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Max's Pov
Sky and I were almost asleep when it happened.
The hairs on my arms, legs, and the back of my neck raised and goosebumps spread over my body.
My Beta informed me of a group of massive men were headed to our boarders. Just as I was about to tell her Sky jumped from my arms. "Jay said there's a bunch of big guys making a beeline for the west boarder. Don't say I'm not coming because there's nothing you can do to stop me from coming. Now let's go." she demanded. "Okay." I agreed as we sped out the door, down the stairs, and out of the house. We shifted once inside the line of trees and began running to the west boarder. "Max your gunna want to hear this.. Just in private without Sky or Jay there." Brock, my Beta advised me. As we approached the west boarder where Brock had them waiting an uneasiness settled in the pit of my stomach. We arrived at the small clearing to find a few very large men standing in a tight circle. They were protecting something or someone. I walked in front of my boys with Sky right next to me trying hard to hide her excitement. "Who are you and why are you trespassing on my lands." I inquired. "I have business with you concerning two members in or under the protection of your pack Alpha. Do excuse me for not scheduling an appointment but it was so urgent I could not waste a moment." A masculine voice spoke with such authority that it made my men stare at the circle anxiously. The largest of the men stepped forward while the others moved to close the circle. He was tall, pale and well built with bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. Sky froze next to me just as the man did when he set eyes on her. They stepped towards each other and began to move in a circle. It was then I realized the similarities in the two. The eyes and hair are a perfect match. "Baby girl? Is that really you?" The man asked while stroking Sky's cheek. "It's me dad. It's me." she squeaked. The two hugged for minutes with tear streaked faces. "So um honey would you like to introduce me to this man here?" Her father asked "oh of course dad! This is Max, he's my mate." she announced with a proud smile. "Hello Alpha Max. I hope your treating my daughter well. I'd hate to take her away from you." he spoke, his tone laced with venom. It was then I realized this man was the alpha of the biggest pack in the U.S. "Shadow Wolf pack." "Oh hush daddy he treats me perfectly fine. Oh dad Jay!! Jays back at the pack you have to come see him!!" She screamed turning and running into the woods. "Ha. Well Max if she's anything like me mate then you've got your hands full." he laughed patting my shoulder before taking off after her. "Alright guys lets go." I ordered. My boys, and I raced along side Alpha Blake's men and woman traveling with them I suppose. Sky was tackling Jay in a bear hug when we arrived in the back yard. I growled and shot forward pulling her off him and pushing her into my chest. "Now, now, now Jay don't you know not to touch Alpha's mates?" Sky's father questioned holding a smirk. "Sky! Is this who I think it is?" Jay asked shockingly. She nodded her head. Satisfied with the answer Jay lurched forward tackling Alpha Blake in a massive bear hug. " Hey now save your hugs for me!" A petite woman screeched as if she was speaking to a child. She had jet black hair that stopped mid back, palish skin and soft blue eyes. Jay froze and turned stiffly. "Mom? it's you!" He shouted lifting her up and spinning her in the air. He brought her into a tight hug. He wiped the tears off her face and screamed to Sky. "YOUR DAD AND MY MOM ARE STILL ALIVE!!!" He ran and tackled Sky to the ground. He was shaking her while screaming about how excited he was for the reunion. "Okay Jay I think she gets it." I said patting his back. He didn't move. "Jay get off my mate before I peel you off of her." I threatened. "Oh chill man! You know I wouldn't touch her like that! Unless of course she wanted me too.." He smirked and winked at sky. A low growl escaped my mouth when I reached for him. Sadly Alpha Blake stepped in front of me. "Alpha Max my wife and I have business that we need to discuss with you. I'm private."all playfulness leaving his voice. "Wife?!" Jay and Sky screamed in unison. "Yes we got married so that the pack would have a Luna and Alpha and the thirds stepped up to beta and so on. We have fallen for each other but we don't do the things we did with our mates. we could never." he smiled sadly while grabbing ahold of Jay's mother's hand. "Oh. Well. Um okay." Jay stuttered shifting feet. "Dude!!! Your my real brother now!!! I can touch you without getting pulled off by Max!!!!!!" Sky screamed jumping on Jay knocking him to the ground and tickling him. "Dangit. I can't bother him by touching you anymore... Hey Max! Do you have a sister!?" He screeched with a playful smirk. "No my father died before I could have a sister. Now I believe I have business with your parents. Excuse me." I stated sternly walking away. "Gosh Jay why'd you ask?" Sky's father questioned smacking him on the back of the head before he and his wife followed me. We entered my study and took a seat on the couches opposite from each other. "Listen Max we don't mean to be disrespectful but we're taking Sky and Jay home with us to shadow wolf territory. You can bring Sky back here after she says she's ready to be Luna and complete the mating process. Until then they will stay with us." Alpha Blake announced. "Excuse me! No one is taking my mate from me. You can have Jay but my mate will not leave. If you take her without my permission it will be seen as kidnapping and I will take you to war on it. Do I make myself clear sir?! No one will take her from me." I growled my tone laced with venom and hatred. "We shall see." Jay's mother stated calmly.
Sky's Pov!

