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Pic is the 1st tornado that came through my town. Sorry my friend took it so it's not that clear.


"Now that we're out of hearing range.. tell me everything! I want to know every detail oh my name is Delilah and yours is?" Delilah rambled. "My name is Sky ma'am. And we'll I was a runner and Max kinda forced me here and then my supposed to be dead father showed up. He tried to take me home but I made Max mark me so he couldn't. I've grown quite fond of him and I don't want to leave. Um can I get some clothes ma'am?" I question gesturing to my dripping clothes. "Oh of course sweetie and call me Della! Let's go. Max had some girls buy clothes for you." She squeaked and pulled me off towards Max's room. She was petite, had short brown hair, light brown eyes like Max and a temper that could kill. Ha just like her son. We walked to the room and into the giant closet. It was filled with clothes. Half Max's and half mine I suppose. I grabbed a pair of leggings and one of his shirts. I slipped into the bathroom and changed my clothes quickly and threw my hair into a tight, neat bun before walking out. "Okay Deary lets go downstairs. Some of the mothers made food. Oh and Max bought you a phone that has everyone's contact you would ever need." She smiled and handed a black I phone to me. I turned it one and scrolled through my contacts. Jay, my dad and even my new mom were all listed. I quickly shot a text to Jay.

-Aye Bro! It's me!! What's going on at home? Did you find your mate?!-

I walked with Delilah down to the dining room and instantly saw plates and plates of food neatly places at each seat. She guided me to the table the alphas and betas sat at for every meal. This table was very intimidating. Not only was there immense power seeping off of the people seated there but the authority was smothering. I sat between Max and his mother. The plate in front of me was piled with spaghetti. "Miss I hope that's okay the alpha told me to put a lot of food on the plate. If you need anything I'm Alexia but most people call me the maid. Enjoy your dinner Miss." a tall slender red haired woman rambled while pointing to my plate. Max had a sheepish grin on his face from being sold out by Alexia and my glare did nothing to help. "Max sweetie I'm not eating all of this I won't even be able to eat half." I whispered in his ear. "What you don't eat I will babe." he said loudly shoveling food into his mouth. "Oh Max use a napkin! Don't eat like that with company either!" I scolded smacking his arm. His Beta's father burst into a fit of laughter at the site of his Alpha stopping mid bite and apologizing to me. "You-you've only been here a few days and he's already whipped!! Your worse than I wa-ugh." He choked on air after Delilah slapped his chest for the outburst. "Sorry." both Max and Brock's dad grumbled turning back to their food. We sat and talked for a good two hours before we were shoed out of the dining room and into the backyard. I learned his fathers name was Jackson and Brock's fathers is Danny. I also learned that Brock's mother died in the rogue attack that Max's father died in as well. Right now I'm being drug up the stairs to our room because apparently "'siding with the old Luna brings nothing but trouble'" Max scolded while Delilah giggled and apologized for getting me in trouble. The door swung open and he set me down on the floor when my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Jay.

-Yeah I found her sis.-
• Well? Tell me all about her. •
- Her name is Amber she was the Beta's daughter and she would have been the Alphas mate.-
•what do you mean she was and would have been??•
-she died Sky. I smelt her scent and followed it to her grave. She died a month ago after she was shot by a hunter.-
•Oh my Jay I'm so so sorry. I don't know what else to say!•
-it's fine sis I'll text you tomorrow I got to go. Bye-
•Bye bro.•

I stood frozen in the middle of the room letting the news soak in. My brothers mate is dead. He will have to mate with another girl so he can have an heir but he can't do that with his true mate. Unless the fates give him a second mate then he would have the happy ending he wanted. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Max pressed a kiss to my temple and climbed into bed. I quickly used the restroom and did the routine before I walked back into the room. Max was sprawled out over the whole bed waiting for me. "Babe you might want to move." I warned getting in a tuning stance. "But why??" He asked not moving the pillows from his face. "Fine you asked for it!" I hollered then ran and leaped into the air. I flopped down on top of him earning a grunt from the unexpected weight. He sat up and looked at me with a silly smile on his adorable face. "your heavier then you look." he laughed at the look on my face once Id registered what he'd said. "No I'm not I just threw all my weight on you." i argued pushing him out of bed. He landed on the floor with a loud thud and a groan. I burst into a fit of giggles and peaked my head over the edge of the bed. "Yeah who's heavy now!" I rolled onto my side so he could climb back in. The bed dipped and I was pulled into his chest my phone buzzed and read I had a message from an unknown number. I picked it up and held it so both Max and I could read what it said.
-aww don't you two look so cute? Not as cute as me and you will darling.-
Max growled and pulled me further into him as another message came in.
- dearest Max I'm surprised you don't remember me! Maybe this will help.-
A video message popped up.

It was a little boy who I assume was max running around outside with a wolf chasing him. He'd giggle profusely when the wolf licked him. The wolf was white with a Blake tail. It was large but I couldn't tell if it was male of female. a voice rang out over the giggles calling Max to come see his aunty Helen. He ran and jumped into a pregnant woman's arms. He called her nene and kissed her cheek before bouncing off her lap and running back to the wolf. The woman hollered for Jack to stop videotaping and come help her and Delilah set the table. Brock's dad took the camera from whom I assume is Jack. He called out to Helen telling her to be careful to not hurt herself doing anything. She just waved him off and walked inside the house. A few minutes past of watching Max and now Brock run from the wolf. Max jumped on the wolf and began shouting at the wolf. He said daddy change back, change back! He slid off his dad's back and watched in amazement as the wolf turned to a very tall and well built man. He resembled Max in every way except his eyes were a bright green instead of light brown. He laughed and made the two boys wash the mud off with a water hose while a woman brought them towels. Brock jumped into her arms screaming thank you mommy. I awed at that. Jack appeared on the porch and Max ran and jumped onto him successfully knocking the man to the ground. Brock's father walked to Jack and handed him his camera. Max hugged Jack or who he calls JJ and told him he was the best uncle ever. Then the video ended. I hadn't noticed that Max had started shaking and growling. I gripped his shoulders and forced him to look me in the eye. He calmed down to the point that I could ask him a question. "Max what's wrong. Who is it?" He growled loudly before saying the name. "My uncle Jack."

Don't kill me guys. Sorry for the wait. We had staar testing and then a tornado came through and destroyed half my town so I've been helping people out here but hopefully you liked this chapter! The man behind the Orange eyes is Max's uncle.. Didn't see that coming did you?
-❤️ Britt-

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