "Luna I can't go in there. It's against the rules." He said pulling away from me. "Hey now that's my room and I say you can okay? Besides Alpha Max will do anything I say." I bragged bopping the tip of his nose with my finger. I pushed the door open and walked in with Eli behind my legs. "Hey Max, Jay said my clothes were in here. Oh! And I need two bowls of ice cream with cookies in them." I ordered pulling Eli out from behind me and to the small table in front of the tv. "Who's that Princess?" Max asked pointing to a still Eli watching cartoons. " Oh that's Eli he helped me find the kitchen so I'm helping him get hyper." stated climbing next to him on the bed. "Now can you get us three bowls of ice cream with some cookies?" I asked batting my eye lashes at him. "Whats the magic word?" He smiled. " Please!!" I shouted pushing him out of bed. " Okay okay I'm going." he laughed walking out of the room. "Luna is Alpha bringing us ice cream and cookies?" Eli asked shockingly. "Yes he is, and Eli call me Sky. I don't like being called Luna." I stated pulling him up on the bed and turning the tv up. Max walked in moments later carrying three bowls filled with vanilla ice cream and cookies crunched up in it. "Here you are!" He shouts spinning in a circle before handing us the bowls. "Thanks Max!" Eli and I said in unison. "Alpha Max may I be dismissed? My mother is looking for me." Eli softly asked. "Of course you can tell her I said hi and the ice cream was my treat!" He told Eli smiling. After the door closed and we could no longer hear his footsteps is when Max and I got more comfortable. He was sitting against the headboard with his legs open while I was sat between them, my back against his chest and his head rested on mine as we watched cartoons and ate our ice cream.
Hey long chapter I'm so so sorry I haven't been active I've been super busy with school and the house! I promise I'll update a lot more!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it was kinda boring.. The next one will be much more exciting I just didn't want to leave you all hanging because I started something in this chapter!
Anyway until next time..

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