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"Hello my darling." A deep voice whispered.
"I have missed you dearly. Of course we won't meet until later, but oh joy when the day comes I'm sure you will remember me." Suddenly a pair of bright orange eyes surrounded by black fur that belonged to some sort of were animal in front of me. "Who are you?" I questioned. "I am your future darling. You will be mine once I take care of that mate of yours!" He hissed. I cringed and felt a pinch of pain in my heart at the way he spoke of Max. "You will never get me to be with you, and you will never lay a hand on my mate! if you do will rip you into a thousand pieces! I roared. "Wow darling I never knew you had that amount of strength behind your voice, I also never knew you would ever truly care for your mate. It'll be a sad day for you when I kill him and mate you then." He said with a strong amount of cockiness in his voice. "Leave me alone! Go away!" I screamed. "As you wish my princes, but only for a little bit." he whispered. The floor beneath me disappeared and I began falling in the darkness.
- End of dream.
I shot up out of the bed I was in and bolted through the door, hall, and raced towards the door that led to my freedom. I grabbed the handle, but was ripped from the door and thrown over a shoulder. "Max put me down!" I screamed hitting his back with my fists. "Nope. Your staying with me princess." He calmly stated. Well I can at least have some fun. I reached down and slapped his left butt cheek as hard as I could. "Ahhhh!!" He screamed before growling. "Two can play at this game." he grumbled. Instead of slapping or pinching my butt he started to poke it. "Get your hand off my butt before I kick you in your special place." I growled lowly. "Oh but darling I thought this game was fun. Do you not want to play anymore?" He questioned. My entire body froze as he called me darling and I was immediately thrown into my dream.
"Hello my darling." he whispered as those orange eyes filled my brain.
My body went into shock as my brain only aloud me to see those eyes and hear his voice. I could feel hands shaking me and touching me with cold objects, but all I could see where the Orange eyes I knew I would see again. I opened my eyes and saw Max and Jay arguing as a women tried to get me to focus on her. My vision blurred and hearing stopped as I fell into darkness. It was as if all my senses were turned off and I was alone.
Max's Pov!!

She's been sleeping in my room for almost two hours now. I never knew someone could sleep so long. A scream and loud bang echoed through the house sending me into rocket mode. I ran to the living room and found Sky at the door reaching for the handle. I grabbed her waist and pulled her away. I slung her body over my shoulder and began walking back to my room. "Max put me down." she screamed while hitting my back with her adorable little hands sending shocks of electricity up and down my body. " Nope your staying with me princess." I stated looking at her perfect butt. Suddenly my butt started stinging as I screamed. "Two can play at this game." I growled before I began poking hers. "Get your hand off my butt before I kick you in your special place." she growled. "Oh but Darling I thought this game was fun. Do you not want to play anymore?" I question. I stopped as I felt her body go stiff and began shake and mumbling incoherent things. She stopped mumbling and started screaming about orange eyes and darling this darling that. My nurse on duty, Mary, was at my side in an instant, as well as Jay. "I knew you'd screw something up!" He screamed poking my chest with his finger. "I didn't screw anything up with my mate so shut your mouth before I banish you from my lands and forbid her of leaving them!" I bellowed. He silenced immediately as I went to my mate and cradled her head in my lap begging her to stay awake. Her eyes clouded over before she shut them. My whole life hanging by the small thread being held together and encouraged by my darling Sky's slow heart beat. The nurse and I walked to the hospital wing with my mate in my arms. That's where we've been for the past three hours with no movement or news. Her hand is still warm and soft but her face is cold and hard as if she was already dead and if hadn't reached her limbs yet.
CLIFFHANGER!!! Don't kill me! Sorry it took so long!! It's been a little rough so bare with me!
Until next time!

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