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"My uncle Jack"

The moment those three little words left his mouth a large gray wolf burst through the window. It rolled onto its paws facing Max and baring it's teeth, releasing a menacing growl. The wolf took two large steps in my direction before Max shifted and pounced on him. The two bit and clawed at each other for what seemed like an hour before the gray wolf was on top of Max's.  I took two steps forward to try and stop the brawl but stepped on glass. I whimpered aloud knowing my foot was healing with the glass still in it. The sound made both wolfs turn to look at me, giving Max the perfect chance to send the gray wolf flying. The only problem with that is it's coming right for me with its teeth bared and claws out. It slammed into me digging three claws into my mark knocking us both through the bedside table and onto the ground. The weight of the wolf disappear and arms pulled me up as gasps escaped the mouth of Brock's father. He instantly clamped his hand on my side sending shocks of pain throughout my body. Looking down trying to find my source of pain I am met with the sight a broken leg of the table going straight through my side. I hissed throwing my head back letting a howl of pain escape, and earning my mates attention. Max appeared next to me gripping my hand with one of his, and using his other to cover my pierced mark while talking to me as we ran. "Sweetheart! Sky stay with me! Keep your eyes open!" I lifted a shaky hand to weakly cup his cheek and whispered. " I'm so tired Max." His pleads for me to stay awake soon became distant as I drifted in and out of consciousness. His blurry hands grabbed my face and brought me closer screaming something with tears running down his cheeks. I fought hard to keep my eyes open, and resist the urge to go to sleep. My vision blurred and hearing fuzzy, I just mumbled incoherent words in attempt to soothe my mate. "Sky don't you dare let those beautiful eyes close!" I nodded my head and fought to keep myself alert by looking at the surroundings and not the face of my crying Max. We were outside racing towards the infirmary when I noticed a young man near my age standing in the tree line watching us with a wicked smile. I moved my gaze to the woods behind him that are so inviting to both my wolf and I as we once again made our way to the horrid building filled with white walls, and soaked with the emotions and memories of the pack members. My mind suddenly went to my life as a runner with Jay by my side. It was so easy for us after we had both shifted, but that's all ruined now. Jay's mate is dead, mine's uncle is trying to get me now that I'm with Max. I wish Jay had never made me stay. I want my runner life back but I want this life with my mate too! If I make it through this I'm defiantly gunna go visit my dad for a bit. Bright lights interrupted my thoughts as I realized where I was. On a white bed with many men trying to pull Max out of the room. My eyes failed me and began to close when I whispered four words that sent max into an enraged frenzy.
" I love you Max."


"Yes Alpha. I'm watching him as we speak.
•Is he in the room with her?•
"No Sir. He's fighting with a few of his men trying to get in her room."
•Excellent. Benny should make his move any moment.•
"Are you sure the doctor is on our side Alpha? He seemed very nervous and shaky under the Alpha's gaze."
• Shut up pup. He's very loyal to me. Besides we have his child to insure his trust. Now make sure the plan goes accordingly and that creep hasn't been captured.•
"Yes Alpha."
I excited the infirmary and circled the building until I found the Luna's room window. I watched the doctor intently as he began our plan. He cleaned and bandaged her wounds making sure Jack's claws broke the mating mark before he finished the bandaging carefully to not damage the package. Oh don't worry Luna the moment that nasty mate of yours is taken care of we can put you in your rightful place alongside the chosen one. The very second Doc finished up the plan that stupid angry Alpha broke the door down shoving off the men holding him back from his mate. Idiots. That man better enjoy his time with the Luna. If everything goes according to plan he'll never see her blue eyes again. He'll be lucky if ever sees the light of day after we're done with him.

DONT KILL ME!!! I'm sorry it's so short and I should have updated sooner. I've been so busy and had such bad writers block. I've re-written this chapter three times until I got to here.  Well I had to this time because my dumb phone broke AGAIN. My lovely readers never purchase an I phone 5c because they are a piece of crap with the plastic backing. Well excuse my tiny complaint. I hope you all love it! Comment vote share! Love yall lots!!
Until next time
❤️ Britt

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