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-To my darling Sky-
I'm sorry to reach you this way! I couldn't help but overhear the grand news about you and Jay! If it weren't for that retched boy I would have had you for myself long ago. Oh and your father will be so pleased once he learns of me. In fact he would love to tell you who I am and how horrible I am. Trust me my darling, to you I will be nothing but perfect unless you disobey me then you must be punished. Anywho I will see you soon! Goodbye for now my darling Sky..
Lots and lots of love
Your true mate.
Sky's Pov.

I scowled at every darling written on that blasted page. I crumpled the paper and threw it in the bin along with the bloodied rose and set them ablaze. I turned to stomp out of the room but Max's chest stood in my path. "Let me pass." I growled. "Sweetheart look at me, I don't want you going anywhere without me or Brock or at least three guards okay?" He questioned running his hands over my cheeks. "No. I'm not going to be guarded like a little friken princess just because some stupid egotistical stalker wants me. If he was serious he would have taken me when I was running with just Jay all over the country. so take your guards and Brock and anyone else shove them in your juice box and drink it. Now move I'm going to take a run." I growled pushing past him and stomping down the stairs. I made my way out of the house and into the woods. I shifted and heard my clothes shred as I did but shrugged it off. 'It's just fabric, I like fur better anyway' sage sneered. I ran as fast as possible and stopped to knock down the occasional tree or bush in my path. I came to a stop at a small meadow filled with little flowers and a small pond in the middle. I slowly walked to the edge and plopped myself down into the water. The cool liquid helped calm my body after ramming myself into trees, bushes, and some small animals as well. I closed my eyes to rest for a few minutes but seemed to have drifted to sleep. I opened my eyes to nothing but darkness. There was no moon or any stars out, it was raining like crazy, and I completely forgot my way. 'Hey Sage could you maybe figure out how to get back or heck maybe talk to Max's wolf?' I sweetly asked. 'yeah I'll ask Matt to come get us.' she squealed, obviously happy to talk to him. (Btw idk what Max's wolf's name was but its Matt now!) Rain poured down on my fur making it wet and stick to my body. So much for him finding me! My scent has probably been gone for hours! I stood up with a grunt and ran off in the direction my gut told me might be correct. I was zooming past a bunch of trees when Max joined my side trying hard to keep up with my pace. I smirked internally and speed up. He huffed and pushed himself harder. Sage growled at me for pushing her mate to his limits but I just laughed back. I slowed down at the small pond Jay and I stopped at on the way in. 'Don't even think about leaving me Princess. I will track you down and bring you right back to me.' Max growled through a link. Wait a link! 'Max how are you in my head!!!!! We don't have a link do we?!' I screamed. 'Uh yeah we do. When I marked you it opened one up dummy.' he laughed bumping his shoulder into mine. I turned towards the wind and felt the rain pelt my coat. Max walked next to me and nuzzled my my side in an attempt to push me the other way. I shut my eyes and shot the opposite way towards the edge of the tree line. We stopped just before the back yard and he gave me his shirt while he put on his shorts. He grabbed my hand and held my gaze. We turned and ran to the middle of the back yard and started to dance in the rain. Our feet squishing into the earth and our bodies moving as if we were rusty professionals. "we better go inside before the children join us the mothers scold us all." He laughed grabbing my hand and pulling me to the house. A petite woman ran up to us and began to scold Max for not being responsible. I stifled a giggle at the look of shame upon his face. The woman turned and started to scold me after hearing my laugh. "And you missy! Running off for no reason and getting yourself lost then calling my son to come and rescue you! Who do you think you are?! If he's sick I promise you I'll-" "You will do nothing to my mate mother." Max growled lowly. "Your mate." she whispered. "Uh Hello?" I squeaked afraid she would scold me again. "Oh deary come with me! We have to get you out of those clothes and into my room so I can go over ground rules! Sorry I didn't notice your mark before I was just blinded by my temper!" She shrieked and started to drag me off to who knows where. "I'll see you both at dinner!" Max hollered. i turned and mouthed help me at him but only received a smirk. "See you later honey get out of those clothes before you get sick!" The woman shouted back. "Come on sweetie were going to have fun!" She squealed patting my hand. Oh moon goddess what have I gotten myself into!
So she met Max's mother...
That will be interesting won't it?
I just got back from visiting my sister in college. That was very strange considering she had more friends then me.. So tell me what you think of this chapter!
Until next time
-❤️ Britt-

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