"Come on Jay! Be quiet! I wanna know what they're talking about!" I whisper screamed crouching outside a window. "Oh my goddess." I whispered sitting under the window staring at Jay's wide eyes. "I'm not leaving him Jay.. not for anything." I stated sternly. I stood and stormed my way into Max's study slamming the doors open. "I'm not leaving. No matter what you say. I'm staying with Max I'm ready to lead this pack and I'm ready to start the mating process." I sternly shouted. If I were a cartoon character Id have smoke emitting from my nose and ears. "Don't be silly sweetie your not ready for that yet." Silvia, Jay's mom softly spoke. "I am and I prove it to you! Max! Mark me now." I growled. "Gladly." He stated before taking three large steps towards me. His teeth enlarged to those of his wolf and sunk into me where the neck and shoulder meet. My scream died off and was replaced by a comforting sigh as I felt all the emotions flowing through our connection. He removed his teeth and liked the wound to clean off any blood and help the healing. "Well sweetheart we can't take you away from him now. we're leaving with Jay in thirty minutes your welcome to come visit and call any time you wish." Silvia assured me while kissing my forehead and hugging me tightly before she walked out. "Max you should be glad I didn't kill you right then." Dad growled poking a finger into Max's chest threateningly. He then turned to me, embraced me in a giant hug and kissed my cheeks and forehead. "Oh my baby girl. So grown up, and to think while I was believing you were dead you've been living the "runner" lifestyle. Congrats on being marked just wait a while before you complete the second step baby. Now I must go. Good luck and goodbye to you both. Love you sweetie." He whispered the last part and kissed my head once more before walking out of the study. "Hey kiddo I'm gunna go with my mom. Love you sis come visit a lot!" Jay screamed through the mind link. "Okay I will haha bye Bubba love you too!" I screamed back laughing. He would be happy there. Soon enough it'll be his pack and he'll have a mate of his own to worry about. Speaking of mates I noticed mine inching closer and closer to me. "So, Max what do you think of my mark?" I asked smirking. "Well Sky I think it suits you very well. a black wolf howling at a blue moon looks great on you." He purred. He grabbed me and carried me up the stairs and into his room. The bed was neatly made but there was one thing wrong. A red letter surrounded by a small puddle of red was laying in the middle of the bed. A blood dripping white rose adorned the letter. We slowly approached the neatly folded paper and removed the rose so that we could see the four words that will haunt me forever. The top of the red letter in black writing read.

To my darling Sky.


I'm so so so sorry for not updating but I've been so busy with school and being absent! Anyway I hope you liked this extra long chapter and vote comment tell your friends about it!! Love you guys? Thank you so much for reading this book and sticking with me through this! I hope you like this chapter. Can you believe Sky and Jay's parents are alive and married! Comment your opinions on that please! I love hearing from you guys!!!
Until next time
-❤️ Britt-

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