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Pic is Max!!


I searched for a day and a half until I came to the tree line. I've been taking the scent pills to keep me hidden as I watched the many wolfs here leave with their alpha. They returned many hours later with another alpha accompanying them. As they were walking towards what I assumed was their office or something the beta crazily ran to the alpha screaming about a prisoner being out of control. The alphas rushed to their prisons as soon as they got the news. Moments later the other alpha came out holding Sky, but she was bloody, bruised and the torn clothes showed what looked like burn marks. They disappeared into a building. A few hours passed and the alpha and Sky came out, together. They walked to the tree line and stopped. He shifted into a gray-white wolf and turned to stare a Sky's wolf. She nudged him and signaled towards the woods before he took off and she ran a different direction. I jumped from the tree and shifted before hitting the ground and making eye contact with her. "sky?" I asked as we met. "Jay!! Oh my god Jay I've missed you so much!" She screamed as we began running side by side. I heard paws and turned to see the alpha chasing us. "Who is the man following is Sky?" I questioned. " My mate." she whispered as she sped up. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. This is what my father and her mother meant when they talked about a "big change" in our lives. Sky found her mate and he's an alpha, so she has to help which means being tied down. no wonder she's running from him! "Jay please make her go back! Sage won't stop whimpering and crying to me that she doesn't want to leave him!" Jax complained. "Okay, okay. I'll try and get her to stay." I complied. "No sky you have to go back to mate." I sternly told her. "No Jay! I'm not ready to give up my life yet!" She screamed before pushing herself even harder sending stones and sticks flying back at me as I zoomed off after her. "I will catch her, she will stay with him and save our race. Even if i die in the end. I'll gladly die to make sure our race stays." I promised myself. I pushed myself harder until I was right behind her hind legs. I leaped into the air and landed flat on her back, pinning her to the ground. "Your not leaving your mate, there is to much riding on this Sky." I growled. Suddenly my body was knocked off Sky and sent flying. I dug my claws into the ground stoping myself before glaring at the alpha on top of her. He growled at me as I growled back furiously standing my ground. He growled using his alpha tone and crouching to the ground. I snarled and growled back using all my power while stepping closer. Suddenly he lurched forward coming for me in pure rage that I would challenge him. I dodged him sprinting for Sky who shifted and was in a sweaty heap on the ground. I shifted as I bent to her side rubbing her hot back. She immediately relaxed to my touch but was still shaking in pain. The alpha was suddenly at my side reaching for her waist. I snarled harshly at him knowing what was happening. His weight crushed a bone and her body was re-aligning it. When broken bones re-align it's almost like shifting for the first time. I scooped her up in my arms and began running for the pond a few minutes from here. "What on earth do you think your doing with my mate!" He roared. "Taking her to a pond that will cool her off idiot, don't get your knickers in a twist." I spat. "At least let me carry her. It'll take away more pain." He stated trying to reason with me. "No. She's staying with me in my arms. You can come along or go back and get a doctor if you want to help." I snarled. "Fine." he grunted before shifting and running back to that pack. "Okay Sky. Come on princess I know this hurts but let it out. He's gone now and he won't hear you." I whispered setting her down in the water. As soon as she understood my words she began weeping and screaming in pain. Her skin moved as the bones re-arranged themselves back to the skeleton of a human instead of a wolf. After ten minutes the alpha and another man who I assumed was the doctor returned. "How is she?" He questioned reaching for her. "Don't touch her. It will only take her out of the mental phase and make this process slower and more painful for her." I stated keeping my eyes on her. Suddenly she let out and ear piercing scream as her spine changed. The alphas hand was suddenly on her shoulder cause another scream to escape her lips fore her body went limp. I ripped his hand off her body before scooping her up in my arms following the now retreating doctor. He began checking her body once she was in a hospital room. The nurses shoved us out of the room before continuing the orders being screamed by the doctor. The waiting room filled with tension as we sat down. Sadly, the room was full so we were forced to take the two seats side by side. "Stop sending out waves of power to scare me. It doesn't work. I've been in the presence of many alphas and your no different. Your power waves, alpha voice, and commands don't faze me so stop trying. Your only wasting your energy." I stated leaning back in my chair with a blank expression. " You just don't like the fact I'm more powerful then you." He said smirking. "Oh big ego, ugly, and stupid, all the characteristics of an alpha." I exclaimed smiling big at him before winking at all the girls in here causing them to swoon. " Oh shut up will you." he snarled. "Oh I'm sorry I'm smarter, faster, and hotter then you." I laughed motioning to all the female gazes fixed upon me instead of him. "Shut. Up." He growled through his teeth. This should be fun. I thought to myself before I started making my plan called *piss of Mr. Alpha.*
Sorry for the wait it's been a bad week. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this and will enjoy the next. Thank You for reading my book. Keep commenting on whether you want Sky to stay with Max or run!
Until next Time.

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