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The picture is jay!


Sky and I peered into the box in front of us to find two rings inside. Sky leaned down and plucked her ring from the box, carefully placing it on her middle finger. As the ring sat on Sky's finger her eyes began to glaze over as if she was slipping into another world. I grabbed my ring and placed it on my right ring finger before slipping into a world myself.
-dream world-
I was in the middle of a field watching a father and daughter play around me as if I was a tree and not a person. As the young girl played with a few caterpillars the man approached me and pulled me into a giant hug. "Oh my son how I've missed you! You've grown into such a handsome young man!" he bellowed. "I missed you too bubba!!! I couldn't wait to see you!!" the young girl squealed as she pulled me into her embrace. "I'm sorry but I don't know you.." I stated slowly backing away from the girl and man. "yes you do. you've just shut us out of your memory jay. let me show you." the man spoke softly as he placed a hand on my cheek. Memories began flowing through my mind reminding me of who the two people in front of me were. "I do remeber!! I'm so so sorry!!!" I boomed as I pulled them both into my tight embrace. "yes my son I knew you would but I did not come to you to have a grand reunion. no. I came to warn you my child." he spoke in a hushed tone. "Carry on." I stated. " You and Sky's life style is about to change drastically, but you must make sure that Sky goes along and accepts the change. If she doesn't then the moon goddess will once more come to earth but she will show no mercy this time. She will wipe out our population and Stamp it as a fail. Sky must accept the change and stop the moon goddess from descending to earth. Do you understand what you have to do?" he warned in a stern tone. "Yes dad. I understand completely." I said dryly. "Good. Now I'm sorry but you must get back to her now." he ordered pulling my sister and I into one last hug before I began falling back to my body on earth.
-end of dream-
I opened my eyes to see Sky's
still glazed over. I glanced down at the ring just as a vioce began speaking in my mind. "You take care of my daughter Jay. don't fail me or I'll have my husband haunt you until you die." a woman's vioce rang through my mind with a warning. "Yes ma'am." I replied assuming she ment Sky. I looked down at the ring to see the colors made a message that said, "I mean it jay!"
I looked to Sky as she looked to me "You have a lot of explaining to do." we stated at the same time. "Okay you go first jay." Sky ordered while sitting on the ground as I began explaining. Once I had explained Sky began. After Sky had finished telling me what her mother had told her. We began to match things up from my expeirienced and hers. "Whatever this change is better be good otherwise you'll have a lot of persuading to do jay." Sky stated with a sly smile. " I know I will." I grumbled putting my head in my hands. " We should get going jay" she mumbled shifting into her wolf and grabbing the duffel bag. I shifted and flowed her into the woods, but something was different. I glanced at my paw to find that my ring had turned into some sort of bracelet on the end of my paw. "I'll talk to you dad I promise, you and mother and sister all very soon."
well there's another chapter. sorry it took so long. I had it made and won't in Jay's picture when it glitches and deleted everything. so this is the new chapter that's worded better then the first! I'll do my best to put up another tomorrow if not then the next day. Oh yes and JAYS POINT OF VEIW AND PICTURE TOO!! I'll post Sky's next!!!
until next time..
-❤️ Britt-

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