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Wolf is MAX (Its explained down there\/ \/)


I've been stuck in this cell for a three days now. They Inject something in me twice a day, always before a beating. I can't mind link Jay or feel his emotions so I doubt he can feel me through the link at all. It's been two hours since the left overs I get for my second meal. All I ever do is sit in the corner and scratch tally marks in the wall for each hour that's past. I pray to the moon goddess every chance I get for escape or rescue. I stood and walked to the silver bars holding me captive. I began screaming to get the attention of a guard hoping they would immediately call the alpha beta or third. Three men where instantly in front of my cell. One was the beta, the other was the third, and the last was what I presumed a guard. "Shut your trap." the beta ordered. I continued screaming regardless of the order. The beta's hand shot through the bars and grabbed my throat trying to cease the screams. I immediately pushed his arm so that the veins in his elbow crease hit the silver bars causing immense pain. "Touch me again and see what happens." I snarled at the beta. "You little bitch!" He spat before stomping away from the cell. I began screaming again once he was out of sight and only the two men remained. "I will come in there and beat you if I must!" The third boomed. "The alpha is back from business and will not allow anyone to harm this prisoner." the guard stated as if he was reading it from a scroll. "You hear that buddy. I'm untouchable." I spat mocking the third. "Like hell you are!" He boomed entering the cell locking it and throwing the keys into the corner. He launched himself at me knocking my body against the bars, burning me. I stood up and began dodging his attempts as best as I could. The chains kept me from hitting or kicking him so I was vulnerable. He knocked to the ground and began kicking my body. " You. Are. Not. Un. Touchable. To. Me." He snarled between kicks. The last thing I saw was the alpha and another man enter the cell, their faces covered in concern. Then, everything went black.

"You were holding my mate in a cell and letting your pack members beat her!?! And you think sorry will fix things?!!" A voice boomed sending shivers down my spine. "Max please. Just calm down I know that it doesn't help but I wasn't here to know they were beating her." the alpha said calmly. "Do not tell me to calm down. You don't have a mate you don't understand! I finally found her and she's bloody. Bruised. And burned because YOU put her in a cell and left YOUR pack members to watch her!!" Max screamed. I opened my eyes only to shut them again because of the bright light. I opened them again adjusting to the lights. I looked over at the arguing alphas, but only saw the back of the other alpha who's name I assume is Max. "Max look. She's awake!" The alpha stated pointing in my direction. Max spun around making my entire world freeze. Sage and I said the only word we could muster. "Mate" I whispered. "Yes my darling your mine and I'm yours and now we're leaving." He stated picking me up and walking out of what I assumed the hospital. As we reached the woods he shifted into a white wolf with gray splotches and, light brown eyes that matched his own. I shifted and looked at him for a few moments as he looked at me. He was bigger but I know I'm faster. He's stronger but I'm quicker on my feet. I nudged him as if saying lets go and watched him run into the forest as I darted the other direction. I looked to the forest in front of me to see Jay's wolf waiting at the edge of the tree line. "Sky?" He asked through the mind link. "JAY! Oh my god Jay Ive missed you so so much!!" I screamed as we met and ran side by side. "Who's the man following us Sky?" He questioned. I quickly looked back to see Max entering the forest looking rather furious. There was a crack in my heart at seeing the hurt in his eyes. "My mate" I whispered pushing myself harder as my wolf fought to go back. Sage began cry out to Jax pleading for him to make Jay stop me and force me to go back to my mate. "Sky stop. You have to go to your mate." Jay spoke sternly giving in to Jax and Sage. "No. I'm not ready to give this life up yet." I screamed pushing myself as hard as I could. The trees and stones flew by me as Jay and Max chased me. Jay was the only one who could catch me though. Who did he think he is, telling me what I have to do. What I need to do. No what I need to do is get away from packs and mates for a while, I need to do what I do best. Run.

Sorry for the cliffhanger. I'll update soon. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It's 12:27 here!!!
I'll update as soon as possible guys I promise. Just keep voting and commenting and telling your friends about this book. Oh and in the comments let's take a vote.
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Until next time

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